Just finished our first play of Academy. Took about 50 min including reading through all the cards, using recommended spell books, ending in the 6th round. The impression was that while the game is simpler and quicker (no planning phase, no conjurations, no opening/closing quick cast sub-phases, fewer cards, less mana, less life), it's no less complex - partly because so many cards have several lines of text or involve tokens. No reprinting means more complicated versions of the friendly enchantments, and even the creatures feel like more complicated (albeit often weaker/cheaper) versions of their straightforward Arena counterparts. Compare new Steelclaw family to papa Grizzly, or Witchwood Hound to Bitterwood Fox. They aren't particularly hard to understand (I opened with a Lightning Raptor + FD Giant Size, and later was swinging with 6 or 7 dice with a charged up bird with extra Dissipate token vs Shrink'd Hounds and Minor Essence Drain'd Fairy) but we had more counters going than in a typical game of Arena with all the Dissipate markers, Guard markers (arguably more powerful/necessary in Academy than Arena), damage tokens, Stagger tokens, +1 damage (for the Beastmaster's new knife - token not included), Charge markers, etc. Quick overall, but less streamlined or simplified than we were expecting. Also my opponent noted she missed the planning phase (her favourite part and something she thought was unique and crucial to Mage Wars) - and I pointed out that "Academy Advanced" might be playing Academy rules but adding a planning phase where you choose and limit yourself to the 2 spells you can play.
Oh, and we noticed an error - or at least something misleading - with 2 cards that caused my opponent to cheat accidentally. Both Badger Frenzy and Panther Stealth have card art depicting a Warlock Mage enchanted with a ghostly apparition (similar to Bear Strength, etc)... which is odd since neither can legally enchant a Mage! Both can only target Minor living creatures, and since a Mage is level 4 or higher, the image showing it enchanting a Mage is quite misleading.