Note - I've been thinking how useful Whirling Strike can be in some scenarios of Battlegrounds. For example, first strike kills the last guardian, second strike touches orb #1, third strike touches on #2.
Yep, Battle Fury is just as good as having an extra creature in the zone; Whirling Strike is like having 2 extra creatures in the zone. Action economy is HUGE in Domination.
My "cheat" above was quick-casting Scimitar, then double-moving, then having the Scimitar hit the orb (to switch it back from neutral to my control after being Teleported out of the contested zone). But I could have just as easily quick-cast Teleport or Force Push on myself, then walked into the zone and swung melee. Or moved and cast Battle Fury on my creature that was still there, and had him take 2 swings. I opted to plan the Scimitar because it might prove useful in a future round (both for its action economy as an extra swing, and as a defense in case the opposing mages turned murderous), and had Battle Fury as a back-up (to cast on a skeleton). But had I known Scimitar didn't work like that, I would have planned Teleport instead.
Good to know going forward. Scimitar has been dropped in favour of other options.