Promo cards... Don't get me onto that subject. Even though I cringe at some of my early posts (I'll no doubt cringe at some of my current posts in the future), here was the thread where I challenged the wisdom of a divisive jealousy-inducing "marketing tool" in a LCG which (unlike a CCG) lets players buy the cards they want. includes the important announcement by an AW Director that Shad0w's great crowd-sourcing idea that promo cards allow for beta testing, perfect for a small indie with a fanatical base, is not their function, that all promo cards will be eventually released unchanged!
This prompted me (and Shad0w) to review existing promo cards and highlight the broken-ness of some of them. highlighted Ballista, Akiro's Favour, Altar of Iron Guard and Sersyrix as over-powered in the current card pool (Ballista even more so with Altar of Peace).
My review of Meditation Amulet was less than complimentary... I hope I'm proved wrong as I want Spawnpoints to work more. The Druid's vine mechanic certainly accommodates it best so far.
Anyway, back to the concept of promo cards. By having promo cards in the FAQ, they are giving them credibility and legitimacy, putting pressure on us peons without promo cards to accept playing someone with them.
Magic has lots of foil or special art promo cards in FNM. But they never ever release unique promo cards card, let alone highly competitive or even broken ones. Discovering it's broken is an unfair wasted gaming experience on those 2 players.
If you must have unique promos, at least make them extremely niche strategies that Johnny-combo players will try to make playable - like Gate to Hell. But even then, it's just plain unfair.
That said, I do wish that instead of having 2 copies of Epic spells, they released 1 copy of Gravikor and Temple of Peace as well as 1 each of Teleport, Regrowth Belt, Dragonscale Huaberk, Enchanter's Ring, Grizzly.
Gravikor and Temple of Peace are game changers. I can't wait for them to arrive.