February 17, 2025, 08:27:14 AM

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Messages - MageHorst

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Most people will probably advise you to drop the Temple of Asyra. I personally like spawnpoints and they work okay in my local meta (if there is one yet ;) ), but I would suggest to put a lot of thought in any opening involving the Temple as it will take a lot of time to set it up properly. Also, the role of your Clerics should be clear right from the start (channelling mana at the beginning, then heal other creatures? Channelling only?).

I like the Flameblasts - a nasty little (and unavoidable) surprise. Four of them and four Pillars of Light seems a bit too much, though, considering that you use an Elemental Wand.

Mages / Re: Beast Masters! Who's your favorite pet?
« on: January 24, 2014, 06:06:24 AM »
My favourite is - again - the Timber Wolf. For a decent amount of mana, you get a real beast which helps to distract from your premium creatures (Redclaw).

Second favourite: Highland Unicorn. Mean charge attack and extremely hard to kill, it becomes a great leader for a swarm due to the shared Regenerate.

Tegu: I never thought of trying that, but I have to admit it sounds like a very interesting idea.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the info - and keep them videos coming, please.  :)

Here is another one from/in Germany: in Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, to be more precise. As of now, I have gathered a small but fine group of 4-5 beginners.

Hey guys!

Here is another one who really enjoys those videos. They really helped me to understand what all this "online meta" is all about - plus, they are entertaining.

However, I have problems watching some of the most recent videos charmyna linked here. When I click on the link to "Priestess of the Forge vs Jacksmack (fire wizard)", I only get this error message in my browser window: {:error=>nil, :url=>"/charmyna/b/492117421"}. Any ideas what's going wrong there?

My first post on this board and I'm complaining already. ;)

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