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Author Topic: Flight trait - new rule?  (Read 2226 times)


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Flight trait - new rule?
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:51:52 PM »
Hi budddies, im testing with my friends a new rule, and i would like to know your thoughs, it´s based in the terms that designers said that this game it´s realistic ( except fantasy ) xd

flying trait it´s very very powerfull but not have any problem in the reality, we use that if a flying creature lose flying for a enchantment or something, the creature suffers 3dice damage, similar to be pushed againts walls.

We use this for several efects
-Snatch: we have many discussions about this, but several of us believe that it´s normal when you snacth a creature to you normally the creature crash againts the floor because loose control of flying, we use this and no considering the posibility of crash on the creature that do the snatch dice.

-Push - We use the push incantation in the same manner as you like to push against a wall, and furthermore the creature loose flying until the end of turn, but only if you spent the additional mana to crush her or him.

What are your thoughs? you believe it´s a good rule? or you would like to modify?


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Re: Flight trait - new rule?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2014, 10:58:03 PM »
That opens up new tactics for sure!
For Push, I wonder if we need some kind of z-level pushing mechanism or not, because I'm thinking flying creatures can be push up / down...
That will add another layer of reality, but possibly bog down the game play...
Just a thought anyway :)