I was like you only my saucy friend, and I wholeheartedly agree about the male beast master, I also feel that he does not actually need a spawnpoint to do well, but they are far from bad. With a lair and a meditation amulet I can have a falcon and a bear out by turn 3. Yes I am wasting the first round on lair plus harmonize, as well as my entire mana supply, but in that action I'm telling people that I am going to depend on this conjuration to win the game, when in reality, the lair only matters for the first few rounds. This strategy of baiting the opponents game plan is comparable to another book I have and do talk about a lot, that book being my earth wizard, which instead of using a spawnpoint, uses a combination of grimson + watchtower to force the opponent to come out and deal with him or die. Using the lair, in conjunction with the meditation amulet, I am able to effectively turtle while forcing the opponent to answer my lair either by becoming aggressive or by sending creatures of their own in with. Since I am not able to take advantage to the johktaris fast ability while using amulet, I am letting my opponent come within range of the bow instead of me having to lose safety of my conjuration and starting square to do it. So, the lair becomes a dual purpose card when used the right way, not only being an action production engine on it's own, but also a way to speed the game to mid game as quickly as possible. Turn 1 lair just does it well, better than any other spawnpoint to date.
We can also examine the gate to voltari engine as we'll, but I do not think it is as good yet because of the lack of creature variety it has. Right now the best way to use gate to voltari and harmonize is for blue gremlins, but I think even then it's better to cast them rather than deploy them. But tomato tomato.