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Messages - Reddicediaries

Pages: 1 ... 72 73 [74]
General Discussion / Re: Paladin vs Siren Spoilers
« on: June 15, 2016, 05:59:35 AM »
Like the Deptonnes. Feel that theyre very situational. Would be bad against necromancer and druid, no bleed chance. So wouldn't want to build a book around them.
Necro isn't so bad matchup for them. They won't be distracted by their bloodthirsty trait so they can focus on enemy mage or guard when necessary.
Against Druid You will have to have plenty of Song of Courage. Fast, Charge+1 and can't be hindered for 3 turns.

I agree. They just won't be at their max effectivness.

General Discussion / Re: Paladin vs Siren Spoilers
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:12:01 PM »
Like the Deptonnes. Feel that theyre very situational. Would be bad against necromancer and druid, no bleed chance. So wouldn't want to build a book around them.

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