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Author Topic: The build that gave me my first victory: RUN!  (Read 5839 times)

Sailor Vulcan

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The build that gave me my first victory: RUN!
« on: October 06, 2013, 06:34:01 PM »

Earth Wizard


1 Archer's Watchtower
2 Wall of Steel
2 Wall of Stone
2 Wall of Pikes
2 Mangler Caltrops
1 Wall of Thorns
1 Gravikor
2 Mana Crystal
2 Tanglevine


2 Goblin Builder
1 Grimson Deadeye Sniper
1 Giant Wolf Spider
3 Gargoyle Sentry
4 Blue Gremlin


2 Cheetah Speed
1 Mongoose Agility
3 Teleport Trap
3 Hellfire Trap
3 Spiked Pit
4 Nullify
4 Decoy


2 Eagleclaw Boots
1 Elemental Cloak
1 Dragonscale Hauberk
1 Regrowth Belt


3 Force Push
2 Seeking Dispel
2 Dispel
2 Dissolve

I originally meant this to be primarily a chase build, where I want both my mage and my opponent's to be moving, but I realized that I could also win by using my booby traps to restrict their movement, even trapping them, rather than just damaging them or slowing them down. Naturally there are some relatively significant edits I want to make. First off, I probably want to reduce the Gremlin count to 3 or use a different creature, like Stonegaze Basilisk, Darkfenne Hydra, Iron Golem, or Earth Elemental. I'm also thinking of getting rid of one of my mana crystals, since I'm not so sure I actually need 2 of them. I'm also wondering if I should reduce the goblin builder count to 1. I also am strongly considering adding zone attacks.

My opponent had cast a ballista early on, preventing me from running around the board right from the getgo, before he turtled and placed several traps. I was in a horrible position right from the beginning of the game, and I literally had to use table talk to trick him into taking my bait with the help of a couple force pushes and a teleport trap to get him out of his comfort zones and into my corner, a process that was long and difficult and would probably have been a lot easier with a teleport, and would not have been possible if he hadn't destroyed one of my walls that was in the way.

It helped that he had also placed a barracks; his plan to swarm and my great board disadvantage gave me the pretext I needed to pretend I was merely retreating when what I was really trying to do was lure him into the corner without his soldiers. Once I got him in my corner, he cast Sandstorm, which could have pushed him away from me and cause me to lose right there, but instead slammed him to the south wall of the arena. Then I Tanglevined him, and walled him off on the left with a Wall of Thorns (didn't have enough mana for a more powerful wall at that point, since I had yet to manage to cast a second Crystal). I waited for him to destroy the wall of thorns then replaced it with a wall of steel, put a wall of pikes on the northern zone border and attacked him with arcane zap.

My opponent surrendered soon after, and said that there was no way for him to win. I didn't think it was over yet, since next round he could have melee attacked the tanglevine with his mage and range attack with his Sniper, for a total of 6 dice, and the chance to reroll with akiro's favor if he got a bad roll for his mage's attack. If he had done that, then he could have gotten out of there, since the wall of pikes was pointing outward to prevent the soldier swarm from getting in, rather than inward to prevent my opponent from getting out. I would have been cornered between his swarm and his ballista. All it would have taken was destroying the Tanglevine and a single misroll of Giant Wolf Spider's effect, and he would have won.

Of course, the fact that I won might have something to do with how I was using an Earth Wizard and he was using a warlord and the Druid vs Necromancer expansion's "corrode" cards have not been released yet. I used Voltaric Shield quite a bit in that game.

What do you think?
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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Re: The build that gave me my first victory: RUN!
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 08:42:43 PM »
Congrats. Not sure why the guy quit,  it wasn't like it was completely hopeless from the way it sounds. Maybe he has yet to be in that uncomfortable trapped position and just quit out of frustration. Regardless, a win's a win, just wish it had been a little sweeter for you. Good work.


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Re: The build that gave me my first victory: RUN!
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2013, 12:34:09 PM »
I think I played against you on OCTGN a few weeks ago...I remember playing against this book, anyway. And I definitely remember The Spider That Wouldn't Die :D Good to see you've added the belt! That will definitely help give you the advantage while kiting around the walls.

Can I ask why you include multiple kinds of walls? Having Walls of Pikes or Thorns makes sense because they're tactically useful, but why both Walls of Stone and Steel? To me it seems better to simply have 4 of the less expensive one since walls rarely get destroyed anyway.

Sailor Vulcan

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The build that gave me my first victory: RUN!
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2013, 08:22:33 PM »
I need a zig-zag of three walls in the center of the arena to create a circuit for the chase. Thorns aren't quite sturdy enough for that, and wall of pikes only discourages movement through one side. Although I think you're right, the steel should go.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 08:50:37 AM by Imaginator »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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The build that gave me my first victory: RUN!
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2013, 09:41:59 PM »
So after much testing I have an improved updated version of this spellbook: Booby Trapped!

Booby Trapped!

Earth Wizard


2 Goblin Builder
2 Gargoyle Sentry
1 Giant Wolf Spider
1 Darkfenne Hydra


3 Wall of Stone
2 Wall of Pikes
1 Gravikor
1 Suppression Orb
1 Mana Crystal
2 Enchanter's Wardstones
2 Quicksand
2 Mangler Caltrops


2 Cheetah Speed
2 Mongoose Agility
2 Nullify
4 Hellfire Trap
3 Teleport Trap
1 Spiked Pit
3 Decoy
2 Chains of Agony
2 Poisoned Blood
1 Bear Strength


2 Eagleclaw Boots
1 Regrowth Belt
1 Dragonscale Hauberk
1 Elemental Cloak
1 Moonglow Amulet


2 Dispel
2 Seeking Dispel
2 Dissolve
2 Teleport
3 Forcepush
1 Purge Magic


1 Sandstorm

Discussion of major changes:

First of all, I took out the watchtower and the sniper. It just didn't work. i also took out wall of thorns, since it's extremely fragile and I didn't have enough room for it when all was said and done. I took out all the Gremlins. They were 28 mana and four full actions that would have been better spent on more relevant things. Those Gremlins seemed to be for a sort of "Board control", traveling anywhere in the arena unrestricted to attack threats. I realized that doesn't fit this build.

Also, I realized that I need to be more patient with casting walls. Round one I need to only cast one wall in center of board, then wait to find out what opponent does before deciding whether I need another wall yet, and where. For defensive opponents I will corner them and wall them in with my Hydra. For more aggressive mages I use traditional "Gingerbread Man" tactics.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 08:47:59 AM by Imaginator »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.