I'm getting tired of playing regular 1v1 all the time, and I noticed that it's very difficult to start a multiplayer game on OCTGN, likely because you need to have 4 players be online at the same time and not already in a game. This is difficult because players start 1v1 games almost as soon as they find a single opponent, rather than waiting to see who else might show up.
And games with more than four players are pretty much nonexistant on OCTGN.
As I've said, I'm getting really tired of constant 1v1, and I'd like to spice things up a bit. From now on, anyone who wants to can schedule online mutliplayer/variant games on this thread. When scheduling a game, either use American Central Time (the Time Zone of Arcane Wonders HQ), or GMT 0 (whatever time it is on the Prime Meridian) to protect the privacy of players and to make scheduling simpler and easier for everyone.