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Messages - javiercaos

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / More Errata cards for print
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:32:41 AM »

I want to ask, Could it be possible to creates new Errata Cards pdf documents for print?, like "Battle fury", "Hand of Bim-Shalla", and "Temple of Light", but with all the cards that have chaged it's text since the first edition.

I think these are all the changed cards:

Drain Soul (Conquest of Kumanjaro)
Current Text: “Place 2 Tainted condition markers on target creature. If you do, then caster gains Life +6.”

ForceBash (Forcemaster vs. Warlord)
Current Text: "Target creature is Pushed 1 zone in the direction of your choice. This will not Push it through a wall with the Passage Attacks trait unless you pay an additional 3 mana when this spell is cast. If the Push moved the target, give it the Slam condition, and you may choose a secondary target creature in that zone and also give it the Slam condition."

Force Push
Current Text: "Target creature is Pushed 1 zone in the direction of your choice. This will not Push it through a wall with the Passage Attacks trait, unless you pay an additional 3 mana when this spell is cast."

Garrison Post (Forcemaster vs. Warlord)
Current Text: "May not be placed in a zone adjacent to another friendly outpost. Whenever your Mage, or a War spawnpoint he controls, summons a friendly soldier creature, you may choose to summon it to Garrison Post's zone, regardless of range or LoS."

Ghoul Rot

Current Text: "Each Upkeep Phase, this creature receives 2 direct poison damage."

Idol of Pestilence
Current Text: "During the Upkeep Phase, each Living creature is dealt 1 point of direct poison damage."

Malacoda has the Poison Immunity trait.
Current Text: "Each Upkeep Phase, all other Living creatures in Malacoda's zone are dealt 2 direct poison damage."

Mind Control (Forcemaster vs. Warlord)
Current Text: "You control this creature. Mind Control can only be revealed between Action Phases, and the Controller must be within 1 zone of Mind Control. When Mind Control is revealed or removed, place a Stun condition on this creature. X = Target creature's Level. Mind Control cannot be moved to a new target. During the Upkeep Phase, Mind Control's upkeep cost must be paid before any other upkeep costs on this creature."

Mohktari, Great Tree of Life
This spell now has the tree subtype.

Moonglow Amulet
This spell now has the mana subtype.

Reverse Magic

Current Text: "When this creature is targeted by an incantation or enchantment spell controlled by an opponent, you must reveal Reverse Magic during the Counter Spell Step. Redirect it back to the caster, who now becomes the target of the spell. You become the caster of that spell, and now control that spell, and may reselect any other choices the spell requires you to make. Recalculate the total mana cost of the spell; if the new cost is higher than the original cost, you must pay the difference. Then, destroy Reverse Magic."

Current Text: "Target is Restrained and gains the Unmovable trait. Tanglevine cannot target creatures with the Flying or Uncontainable traits. Ranged attack cannot target Tanglevine."
This spell now has the vine subtype.

Battle Fury
Current Text: "The next time this round that target creature makes a melee attack, if that attack is not a Counterstrike, at the end of that attack action it may immediately make another quick action melee attack. This extra attack counts as part of the same attack action. Only one Battle Fury spell may be cast per round on the same creature."

Hand of Bim-Shalla
This spell now has the Unique trait.

Temple of Light
Current Text: “Once each round, before or after any friendly creature’s Action Phase, you may choose a value of X between 1 and the number of temples you control, and pay X mana to make the above attack, adding X to the effect die roll. Use a Ready Marker to keep track of this ability.”

Thanks a lot.


General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: December 17, 2014, 12:40:35 PM »
Thank you very much for your fantastic work.

P.D. Eres un Crack ^^

Thanks a lot. (Muchísimas gracias ;D )

General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:00:23 AM »

I have uploaded the 1.0.11 version.

You can download in this link:!5oh0TKDJ!2g9GZRRqABNkA51t6FbQTPCanc_hET6CH6yCR--tTjE



He subido la versión 1.0.11

Podéis descargarla en este link:!5oh0TKDJ!2g9GZRRqABNkA51t6FbQTPCanc_hET6CH6yCR--tTjE

General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:44:05 AM »
I found out that only the shortcut got broken.
The program itself works fine!
Sorry for wrong information.


And after you re-install MWSB, ... It works ok?



General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:42:31 AM »
After some time it stops working (a week), doesn't not launch. So i have to reinstall it.  :(

I'm so sorry for read this.

Did you have an error notification before it occurs? Do you have any notification instead the program launching?

I think may be the database got corrupted.

If it occurs more times, you let me know it please.

I think on monday I will update a new installer, because I have detected a minor error in the program. Stay tuned.

Thank you very much for your help.



General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:07:38 AM »
Quote from: Javi
See you.


Your welcome , i has copied your link on my french Wagewar forum ,

this game has just appear in france  and it must find his gamers   , but its so fantastic,

I am sure ,your program' ll help us for promotioning  Mage Wars .

I'm very proud for you can use my program for promotion Mage Wars in other countries.

Thanks a lot for share it.

General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:04:15 AM »
After building two spellbooks with it, there are more things that you can think about:

If i want to see cards from only one school, i have to adjust the filter f.e. to dark school level 9 and the range to <= ,
Then press Apply Filter. Thats three clicks for a simple action that i have to use several times while building my deck. When i want to see spells from another schools i not only have to do this step with the other school, but have to change the Dark LvL 9 too, thats 4 clicks. That's a bit complicated.

Hi, yes, if you want to see all the cards of a school you can use two different filters >= 1 or <= 9.
But in the next version i think i can put checks for each school for see all the cards of that school.

Now all the filters have the "AND" association, in this way when you select different filters you are telling that the card must have all the caracteristics that you selected.
For example,  if you check the FAST trait, and select >=1 Nature School Level, you are looking for "Cards of >=1 school level AND has the FAST trait".

I'm thinking that in the Schools selection filters, I could add the "AND/OR" option, and you will can looking for cards of differents schools, but only in the schools selection filters, because to do this with all the filters would be very very very hard work  ;)

You can use the "Enter" key for apply the filters instead click the button.

Secondly, the massages "Are you sure you want to quit?" are very annoying to me. They appear, even when i just saved my deck.

Everything else works fine. I'm very impressed :)

I think is a good idea to request quit confirmation, because it's possible that you have clicked on the exit button by mistake.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 15, 2014, 03:05:38 PM »

Thank you very much.  ;)

its easy to create a new spell book with it , but i don t see a option for delete a card ? is there a button ?

Yes, of course, you can delete a card from your spellbook.

- First, you have to select the card that you want to delete, in the list boxes of the spellbooks, not the main card list.
- Second, select the copies of that card that you want to remove.
- Third, press "Remove Card", and the copies of the card will be removed from the spellbook.

You have other faster way, when you have selected the card, if you press the "Enter" key in your keyboard one copie of the card will be removed automaticaly.
You can use the "Enter" key to add cards to the spellbook on a faster way, when you have selected a card in the main card list.

I have attached a image, explaining the steps to remove cards from the spellbook.

I hope I have helped you, but If you have any problem, ask me again.


See you.


General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:52:37 AM »
These are the steps to download MWSB for Chrome users:

I hope this will be usefull for you.

See you.


General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:07:32 AM »
Chrome reported that was malicious program, so protected it, but you can go into downloads and recover it, works fine.
So far impressed, very impressed.

Yes, that's the problem with Chrome and the .exe files. If you download it with firefox you won't have problems.

Thanks a lot.

General Discussion / Re: New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 14, 2014, 05:47:49 AM »
Good job, looks very stable to me, no error found.

Two things i miss:

- All the promo cards. Maybe you can add them in a own category.

- The possibility to export the deck to a forum post.

Thank you very much.

- I don't enter the promo cards because i haven't their images.

- I'm going to consider your suggestion for the next version. I think it's very interesting.

See you.

General Discussion / New Spellbook Builder for Windows (MWSB)
« on: November 14, 2014, 03:23:21 AM »
English version message:

Hi All!

Finally, after 9 months of work (as a pregnancy), I have decided to release my spellbook builder for Mage Wars, MWSB (Mage Wars Spellbook Builder, original, isn't? XD )

Here is the link for download:!5oh0TKDJ!2g9GZRRqABNkA51t6FbQTPCanc_hET6CH6yCR--tTjE

If someone of you find an execution error, or a data error, please, take a screen capture and send me a message with the description of you was doing, adding the screen capture, for I could fix it, and upload, as soon as possible a new version, without the error.

Sincerely, I hope you like it as long as i liked creating it.


- I have tested it on Windows 7 and Windows 8. I don't know how it will work on Windows XP.
- You must have your Windows updated, because the program use some of his libraries.
- I had some problems downloading it with chrome. Here you can see a mini visual tutorial to how to download MWSB using Chrome:




Versión española del mensaje:
Hola a todos!,

Por fin, tras casi 9 meses de trabajo (como un embarazo), me he decidido, y saco a la luz mi creador de mazos para Mage Wars, MWSB (Mage Wars Spellbook Builder, qué original XD).

Aquí teneís el enlace para descargarlo:!5oh0TKDJ!2g9GZRRqABNkA51t6FbQTPCanc_hET6CH6yCR--tTjE

Si alguien encuentra un error de ejecución, o de datos, por favor, que haga una captura de pantalla y me mande una descripción de lo que estaba haciendo, junto a la captura, para poder solucionarlo y subir lo antes posible una nueva versión sin ese error.

Sinceramente, espero que os guste tanto, como a mi hacerlo.


- Está probado en Windows 7 y 8. No se como funcionará en XP.
- Es necesario que tengáis el Windows actualizado, ya que utiliza algunas de sus librerías.
- Con Chrome he tenido algún problema al descargarlo. Aquí tenéis un enlace a un pequeño tutorial visual para saber como descargar MWSB usando Chrome:

Un saludo.

League / Tournament Play / Spanish Players
« on: September 03, 2012, 04:18:25 AM »

Me and some of my friends will play Mage Wars in Madrid, Spain.

There are any one that will play here?.

See you.

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