Thanks for the welcome:
1) I didn't use electrify at all so far. In one of my games I played against a Swarm Beastmaster. The Gorgon Archer killed a falcon almost every turn. I tought it might be good against those swarm tactics. The 4 Dice Attack might kill some small creatures or at least stun them.
2) Yes, I played against a Lair. As I mentioned above, the archer did a lot of work, so I could kill my Opponent before his creatures got out of control.
My strategie against spawnpoints in general would be to get the archer in range. This way it can kill or cripple every creature as soon as it is summoned
3) Disarm is one of my favourite Cards in this spellbook. It's a cheap way to get rid of Eagleclaw Boots or some Armor for one turn.
4) In the first game I didn't cast it (against the Beastmaster). I needed to be more aggressive.
In the second game it was killed after casting 2 Acid Balls. After it was killed, it was like a game of poker. I always had to be one step ahead by picking the right answers.
Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. I think I will change that.
The Galvitar seems to be too expensive. I try to kill my opponent very quick and Need my mana to reduce his armor and push him. That's why I didn't include it.
If the opponent mage is able to get a lot of armor on himself, I have lost anyway. I don't want to use the Force Push against other creatures, so another wall doesn't seem to fit that well.
At first i was thinking about adding an Archer's Watchtower so the Gorgon Archer cannot be blocked by my own walls. The Eagly Wings are a much better solution for that problem. Thanks
Thank you for your ideas!
An Early rust seems to be a very good idea.
Seeking Dispel on the Tought Spore also sounds good, as it's a cheap spell.
Brace Yourself seems to be a big issue and might counter this spellbook quite well. My first opponent didn't have it in his spellbook at all. In the second match I was able to use seeking dispel against it. As i mentioned in my first posting we aren't very experienced. Maybe a more experinced Player will have more copies of this Card in his deck. -.-