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Messages - iNano78

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 87
General Discussion / Re: additional resources
« on: September 08, 2023, 02:23:24 PM »
The closest we've got is the unofficial http://www.spellbookbuilder.com/. I think it's missing the latest Academy sets though (Druid, Necromancer, Elementalist and Monk).

Thank you for letting me know about that.

Without something like the Gatherer website or other software available for games like Magic: The Gathering to track inventory and create decks from their inventory, how do most people create decks in Mage Wars or keep track of their cards? Complex Excel files?

At spellbookbuilder.com, if you click the "show sets" link at the upper right, you can choose the quantity of each set/expansion that you own. This will then correctly give you the right card counts (in the "own" column).

To create decks, you can use the "show spellbook" and increase the value in the "used" column to build a deck, then export to file or text.

General Discussion / Re: additional resources
« on: August 15, 2023, 08:06:58 AM »
The closest we've got is the unofficial http://www.spellbookbuilder.com/. I think it's missing the latest Academy sets though (Druid, Necromancer, Elementalist and Monk).

General Discussion / Mage wars “Skinny Mini” standees?
« on: March 14, 2023, 09:38:34 AM »
Whether for a Mage Wars 2.0 or an official 3rd party expansion/bling for Mage Wars Arena, I’d love to see a Skinny Mini set of Mage Wars mages (and perhaps some of the Legendary creatures, e.g. the most iconic from each school). Would really add some additional table presence at a reasonable price point (compared to custom or even 3D printed miniatures).

Skinny Minis

General Discussion / Re: Correct Cards for Deck building
« on: February 28, 2022, 08:20:43 AM »
As we approach the anniversary of this thread (and I've lost track of when playtesting for the expansion actually began - 2019?) ... is there any update? How close to "finished" is the content, and is there a plan to print and distribute it? Waiting for supply chain crisis to resolve?
You took the words right out of my mouth... er, post!

General Discussion / Re: My thoughts on mage wars wrap up
« on: February 09, 2021, 01:29:00 PM »
Three month bump.

Any word on how playtesting is going? Or likelihood we’ll see a final Mage Wars expansion? And in what form? Latest rumour on BGG is that it might be print & play (albeit “official” - maybe can get decent-quality cards printed through Artscow or something). Would like to see comments from somebody currently representing Arcane Wonders or Arcane Duels, etc.

Off topic / Happy new year
« on: December 27, 2020, 11:26:25 AM »
All the best to the Mage Wars community in this rather unusual holiday season. Hoping to see the final MW Arena product(s) reach production in 2021.

General Discussion / Re: MW arena update 2020
« on: December 26, 2019, 08:07:14 AM »
I don't have any exact information what is coming to MW arena the year 2020, but at Facebook they promised something. That is enough for me to believe this development is going on...
I know creating something completely NEW takes a lot of testing, and after so many years I don't mind waiting a few months more. It might be monk/elementalist suited for arena?
Or something completely new?

You made me look, but I don't see any recent (since April 2019) posts related to MW at either the Arcane Wonders or Mage Wars Facebook pages.

General Discussion / Re: Pillar of Righteous Flame - Discussion
« on: November 21, 2019, 09:10:32 AM »
The card that Pillar reminds me of is [mwcard=FWI05]Mass Sleep[/mwcard]. That is, both Mass Sleep and Pillar can completely swing a game from (a) a huge army of creatures is about to finish off the lone mage and the victory seems to be inevitable, to (b) the huge army has been completely decimated and the lone mage now holds the advantage and goes on to win. And both require some set up and/or precise timing to get the most value out of them.

Mass Sleep isn't Epic, but it's a level 4 Mind spell (e.g. costs 8 sbp for most mages), doesn't work against enemy mage or Psychic Immune creatures (e.g. most undead, non-living, incorporeal, etc, plus a few others like Knight of the Red Helm), and costs 15 mana + a Full action. It doesn't need to be Epic because no one would ever consider putting 2 copies of this spell in their spell book due to opportunity cost (e.g. sbp and mana cost), let alone likelihood of finding two opportunities in one match to play such a card.

I think it's interesting that Pillar works against all creatures (including mages) and is especially effective against the subset of creatures that are coincidentally immune to Mass Sleep (e.g. non-living & incorporeal). Pillar is definitely more versatile, as in any match, you can almost always get value out of Pillar (e.g. at least 2 attacks off against at least 1 creature including enemy mage), whereas Mass Sleep might get played in 5-10% of your matches even when you're looking for an opportunity because it requires that your opponent has summoned a swarm of living non-mage creatures and they've been corralled into one zone - and even then you might not be able to justify the mana cost and action. That said, I often include it in a solo or buddy Forcemaster book because those times that it does get played are almost always situations that turn a loss into a win.

If Pillar were level 4, cost 15 mana + a Full action, then it probably wouldn't be too powerful. Would still be much more versatile than Mass Sleep, and would probably get played more often and by a variety of mages compared to Mass Sleep.

Events / Re: Winter War 47 (Jan 24-26, 2020)
« on: November 11, 2019, 09:15:18 AM »
> only movement as part of a move action by the owner of the card.

Don't you mean only movement as part of a move action by the enemy of the owner of the card (or something like that)?

Basically, the creature has to move into the zone as part of that creatures move action. If it is pushed, teleported, etc., into the zone as part of the opponents actions, then it does not trigger. It has to be caused by the owner of the card moving. Hope that makes sense. Still trying to figure out the wording.

Owner of the card, or controlling mage of the creature? (Think [mwcard=FWE07]Mind Control[/mwcard])

Lets say that all the 9 channeling mages (excluding druid) got buffed to 10 channeling.

Would you say: "Because they buffed Mage X, ill never play Druid, Forcemaster, Necromancer, Priestess or Wizard again!".

Because i can't...

First, this is a good way to ask the question. :)

Generally speaking, no, I can't either. Except maybe Priestess. Her shtick is that she's a dedicated slow build-up mage who protects her creatures, both in terms of health/life and in terms of conditions. Being channeling 10 helps solidify this vs an aggro mage with channeling 9.

Said another way, if those mages listed above were dropped to channeling 9 (and the Druid to channeling 8 ), would you refuse to play them again?

I think Priestess would suffer disproportionately, and perhaps so would Forcemaster since the high channeling compensates for lack of total actions - e.g. fewer friendly creatures, spawnpoint (besides Forge), familiars (besides Thoughtspore(s)), etc. Perhaps Priestess could be given something like Druid's Treebond to give conditional +1 channeling for cheap (I guess the Monk and priest creatures are sort of a Mana Crystal on a stick, so it might already exist).

General Discussion / Re: favorite artwork
« on: August 19, 2019, 02:42:45 PM »
Standard Bearer + Conquer.
Have a look at them side-by-side.

Mages / Re: Deck of just Mages?
« on: August 01, 2019, 03:46:24 PM »
Would anyone be interested if they would release a deck of JUST mages?  The male Forcemaster is already portrayed on the Disarm spell but we haven't seen him yet in any sets.  I believe that we have enough spells with all of the different sets without making weaker or stronger versions of what's already out there.  I would like to see a deck of new and alternate versions of just mages.  Female wizard, Male Forcemaster, Arena version of Elementalist, Female Paladin, Arena versions of academy mages and Academy versions of arena mages that haven't been done yet (which I think they may already have them all covered.)    Just a thought.  Probably will never happen but I'd buy it if it would.

I would be interested in any new Arena product.

But yes, a set of just the missing mages' art + ability cards (alt-Forcemaster, alt-Wizard, alt-Druid, alt-Necromancer, alt-Paladin, alt-Siren, 2x Elementalist,  2x Monk, maybe even 1x Archmage) would be great. I could imagine this getting bundled into one final Arena expansion that includes other stuff that had been (or was at least rumoured to be) worked on to some extent - e.g. might include the rules for the "archmage" format and "mounts" that had been promised at some time. This could be a "Battlegrounds" expansion, with very few new cards - maybe some of the remaining unreleased promos, a couple cards related to Archmage (?), and the "mounts" themselves. A few more Terrain cards wouldn't hurt, and maybe one or two more creatures with Trample (an ability that could be cool but is underrepresented on expensive creatures that don't synergize with much else).

Rules Discussion / Priest of Abenek
« on: May 28, 2019, 08:29:26 PM »
Priest of Abenek - Undead, Mummy, Cleric

As a full action, Priest of Abenek May place 1 direct damage on a living creature in this zone. If he does, remove 1 damage from a friendly mummy in this zone.

Question: if there are no damaged mummies in Priest’s zone (eg no other mummies and he himself isn’t damaged, etc), can he still use his ability to deal 1 direct damage? Even if there is a damaged mummy, can he opt out of healing? Would have been clearer if there was another “he may” before “remove 1 damage...”

I don't think anybody here expects a formal reprint with official errata to change some Spirit creature subtypes to/from "undead". I think it's more a thematic question of "What does it mean to be 'undead' in the Mage Wars universe?"

Illusions, elemental spirits (like Whirling Spirit), the Imperial Stalker, etc, would seem to be non-living incorporeal  (or not actually incorporeal, in the case of Academy illusions) creatures that were never Living. Is "undead" simply a non-living creature that was at one previous time living? If so, then Grey Wraith would likely qualify, as do the other new Spirit "undead" creatures. Or does "undead" require being a corporeal construct of the remains of formerly living creatures, like a zombie, mummy or skeleton, in which case the Grey Wraith would not qualify (it can effectively walk through walls after all), although then it would stand to reason that the new nonliving Spirits ought not to be "undead" either - e.g. a creature would be disqualified from being "undead" if it is incorporeal.

Thematically, I always figured "undead" referred to a reanimated corporeal non-living being, whereas a spirit doesn't get the "undead" subtype since it isn't a reanimated corporeal being. So I'd argue the other spirits should be stripped of their "undead" subtype rather than giving it to the Wraith.
(In this game, Ravenous Ghoul is more of a zombie than a ghost, so I don't mind it having "undead" subtype despite being named a "Ghoul")

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