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Messages - bigfatchef

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 33
General Discussion / Re: trying something else...
« on: December 03, 2018, 02:45:30 AM »
I received Codex and Spirit Island today!
Well... I'm off for a moment... sure back for a new arena expansion... or one day, who knows...

Thank you AW and everybody on the forum for these great MW-years!

I am also searching for alternatives since a while now. I have to admit I found nothing that soaked me in as deep as mage wars. No other game gave me the feeling that every move counts and every situation is the result of my gameplay and planning.

Anyway Spirit island is absolutely great. Characters feel very different and your choices matter (whereas in gloomhaven everything you do is kind of good). I was looking at Codex for several times now, but I am pretty offended by its price to get it in Germany. Please let me know what you think about it! Thanks!

Coming back to this forum makes me remember the good times before paladin or at least before academy. That's sad and happy feelings together. Sad they are over, happy they existed! Thank you all for sharing that time!

Good points Enti and jacksmack!
But what do you think, how would 100 or even less sbp books look like?

I think increasing sbp would allow every mage to carry every standard answer and still have room for the more creative less-power-cards. Also 2 Strategies could possibly fit in a book.

Decreasing sbp would force you to decide what to not include. There would be less till no room to go out of school making books more different from mage to mage. But every card that is not powerful will get cut as well. Also it could absolutely be that for each mage there will be less diverse books, since there is no room for tricks, bluffs and possibly weak creativity.

After reading this all and rethinking I end up with the feeling that 120 may simply be a pretty good amount of sbp....

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: THE Book.
« on: July 07, 2018, 08:29:07 PM »
Guys you realise at this point we have completely derailed the OP and are now discussing a game point that is set in stone? The SBP of mages is not going to change at this point. At best we are considering oiling the hinges of a rusted open door where the horse has bolted, died of old age, and been made into glue.
The mage wars ship is sunken. Everybody here in this forum is part of those few stranded on a lonely island. Only rumors appear that somebody has information that the captain is alive and on his way to get a bigger ship for us. The stone with rules set on it lies deep on the ground of the ocean. This is anarchy!  8)

Honestly everything that improves the game is a good thing. Everything that motivates people to play the game is good. There are threads about exactly this. Let it be needed errata, suplement or ADMW Housrules that are out and so on. I think a thread or even section about 160 or 80 sbp books is absolutely worth a try.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: THE Book.
« on: July 06, 2018, 02:48:56 PM »
Even my Paladin has two Vampirisms instead of using those 12 sbp on heals :D
You crazy  :o

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: THE Book.
« on: July 06, 2018, 11:46:23 AM »
I know this is a bit derailing the topic, but in my opinion 160 sbp would favor even more similarity in between all schools. So I think it would more bypass all school decisions instead of forcing players to five deeper into them. I really wonder how a 100 or even 80 sbp competition would look like. Books would be bed different by this forced shortage. Every spellbook would be short at some point. Players were forced to decide very hard. An Allrounder with answers to everything would have no space for an actual thread to bring on the board. Also game would get shorter - what I would absolutely love to see.

I really want to try this and I have the feeling that would improve the game a lot in several aspects.

To the original post: minor heal is absolutely missing.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: THE Book.
« on: July 03, 2018, 12:37:25 PM »
The thing with crumble is that it doesn't trigger nullify as it targets equipment.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: THE Book.
« on: July 02, 2018, 06:03:49 PM »
Usefull list. I would add a hurl boulder as finisher and against conjurations (fm uses uses in forcehammer instead).
I personally would not see jynx here and less regrowth, no mana flower, no ballad of courage. Hawkeye is only for rangers. I miss a lesser teleport and would maybe reduce a standart teleport. Also I miss crumble for one dissolve.

Well you already said it's easier to remove Things from the list so I see only few things I use most of the times.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: June 26, 2018, 01:45:22 AM »
maybe we'll 2 new academy mages + 2 new arena mages + a new battleground play-mode during the summer, but AW just forgot to anounce it!!!
Oh my god, I am still reading a lot here and most of the time to lazy to answer with my smartphone. But this one is hilarious!!!
Yeah AW propably forgot to bring all their cool stuff to the exhibitions and to do any marketing. Maybe all the new arena expansions are that super awesome, that they believe they will sell great without any effort to sell them needed :)

the sarcasm level is over 9000
Yes, but since the mage-wars-news-communication level is at -8999 that's the only thing we sadly can do.
I really feel sad how absolutely now love this amazing game gets from AW in it's current state. They could also have fixed some issues and pushed it back to top. Well it's their game and decision :(

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:09:50 PM »
maybe we'll 2 new academy mages + 2 new arena mages + a new battleground play-mode during the summer, but AW just forgot to anounce it!!!
Oh my god, I am still reading a lot here and most of the time to lazy to answer with my smartphone. But this one is hilarious!!!
Yeah AW propably forgot to bring all their cool stuff to the exhibitions and to do any marketing. Maybe all the new arena expansions are that super awesome, that they believe they will sell great without any effort to sell them needed :)

Spells / Re: Hydra regeneration as a zombie
« on: June 12, 2018, 12:19:44 PM »
At least shaggoth-zora can grow and gain innate life that way ;)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Double Forge Jedi
« on: June 10, 2018, 09:55:35 AM »
A general thought.
You have 23 enchantments and no support in casting them.
You have 13 attacks and incantations and 3 spores to help you cast them, but they stay so quantity is just for choice. Only 1 eye is supporting this, though. With a wand you would have even more support in this line.
You have 13 equipment and 2 forges to help you deploy. You want to cast wisp. yourself that leaves 12 for 2 forges. Could be more.

-> without looking deeper into your strategy you should go for less enchantments, since I guess you will never cast them all, even if some stay there for choice. That would give more room for attacks, incantations and equipment (also room for choices here then)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Double Forge Jedi
« on: June 10, 2018, 03:20:46 AM »
Oh I really like that book. Finally I see a good plan what to do with all those qc creatures. Cast them as qc while fighting with your main action and let 2 forges equip you. Nice!

If the posted ones are your standard openings, I don't see a point in the later game to cast
- crystal
- stalker
- 3 spores
Guess you have an alternate plan going monk/crystal/spores/minds eye first and jumping to battle later. Am I right? Maybe with only 1 forge then?

But eher do you plan with stalker?

All in all very nice :)

Without knowing anything, I guess AW as a small company has a time problem. Anything that needs effort won't work. Anything that simply raises their cash income could realize some family holiday. But it wouldn't help the game.
Someone has to step into AWs house to earn AWs full trust to realize their strictly dreamed plan of the game. If this person would bring money, time and help with expertise he or she could safe the game and keep it going.

I truly believe the game was designed with a lot of heart and effort. With all expansions and even more games from AW they have to professionalize, give orders, work on masterplans, timetables, businessplans and delegate the “cool stuff“ to a good team including a lot of playtesters, balancers and designers. BUT they don't let loose and that's the problem that's killing it, since they can't manage everything themselves.

Maybe I am wrong, but without knowing facts that's what I guess.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Sire: Curse of the Depths
« on: February 21, 2018, 03:59:24 AM »
I don't do opening plans. I play each game as I see needed.
I bet your plan is to start with your mage in your own corner and then you draw exactly two cards from your spellbook to move on straight forward with round 1. Maybe the rest depends.
I think what he means is that he doesn't have an opening that is the baseline. Depending on his opponent, he will open as he sees fit.
Really? :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Sire: Curse of the Depths
« on: February 20, 2018, 04:24:18 PM »
I don't do opening plans. I play each game as I see needed.
I bet your plan is to start with your mage in your own corner and then you draw exactly two cards from your spellbook to move on straight forward with round 1. Maybe the rest depends.

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