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Messages - Chriz007

Pages: [1] 2
Events / UK - August '17 Demo Days
« on: August 18, 2017, 07:44:54 AM »
26th - Questing Knight Games, Telford; Learn to play games of MW Arena and Academy, free promo pack for attending ;)
27th - STAGs, Telford; Learn to play games of MW Academy, OP launch
28th - Board Game Bar hosted by Rules of Play @ Tiny Rebel, Cardiff; learn to play games of MW Academy, free promo pack for attending

Events / Re: UKGE '17 - Arena Tournament
« on: August 18, 2017, 07:40:59 AM »
Hi guys,

I don't frequent the forums much so apologies for the delay in spotting this (I posted originally just to advertise the event). I'm easiler to get ahold of on BGG (Chriz007) or FB (Chris Brett).

Unfortantly the event was cancelled by UKGE due to lack of booking, tournament must have a minimum of 12 players or UKGE will not allow the event to go ahead. Those who did book should have received a refund from the UKGE team.
I think one of the issues we have is that it takes 1.5 hours per round for tournament play, which means we are looking at an 8 hour tournament which will clash will a lot of the more-popular tournaments.

Speaking for the UK player base, we do have some big pockets of players; Scotland, Cardiff, Telford, Bristol and London are the main ones I'm aware of. Personally, I became an ambassador to help grow the game I love; I believe this is happening - not as fast as German or the USA - we just need to keep introducing new people to the game.

As for UKGE '18 - I'm looking to run a MW Academy beginners tournament, where people don't need to own a copy of the game to partake; so hopefully that encourage more people to give it ago.

Events / UKGE '17 - Arena Tournament
« on: February 16, 2017, 03:48:48 AM »
UKGE - Tournament now live for booking!
Prize pool is being updated
We need 12 player for the tournament to go ahead.


Events / Re: Arcane Wonders Booth at UKGE '15
« on: June 21, 2015, 08:23:44 AM »
Hi Guys,

Add a few more spellbooks to the list, next year I think I'll ask for them via email prior to the event!

Speaking of next year: any feedback from the Stand, Tournament or Organised Play that was run?

I know some people on BBG said Friday wasn't a good night to hold it, maybe Saturday evening would be better? I'm thinking evening rather than day time because we could simply use the open gaming hall, that said with the venue changes next year, there should be more space for events.

I'm also thinking that next years Tournament should be Domination rather than standard, as I feel this would better fit the time constraints of a tournament, but ultimately Id love to hear what you guys think

Events / Re: Arcane Wonders Booth at UKGE '15
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:45:36 AM »
Hi Guys,

This got busy! I have posted the results on a separate page; currently writing up the spellbooks, photos are on FB and BGG. Sorry it's taken a little while, everything been a bit of a mad rush since I got back! Big plans for next year & hopefully we'll have more players!

Darkfenne Necromancer

Mana Crystal
4 x Poison Gas Cloud
6 x Wall of Bones
4 x Ichthellid
2 x Skeletal Archer
2 x Thornlasher
Cobra Reflexes
Death Link
Force Orb
2 x Ghoul Rot
Maim Wings
Reverse Magic
2 x Teleport Trap
Cloak of Shadows
Demonhide Armor
Eagleclaw Boots
Mage Wand
Regrowth Belt
2 x Dispel
2 x Dissolve
2 x Drain Soul
Force Push
2 x Seeking Dispel

Darkfenne Necromancer

2 x Acid Ball
Force Hammer
Hurl Boulder
Hurl Rock
Jet Stream
Enchanters Wardstone
Idol of Pestilence
Mana Crystal
2 x Tanglevine
2 x Wall of Bones
Ziggurat of Undeath
Ravenous Ghoul
Unstable Zombie
2 x Zombie Brute
Zombie Crawler
Zombie Minion
2 x Agony
2 x Enfeeble
Ghoul Rot
Maim Wings
2 x Marked for Death
2 x Poisoned Blood
Reverse Attack
2 x Stumble
Teleport Trap
Demonhide Armor
Eagleclaw Boots
Leather Gloves
Battle Fury
3 x Dispel
2 x Dissolve
Drain Life
Force Push
Perfect Strike
Power Strike
Seeking Dispel
2 x Teleport
2 x Zombie Frenzy

Hi Folks,

Here is the results of the Mage Wars UK Championship Tournament held at the UK Games Expo this year;

We had ten players this year and this was the prize pool:

First Place:
1 x Mage Wars Arena core set (Fourth Edition)
1 x Forged in Fire
1 x Core Spell Tome 1
1 x Core Spell Tome 2
1 x Straywood Playmat
1 x Spellbook Pack 2
1 x Spellbook Pack 3
6 x Mage Wars Attack Dice (1 of each color set – 60 dice in all)

2nd place:
1 x Forged in Fire
1 x Spellbook Pack 2
1 x Spellbook Pack 3
6 x Mage Wars Attack Dice (1 of each color set – 60 dice in all)

3rd place:
1 x Spellbook Pack 2
1 x Spellbook Pack 3
6 x Mage Wars Attack Dice (1 of each color set – 60 dice in all)

The tournament followed the standard Mage Wars Tournament rules, the final standing after three rounds were:

John - 11 (1st)
Jonathan - 10 (2nd)
Simon - 8 (joint 3rd)
Ben - 8 (joint 3rd)
Adam - 5
Cal - 4
Joshua - 4
Justin - 4
Drew - 3
Ghiga - 1

Big thank you to everyone who took part this year, it was a pleasure to run the event for you! Big plans for next year...

Spellbook lists

Arraxian Crown Warlock

2 x Acid Ball
3 x Fireball
2 x Flameblast
2 x Force Hammer
2 x Jet Stream
2 x Blood Demon
Bear Strength
Cheetah Speed
Circle of Fire
Falcon Precision
Ghoul Rot
2 x Jinx
2 x Nullify
2 x Poisoned Blood
Reverse Attack
Rhino Hide
Dancing Scimitar
Dragonscale Hauberk
Eagleclaw Boots
Fireshaper Ring
2 x Lash of Hellfire
Morning Star
Regrowth Belt
2 x Battle Fury
4 x Dispel
4 x Seeking Dispel
4 x Teleport

Wychwood Druid

2 x Acid Ball
2 x Surging Wave
6 x Bloodspine Wall
Enchanters Wardstone
Etherian Lifetree
4 x Mana Flower
Renewing Spring
Samara Tree
5 x Seedling Pod
3 x Stranglevine
Vine Tree
Fellella, Pixie Familiar
Giant Wolf Spider
2 x Raptor Vine
1 x Tataree
4 x Thornlasher
Togorah, Forest Sentinel
2 x Agony
2 x Decoy
Force Crush
2 x Main Wings
2 x Poisoned Blood
Druids Leaf Ring
Elemental Cloak
Elemental Wand
Mage Wand
Moonglow Amulet
Vinewhip Staff
Burst of Thorns
Drain Power
Renewing Rain

Sortilege Wizard – Air

Acid Ball
2 x Arc Lightning
Chain Lightning
Jet Steam
3 x Lightning Bolt
2 x Mana Crystal
Mana Siphon
Mordoks Obelisk
Suppression Orb
2 x Tanglevine
Wizards Tower
Darkfenne Hydra
Gargoyle Sentry
2 x Gorgon Archer
Chains of Agony
2 x Essence Drain
Ghoul Rot
2 x Nullify
2 x Pacify
Teleport Trap
2 x Elemental Wand
Enchanters Ring
Lightning Ring
Mange Wand
Moonglow Amulet
Storm Drake Hide
Suppression Cloak
Wind Wyvern Hide
2 x Dispel
Drain Power
2 x Force Push
Minor Heal
Purge Magic
2 x Seeking Dispel
2 x Teleport

Sortilege Wizard – Fire

Acid Ball
4 x Fireball
Jet Stream
Ring of Fire
Battle Forge
Hand of BimShalla
Mana Crystal
Mana Siphon
Mordoks Obelisk
Wall of Thorns
2 x Wizards Tower
Armor Ward
Brace Yourself
Essence Drain
3 x Harmonize
4 x Nullify
2 x Regrowth
Reverse Attack
2 x Rhino Hide
Arcane Ring
2 x Dragonscale Hauberk
Elemental Wand
Encharters Ring
Fireshaper Ring
2 x Leather Gloves
2 x Mage Wand
Moonglow Amulet
Reflex Boots
2 x Suppression Cloak
2 x Veterans Belt
Wand of Healing
4 x Dispel
4 x Dissolve
Force Push
Purge Magic
Seeking Dispel
2 x Teleport

Arraxian Crown Warlock

2 x Acid Ball
2 x Devils Trident
2 x Fireball
2 x Jet Stream
Battle Forge
2 x Enchanters Wardstone
2 x Blood Demon
2 x Dark Pact Slayer
Infernian Scourger
2 x Agony
3 x Arcane Corruption
Chains of Agony
Death Link
2 x Ghoul Rot
2 x Magebane
2 x Nullify
3 x Poisoned Blood
Rhino Hide
Rise Again
Dragonscale Hauberk
Elemental Cloak
Enchanters Ring
Gauntlets of Strength
Lash of Hellfire
Leather Boots
Molochs Torment
Regrowth Belt
Ring of Curses
2 x Sectarus, Dark Rune Sword
2 x Dispel
Drain Soul
2 x Explode
2 x Teleport

Events / Arcane Wonders Booth at UKGE '15
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:50:00 PM »
Hi Folks,

Arcane Wonders have a demo stand (7A) in the Monarch Suite at UK Games Expo. We'll be demoing Mage Wars and Sheriff of Nottingham through out the event, except when the events below are on:

Mage Wars Demo: Everyone who enters a demo of Mage Wars, gets their name entered into a prize draw for a Mage Wars Arena Core Set!

Sheriff of Nottingham Demo: We have a limited number of promo cards to give away, to grab a set you just need to win a demo game. While stock lasts.


14:00 - 17:00
UK Mage Wars Championship Tournament

Details: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1294243/uk-games-expo-2015-o...

Tickets: http://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/bookevents.php?category=bor

Rules: http://www.arcanewonders.com/news/tournaments

17:00 - 19:00
Royals Preview demo

Come play the upcoming 4th game in the Dice Tower Essentials line; Royals


17:00 - late
Mage Wars Organised Play (kit Tbc)

Taking place after the trade hall closes, in the open play area. Chance to play through some story drive games, with the outcome effecting the future story of Mage Wars. Exclusive promos prizes up for games too.


09:00 - 12:00
Mage Wars Apprentice Tournament

Geared for new players, apprentice spellbooks provided, compete for your chance to win a Mage Wars Arena Core Set!

Mage Wars Prize draw!

- Chris
Arcane Wonders Ambassador

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ Origins Game Fair 2014
« on: June 19, 2014, 02:34:05 PM »
Atm, I have no interest at all in any kind of prizes, I just would like to play a nice tournament with as many people as possible. Sadly, there are none in Germany *sniff*
My impression is that this might be true for most others too  - although one ofc shouldn't judge others by one's own standards.  ;)

Yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head here. I guess I deem $18 as cheap because we have no MW tournaments here, and yes I too would have paid that just to play regardless of prize pool. I've paid £30 ($51.12) to play a Warhammer 40k tournament before, and they were no prizes. I still stand by my comment of people being unwise / silly about turning down the chance to play in a tournament because of the cost or time, I bet there are some people kicking themselves about their decision not to play.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ Origins Game Fair 2014
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:42:35 PM »
Again, I wasn't aiming my comment at any one person. I own an iPad so yes the iPad prize wouldn't have attracted me to pay, BUT like I said the art work would have. What it comes down to is people placing a value of 'Worth' on something, personally $18 seems cheap but then if the standard is for tournaments to charge $5 at Origins then AW shouldn't have put up such a good prize in order to keep the price down.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ Origins Game Fair 2014
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:24:14 PM »
It was a personal insult to you, it was a general frustration at people in general.

So from your post I gather that the precedence is for cheap tournaments and so to ask more is to much of a culture stock for most people. is that with a cheap prize pool or no prize pool? In which case it should have been researched better. Tournments at UKGE are around £6 ($10.22). So I don't see the stretch so bad a thing. Perhaps instead of the iPad they should have given a copy of FiF away to the winner.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Tournament @ Origins Game Fair 2014
« on: June 19, 2014, 12:38:47 PM »
Some people are really stupid, $18 (£10.55) is cheap, I've paid double that to play in MTG sealed events, yes I'm getting 6 booster for that money but the prize pool here is so good. Winning an iPad is great, but what would have attracted me was the chance to win the beautiful art work! Staying you don't have time to play a game you love at a games convention is another stupid reason IMO, it's not like the event is only there for one day. The fact that they winner just started playing and won, hats off to him! That's the right attitude and it paid off!

I recently attended the UKGE a growing convention which is now chasing the numbers of some of the American larger conventions, and people there where crying out for the opportunity to play in a national MW tournament. Give the support to the UK if the people of Origins are too lazy to enter tournaments!

*note this rant is my own personal opinion*

Events / Re: Mage Wars Demos - Bristol & Cardiff, UK
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:16:47 AM »
So Area 51 in Bristol is now a regular venue for Mage Wars on a Monday.
Organised Play will be starting 7th of July, sign up on our Facebook group here:

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:40:53 AM »
I really hope Arcane Wonders are reading this thread! I love the idea of a mummy style necro !
I also really want to see novels and comics, it would also be cool if they used the Arkham horror/mtg models for those; ie they come with special alternative art promos.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Demos - Bristol & Cardiff, UK
« on: June 12, 2014, 05:13:36 AM »
Back again at Area 51 on the 16th.
Rapidly become the place to place MW on a Monday, in Bristol

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