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Messages - Robintheboywonder

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: June 02, 2018, 10:31:42 PM »
so Tony, if I want to go to the Dice Tower Con do I need to preorder tickets or can I show up the day of (or days of, idk if it's more than one). I looked up where it is but I just wanted to see if I needed to get tickets now

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: May 31, 2018, 07:38:34 PM »
so I'm in Orlando, FL when/where can I go to get some promos. I have no promo cards but I have seen them on As fun as playing the game is i like owning all the cards as well, and considering that i didnt get into this game until early 2017 i have no promos beside the few that came with expansion sets

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 17, 2018, 05:10:19 PM »
This is the middle of April, in a couple more weeks its gonna be May. One third of the year will have gone.
I am excited for any new cards to be released regardless of expansion. The talk here is about 4 Academy mages, possibly and probably the druid, necromancer, siren, and paladin being the next expansion.
Now 2018 has a long way from being over, but if i put a baby in someone right now the year would just about be over before its born. so before this  fake baby hits its first trimester, it would be nice to have either info on when they will be released or hopefully have one of them out.
like some i dont mind the wait, but i would like to mark off my calendar to when it drops

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