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Messages - MageHorst

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General Discussion / Re: What are the OP strats?
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:45:51 AM »

Superturtles (often Priestesses or Druids with Guardian Angel). They draaaaag the game by focussing on being invulnerable instead of killing the enemy mage. As in the examples of ringkichard, they are not unbeatable, but rather easy to pull off - and they are as boring and frustrating as it gets to play against.

The OP asked for overpowered and cheap strategies, not just annoying ones.

In that case: I think superturtles are cheap. ;) Stay in your zone, armour up, increase your life, have guards. Cheap because it doesn't take much effort to pull off.

General Discussion / Re: What are the OP strats?
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:32:50 AM »
Superturtles (often Priestesses or Druids with Guardian Angel). They draaaaag the game by focussing on being invulnerable instead of killing the enemy mage. As in the examples of ringkichard, they are not unbeatable, but rather easy to pull off - and they are as boring and frustrating as it gets to play against.

I agree. If you think that this would be fun to play - well, go play it.  :)
After that, you can still come back here and ask for feedback with regard to remaining problems (E.g. "I had severe problems against a solo Warlock - any ideas on how to face him with this book? And is there anything I should definitely include against solo aggressors?").

What is always helpful (for both spellbook construction and feedback commentary) is to provide the basic idea of your spellbook:

How do you intend to win? E.g., do you want to summon so many creatures that your opponent cannot handle them all, or do you intend to put Curses, Burn/Rot tokes, and other damage-over-time effects on him in order to make him go down slowly and painfully?
And how do you plan to prevent the enemy from thwarting your plan?
And, finally, it is always helpful to think about the first 2-3 turns (e.g. build up an economy, or summon one big creature on turn 2 and start whacking the enemy from turn 3 onwards).

The two books you posted don't look bad, but if you add some more context (as provided by questions such as the ones listed above), users will be able to give you more detailed feedback on what might work well together (i.e. in harmony with your overall game plan) and where things could be made even more shiny.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Anvil Throne Bruisers
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:21:26 AM »
Brogan sounds like a nice idea (Piercing + Unavoidable beats the Troll's 5 dice) if you can squeeze him in. Maybe get rid of one Fortified Position? Your creatures are quite sturdy, and with the Minotaur and your "March" Battle Order, you won't be standing around in one zone anyway.

What does your opening look like?

Oh, and how did it go with Akiro's Hammer? Have you ever played it? And if yes, how did it work out?

Spells / Re: Earthquake against vine druid
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:43:16 AM »
Hm... aren't those plant creatures immune to Earthquake? They are rooted, so they are unmoveable (right?) - and according to the text of Earthquake, unmoveable creatures are immune to all effects of the quake.

Still: it would work greatly against Druid conjurations (walls, Corrosive Orchid etc.) and the Vine markers.

General Discussion / Re: New (german) YouTube channel about Mage Wars
« on: January 12, 2015, 04:50:26 AM »
Transcontinental 2on2 - that would be amazing (and I'd be happy to represent the European team)!

General Discussion / Re: New Promos!
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:35:00 AM »
Reinforce on Barracks - yeah! With that, I might be able to finish a game without losing them.  ;)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Johktari RUSHmaster
« on: December 21, 2014, 04:11:48 AM »
Once you have a creature or economy advantage over the Rushmaster, anything that extends the game tends to work to your advantage.

I absolutely agree - and in this respect, the Rushmaster isn't that different from other aggressive spellbooks which don't bother to put up any mid-/late-game advantages. Anything that prolongs your end helps you to win because at some point (and usually, you can put your finger on a specific round), the rusher runs out of puff.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Johktari RUSHmaster
« on: December 07, 2014, 12:21:40 PM »
Ray, I promise this can be beaten. Walls, intercept, reverse attack, regrowth, Divine Intervention... don't give up!

I agree. And, as Intangible0 mentioned in the video, it would be very interesting to see this spellbook in action against another aggressive Mage. Or against a Druid (vine makers + Tanglevine).

Spells / Re: Promo card MordokĀ“s Tome
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:19:23 AM »
Hm... that would make it a no-brainer, and I'm afraid that would make it boring. However, I agree that it would skyrocket the Wizard into a sphere of near-unbeatability (man, isn't that guy flexible/powerful enough already?). The third spell option is extremely valuable because it allows you more flexibility in the two actions which are most powerful/flexible anyway: your Mage's actions. I cannot think of any Mage who would not want this for 5 mana and 1-3 spellbook points.

Long  story short: I hope this card will never enter official play - an essential part of Mage Wars, in my opinion, is the challenge that you can only prepare two spells; admittedly, there are some tools which help you (wands, spawnpoints), but they appear way more limited (position, cost, application) to me than this tome.

And I forgot that Steal Enchantment existed - feels good to be in the mix-up club!  ;D

Well, that works. The fellow poster before me referred to Shift Enchantment, though. :)

Unfortunately, you cannot use [mwcard=MW1I25]Shift Enchantment[/mwcard] on enchantments you do not control - so if your opponent puts Poisoned Blood on you, you cannot shift it to either one of your creatures or to the enemy.

Still: a spell which could do something like that would be very nice.

Nice build! I'd love to see it in an Arcane Duel in the not so far future.

As for the finisher, I agree with Sailor Vulcan: I would also use the Mage instead of the Dire Wolf.

You have a lot of small creatures and therefore plan to remove the enemy mage's armour whenever possible. Therefore, a suitable finisher would be the good old Force Push through a Wall of Thorns.

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