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Messages - Borg

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General Discussion / Re: The current state of MW
« on: May 22, 2018, 10:00:19 AM »
My point is if you don't have a solution and don't pose a question in your initial post, what is the point of it? It's like saying the murderer is going to strike again and not trying to stop him, without a solution to the stated problem, stating the problem isn't useful.

So any opening post without a solution or question should not be posted ?
I'm sorry my post doesn't fit your requirements.
I suggest you just further ignore it.

At this point I'd say you're just trolling.

General Discussion / Re: The current state of MW
« on: May 22, 2018, 09:29:38 AM »
I rarely write anything in here anymore. But this time I have to.

I will try to not point my finger at anyone, but don't you guys see how you reacts to Borgs well formulated analysis? He (she?) presents a theory based on objective numbers where he asks about the community opinion. No where I can't see he throwing any bad words about the game I'm sure he would love to see flourish. And in return you give him over exaggerated feelings as a reply, instead of constructive feedback. That is not a welcoming community. Improve! You don't have many more in here to loose.

The question Borg has is very valid, and where to discuss it if not here?
How are we supposed to give feedback if all he provides are numbers and no real solutions to the problem at hand?

My opening post was an OBSERVATION.
You can react to it or not , give your opinion, view or not.

Also, I'd really like to see your solution (s) to this problem since without any provided, the entire post doesn't really serve the general public anything.

I didn't realise I was able to solve MW's problems ...
So, unless anybody has the solution to make MW successful he's not allowed to post about it anymore ?

At least ask us what we would do, that facilitates discussion.

I've always thought that a forum was a place to have .... discussions.

General Discussion / Re: The current state of MW
« on: May 22, 2018, 09:21:59 AM »
I don’t agree with the statistics you brought here just because they are core sets does not mean they are very similar.

I'll just repeat again, I'm not looking for similar games, I'm comparing votes on games.
I'm just looking at Dominion and Mage Knight to get an IDEA of how many votes those core games got.
So, it doesn't matter what type of games those are.

... MW has more content and deck building potential than many games including MTG.

That's just 100% untrue.
Magic has over 15000 cards.

MTG basically recycles out cards and renames cards every few cycles of releases.

MTG does recycle some cards but that is mostly a cliché negative comment for people who don't like MTG.
The variety and different mechanics that have been included the last 15 years are unrivalled.

I do believe with proper support this game deserves and will be big.  I do think with the hotness and many games especially card dueling games they get rebooted to stay relevant because everyone likes the new shiney thing.  If mages Wars Arena was to make a 2.0 it will be successful as long as it has a strong support from the company.

I wouldn't mind if you were right, Farkas but imo you're being totally unrealistic here.

1. If there are no funds left to continue MW 1.0 how are they going to finance MW 2.0 ?

2. How would the casual MW player feel about all his MW 1.0 cards suddenly becoming obsolete and kind of being forced into buying MW 2.0. ?
I experienced this exact scenario when MageKnight 1.0 ( the miniature game ) was terminated by WhizKids and replaced by MK 2.0
The backlash was enormous and MK 2.0 and MK 1.0 were finished a couple of years later.

General Discussion / Re: The current state of MW
« on: May 22, 2018, 08:55:08 AM »
If you want more Mage Wars, convince other people to buy more Mage Wars products, it will give AW an incentive to spend more on advertising and development because Mage Wars will be more profitable than it currently is.  Otherwise, we will continue as we have for the last few years.

That's exactly my point.
MW is NOT profitable anymore at this point in time. That's exactly what those declining votes indicate imo.
That's the simple and basic reason why we haven't gotten an Arena expansion in over a year and why there is nothing in the plans for the near future either.

Even the planned 4 academy expansions are looking like a real longshot now.

... about the game I'm sure he would love to see flourish.

Thanks fas723.
You nailed every point right on the head and especially the quote above.

General Discussion / Re: The current state of MW
« on: May 19, 2018, 03:28:38 PM »

I'm not comparing MW with Mage Knight or Dominion as a game, I'm only looking at the number of votes those games have gotten to get an IDEA about the popularity/success these games have had in terms of sales and how they rank with regards to each other.
Again, no hard science but I do think that votes and sales somewhat correlate.
Those numbers hint at Dominion selling about 10 times more than MW and MK about 3 times more.

Mage Knight was popular during its release ( I went to pick up an early copy of it at Essen Spiel that year ) but so was Mage Wars.
I also chose these games because they have a CORE box + expansions. ( Unlike magic )

Magic may be similar to MW as a game but that is not what I'm looking at. I'm trying to get an idea about how much MW sold and how those votes clearly indicate ( at least imo ) how the interest in MW went down.

Comparing MW with Magic expansions is flawed imo because Magic has an expansion every few months like clockwork and has been having that for 25 years.
MW expansions are few and far between and are like an EVENT when there actually is a new release. People are much more likely to comment on their purchase in MW's case imo because they are so rare.

Thus your argument is bogus.  I am a board gamer too and understand the rating formats and not many people rate expansions especially for a card dueling games.

So, are you saying then these ratings indicate nothing and those MW expansions sold incredibly well ( = made a lot of profit ? )

My question in general would be then: If Arena was actually such a profitable game, why haven't we had an Arena expansion in more than a year then, with nothing on the horizon either?
If you had a say in this, would you stop releasing expansions for it while it's succesful (in terms of sales) or would you make sure your fans stay interested/happy and provide them with new content ?
There's abolutely no reason to wait so long with a new Arena expansion if the game is healthy. So ... does that make sense to you ?

General Discussion / Re: The current state of MW
« on: May 18, 2018, 04:39:09 PM »
@Borg Also your statistics neglects the fact that many of the sets have been replaced by newer editions. Did you look at ratings for both editions of each set? Particularly including the ones before the "Arena" rebranding?

Sailor, BGG doesn't make a distinction between MW versions. The old page just gets updated and keeps all it votes and all I'm doing is looking at the number of voters on these pages.
I can only conclude that the number of voters go down with every new expansion.
Here, see for yourself

Academy got a decent amount of votes at the start, suggesting a good number of people picked it up, but it goes down quickly afterwards too.

Domination did not get a lot of votes giving me the impression it was not very successful.

Those votes are not "exact science" but I think they do "mirror" sales and success somewhat.

Also, this has nothing to do with AW having only 3 or 5 employees.
They could have 1000 employees. If the game doesn't sell enough, or make enough profit,  eventually it'll stop.

I also never compared with Magic. I compared with Dominion and Mage Knight which also have a CORE box.
I found it interesting to see how many votes those games had received so far, just to get an idea and to give me/us some kind of comparison.

Mage wars isn't dying, you're just using the wrong standard to measure arcane wonder's and MW's success.

What would be the right standard to measure arcane wonder's and MW's success then ?

General Discussion / The current state of MW
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:42:12 AM »
There have been multiple arguments made on the current state of MW before. Some claiming the game was ( as good as ) dead, others claiming the contrary.

I don't know the exact figure either of how many people are still playing the game but I figured there might be some "objective" numbers available somewhere who could give a good indication.

I took a look at Boardgamegeek. More specifically at the number of players who actually gave a rating to the game and its expansions.

This is what I found :

Dominion : 63.000 ratings
Mage Knight Board Game : 21.000 ratings

The Core Arena game : 6500 ratings.
Forged in Fire : 356 ratings
Domination : 140 ratings
Paladin vs Siren : 95 ratings
Forcemaster expansion : 14 ratings
Warlord expansion : 12 ratings

Obviously, the amount of players giving a rating to a certain expansion does not tell us exactly how many players are actually playing that expansion but I think it is safe to assume there is a good correlation between "number of people taking the time to give a rating on BGG" vs "people effectively still playing the game".

What do the numbers above indicate ?

MW core gets only about 10% of the ratings total of Dominion, indicating that the number of people getting into MW core is/was also roughly 10% of the number of people playing Dominion ( just to get an idea of the volume )

A game launched at approximately the same time as MW (2012) MageKnight (2011) has 21000 ratings which is more than three times the number MW got and I never got the impression Mage Knight was a hugely popular game. That number was a surprise to me. This indicates to me that the number of players actually playing MW was NEVER very high to begin with. Or at least not as high as people thought they were.

The most telling numbers however are those of the MW expansions.
Look at those numbers falling.
While FiF still gets 356 ratings, PvS only has 95 ratings and the latest ( small ) expansions can't even get to 20 ratings anymore.

This clearly seems to indicate imo that sales ( = players ) have dramatically dropped and are probably no longer enough to make a profit.

Chances are very high imo, we've seen the last of MW.

Magic is fun if you do drafts because at least there you can see a certain variation of cards used - because you just don't always draft the cards you need. So by design the decks there vary.
But if you look at standard..  it's fun the first few weeks after the release, but the following month after the pro tour it's dull as heck because everyone who plays seriously (with ambition) is playing the same deck the pros play. You may see some slight variation in the sideboard, but apart from that you know exactly what cards your opponent has as early as in t1 or t2.
You are right, the different decks don't use the same cards but everyone is using the same decks and that it far worse than overlaps in essential cards, what you have in Mage Wars.

It might be the same in Mage Wars if we had a "pro scene" as well, who knows, but since we don't have a pro scene everyone builds there deck as THEY think it is best and not just copying it from the internet. That alone is reason enough for me why I prefer Mage Wars.

Hi Enti,

As you point out, if MW had a "pro scene" I think you'd notice the exact same situation : lots of players bringing the same, latest powerbuild netdeck to a tournament.

However, I can't speak for "Standard" as I only play Legacy.
I think however it may be safe to say that standard may have somewhat less variety & power builds because of its limited card pool.
From my Legacy experience last year I can however say that I'm very pleased with the number and variety of competitive Legacy decks.

The "fantastic time" I'm having with it is because I like to build my own decks and not netdeck.
The challenge here lies of course in the fact that anything you come up with has to be able to stand up against the decks to beat.

I agree that in Magic tournament settings, you likely know what you're up against after your opponents' first two turns.
In MW however I usually know what my opponent has in his book BEFORE we even sit down.
Likely, at least one Dissolve, Dispel, Bear Strength, Force Push, Teleport, Regrowth, Rhino Hide, Surging Wave, Hurl Rock, Pillar of Righteous Flame, Tanglevine etc ...
That's what I dislike in MW by now : every book using too many identical staple cards from all different spell schools.

Apart from that, being able to choose from your whole deck every single turn adds so much more depth to the game.. Makes it so much more important to predict what your enemy might want to do, imho that's something unique no other game has.

That's what I thought as well.
But not anymore.

IMO 120 SBP's is too much. ( at least 20 too much imo )
A book's base strategy cards can usually be built with +/- 60 SBP's.
That leaves way too much SBP's to cherrypick a Toolbox of counter cards especially because you often need only 1 copy of a card due to the non-random draw in MW.
So many extra SBP's also means you can too easily tap into other schools.

This has two additional very negative results imo
1- games take way too long to play out as books usually have cherrypick answers to almost every situation.
2- the different schools mean nothing outside the bookbuilding phase as any mage can freely cherrypick and cast any spell he likes ( with some restrictions to some mages alright )

If I compare that with Magic TG
1- Decks are much more refined and tuned because of the random draw.
In magic every card in your deck has to advance your strategy.
If you put a "bad" card in your MW book, you're not necessarily hindered by it. You'll likely find out after a couple of plays that you never play it during a game or that the card doesn't fit but you won't suffer any gameplay consequences right away.
If you put a "bad" card in your Magic deck this can cause you to lose the game.
You can draw it into your hand thereby wasting a turn and giving your opponent one more turn to beat you.

So because of the Random Draw Magic deckbuilding needs more skill imo than MW bookbuilding and it also leads to less ( needlessly ) drawn out games.

2- The different schools actually mean something in Magic.
Figuring out how many and which Lands exactly you need to run in your deck are one of the key aspects of succesful deckbuilding. They also limit what you can play in your deck and whatnot.
In MW this doesn't matter at all. It's too easy for every mage imo to just use any spell from any school in general.
With more expansions (potentially ) coming out and thus more power cards coming out this only leads to spellbooks looking more and more identical as the number of "staples" will only grow.
So, I think MW has a problem here.

There are Toolbox decks in Magic too, like the old Survival of the Fittest decks or the more recent Green Sun's Zenith based decks but in general, most competitive decks are finely tuned decks with a specific strategy and without any "fat" on it.
In MW every spellbook is actually a Toolbox of Counters with a certain Mage and a strategy for him tacked on.
This leads to games taking way too long and becoming too repetitive after a number of games imo.

Mtg has a big fan base because it was the first tcg *ever*.

Being the first ever tcg surely is a factor but the main reason Magic is still so popular is because it has BECOME an amazing game over the course of its 25 year history.

Magic is far more developed, interesting and challenging now than when I stopped playing more than a decade ago.
There are so many incredible cards to build around and so many different deckbuilding options.
I started playing Magic again about a year ago and I'm having a fantastic time with it.
Mage Wars is extremely dull in comparison as every spellbook has roughly 25-50% of identical cards.
I haven't played MW for over a year and I don't miss it at all - though I regret that, but can't help it.

One can argue that MW isn't dead but when you have no expansions for it ( and no, ... Academy doesn't count for me ) in more than a year, a game is all but dead.

IMO, the sales of MW Arena have probably fallen so far that it's not profitable anymore to release a new expansion. So, technically it's probably not dead, but practically ... ?

Anyway, I wish those who still enjoy it good times with it.

Spellbook Builder / Re: My spellbook builder
« on: May 08, 2018, 04:11:31 PM »
So i wanted to use this amazing tool :)

I could not get it to show a single card?

I did put 3 copies of every set.

Can somebody help a  noob out?

Hi Biblo,
This is an excellent deckbuilder.
If it isn't working, that means your probably using Internet Explorer.
Install Google Chrome and open it in that browser, it will work fine.

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 25, 2018, 02:57:58 PM »
Right, even if we do not get any new mages this year, new strategies will certainly be available for those in existence.
Academy expansions do not produce "strategy changing" cards imho, at best some "minor changes" cards.
The strategies used in MW are old and downtrodden. "New" decks are usually nothing more than slightly varied older decks.
For me personally the thrill of MW deckbuilding is gone. There's only so much you can do with an extremely limited card pool.
If I look at some random current MW spelbook post I can't feel anything but disappointment as it's still all the same cards that make up the books.
There are soooo many more deckbuilding options in Legacy Magic.
I have like 20 decks by now ready to play and they hardly share any cards, unlike MW where every book needs the same Incantations and Enchantments, not to mention Pillar of Righteous Flame.
Imho, MW is not in a healthy state.

@ Sailor : I'm afraid I didn't notice the resurgence on OCTGN as I only occasionally drop by here

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 23, 2018, 03:16:08 AM »
If you read the "signs" correctly, MW seems to be on its way out imo.
No Arena expansion this year, meaning the same old books and same old mages to play.
MW suffers from not having enough variety and every mage using the same utility spells.
I quit playing roughly six months ago and haven't missed it for a second.
I hope I can feel the itch to play this game again some time but it looks bleak at this point.

Rules Discussion / Re: Sectarus and Rise Again
« on: December 01, 2017, 11:36:12 AM »
Sectarus and Rise Again are actually not a very good combination.

The curse spell on sectarus can only be played if the attacked creature is damaged but not dead.

Rise Again though only triggers when the creature is dead.
As such you can better cast Rise Again with your Quick Action right before you finish off a creature, then you can trigger the Rise Again and put it right back into your Spellbook ( when playing a Warlock )
Personaly I don't like to leave an untriggered RA on a creature.

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: November 29, 2017, 03:55:14 PM »
I used to be pretty active on this forum and have been a member since day 1 - literally, august 4 2012 - but this is my first post in 7 months.

I started playing Magic again several months ago and was amazed and exstatic when I found out how many fantastic cards and mechanics had been released since I left long ago.
I'm having a blast building decks again. Just the sheer possibilities and variety is incredible. Looking back on MW now - it looks like every MW book is 50% identical. No variation.
If you want to destroy an equipment in MW you have 1 or 2 viable cards.
In Magic there are at least twenty ways to take out artifacts and they all are better or worse depending on what deck you're running.

I realise some of you will not like to read this and it somehow pains me to say this as well but there is a serious lack of variety in MW ( due to the lack of releases and content ).
I didn't see or realise this either as long as I was having MW as my main hobby but now that I've picked up Magic again there's no denying how much better this game has become over the years.

I'm sure one day I'll pick up MW again though, but at this point I find Magic Deckbuilding & playing an absolute treat.

Just in case anyone's interested to check them out, here are my decks I've released so far. I have literally 50 more decks in the works :)


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sunfire Amulet + Siren?
« on: April 26, 2017, 02:13:38 AM »
It's really not that bad in terms of SBP. Sure for the Siren it would be 4 points, but for any other mage it's 3 points.

Actually, it's 5 sbp's for a Necromancer, as well as for Both Warlocks.

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