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Rules Discussion / Re: Sistarian Robes - Text Clarification
« Last post by Puddnhead on September 01, 2021, 08:02:15 AM »
A card you OWN means a card you brought to the game.
A card you CONTROL is a card for which you are making the decisions.
An Effect you Control is an effect originating from a Card you control.

In most situations, if you played the card, you control the effect of the card. Therefore, when your Mana Worm attacks and damages an enemy, you trigger Sistaran Robes.  Likewise, when your opponent pays mana during the upkeep for their creature due to your Minor Essence Drain, you trigger Sistaran Robes.
General Discussion / Correct Cards for Deck building
« Last post by Graf_N00berix on August 28, 2021, 11:33:53 AM »
Building my deck with OCTGN I've noticed that some spell have multible cards.
The Wizard Tower or Sherean Leviathan for example.
Well, I read a ERATA which tell me which version of the Wizard Tower i have to use (for the Sherean Leviathan not).

Is there a List of Cards which could tell me which card i have to use so i don't use an outdated (incorrect) card without seaching  each time?
I am sure there are way more Card which got nerves or buffed over time.
... and I'm hoping QCTGN is up to date ...
Rules Discussion / Sistarian Robes - Text Clarification
« Last post by Graf_N00berix on August 28, 2021, 11:12:44 AM »
Sistarian Robes

the text state: "... of an effect you controll ..."
plaese clarify - i did'nt found a deffinition and I'm not sure how to play it.
Rules Discussion / Re: fast + elusive + charge
« Last post by Graf_N00berix on August 12, 2021, 11:30:32 AM »
Rules Discussion / Re: fast + elusive + charge
« Last post by Knabbmaster on August 11, 2021, 06:41:25 PM »
Yes, you can.
Rules Discussion / fast + elusive + charge
« Last post by Graf_N00berix on August 11, 2021, 08:03:08 AM »

if i have a creature witch has charge+X, is fast and is elusive (or flying):
if my creature is standing in a zone with enemy creatures, can i move out and than in the same zone again in one activation to trigger charge?
Rules Discussion / Re: Helm of Righteousness
« Last post by Graf_N00berix on July 29, 2021, 01:39:01 AM »
Rules Discussion / Re: Helm of Righteousness
« Last post by Coshade on July 28, 2021, 03:03:19 PM »
Hey there,

This is a good question! The Dawnbreaker Ring gives the attacking mage the Range and Melee +1 trait on light attacks. The Helm of justice is not an attack when it deals damage, so it would not gain any additional damage from the Dawnbreaker Ring.
Rules Discussion / Helm of Righteousness
« Last post by Graf_N00berix on July 26, 2021, 03:30:08 AM »

I need a clarification for the Helm of Righteousness.
It does 1 direkt light damage to the attacker on an friendly creature.
If i wear the Dawnbreaker Ring for example (which gives +1 Light) it does NOT add to the damage, right?
... because no dice are rolled.
Events / Re: Mage Wars Summer 2021 Online Tournament!
« Last post by Coshade on June 27, 2021, 06:03:09 PM »
Just posted an updated for the group stage! Good luck everybody!
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