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Author Topic: Drain Soul and gaining life.  (Read 2671 times)


  • Charlotte Mage Warrior
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Drain Soul and gaining life.
« on: January 10, 2014, 03:35:40 AM »
So I just bought Battle for Kumanjo and I spotted Drain Soul. At first thought I was deeply impressed with it. Yeah it's expensive but man you pull that trick off once and you're smiling! Couple of things though

1. Am I correct in thinking that "Gain Life" means your permanent Health goes up? Sunfire Amulet also has that wording I believe.

2. What happens if you would gain more life than is on the counter? Say for example if a Warlock who hasn't yet named a Dark Servant suddenly went up a ton? Is the excess lost(that'd make sense) or do you just jot down the actual number? Obviously if the excess is lost it would be in the Warlocks best interest to get that Dark Servant out first.
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Re: Drain Soul and gaining life.
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 04:25:15 AM »
1. You are right.

2. You are not limited by the board numbers.


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Re: Drain Soul and gaining life.
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 07:39:09 AM »
Drain Soul is most importantly an exactly 6 damage spell
In a game that uses cards as non-random but combat as random
That is a big deal (apart from the 12 swing)

Glad to hear that you were impressed by Kumanjaro
It is what I always propose as the "second buy" after Core Set (yet commercially did less well!)

For those who haven't got it, there are crucial pieces of tech in it
Here was an old post explaining why it's so good

Get Conquest

> Enchantment Transfusion (singe-handedly creates action burst combos, protects enchants, targeted counter)
> Wizard's Tower (why we play wizards, 'nuff said)
> Galador (awesome if slightly meta-dependent)
> Guardian Angel (holy gets the best interceptor)
> Surging Wave (range 2 slam 3+ to remove guard markers, extinguish burn, unavoidable vs. gremlins, utility)
> Eagleclaw Boots (wizards use teleport wands, don't like being pushed through thorns, trapped by walls etc)
> Armour Ward / Enchanter's Wardstones (only if playing Mana Denial or Transfusion Curse Stacking)
> Healing Charm (with enchanter's ring, time it right for max. unexpected life extension)
> Gargoyle Sentry (fine interceptor that can emerge from Gate to Voltari and protect it)
> Drain Soul (even a new toy for a Warlock, maybe single toolbox copy to deal exactly 6 damage or a 12 swing)

The 2 variant mages play very different to base set (Jokhtari with a Lair spawning Dire Wolves, Galador, Hunting Bow, Tanglevines, Idol, Deathlock is especially fun in a meta without Iron Golems).

However, what really sold it to me most was the flavour: the whole set is seeped in a Native Shaman vs. Fanatic Missionary colonial fantasy setting that is so refreshingly different. Your posts demonstrate a rich creativity and this setting will appeal to your imagination.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. And then it's just fun.


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Re: Drain Soul and gaining life.
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2014, 02:10:16 PM »
I agree, Drain Soul is currently as close as the game has to a "Terror" to just spot remove a creature and know it will work, Or simply take a big bite out of something's health.

Id also add that Eagle Claw Boots also have the perk of making you immune to Slam from Surging Waves and Hurl Boulders.  (Immovable creatures only get Dazed instead of Slammed.)


  • Charlotte Mage Warrior
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Re: Drain Soul and gaining life.
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2014, 11:39:05 PM »
Deckbuilder I would certainly agree with if you're focusing on Nature or Holy builds. Definitely go buy Battle of Kumanjaro first. However I'd actually probably recommend Druid VS Necromancer. Yeah there are already Nature and Dark mages in the core book but they play vastly different than the Druid and Necromancer. I've yet to play the two classes from CoK. All of your points as to why it's awesome are 100% valid.

Wildhorn that's the best news I've heard all day.

Baron I'm not gonna lie Eagleclaw Boots are one of the main reasons I got the expansion. I hate getting slammed by the Force Master constantly.

Thanks for the info guys!

  • Favourite Mage: Straywood Beastmaster
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