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Messages - Upgrayedd

Pages: [1]
Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A variant that plays faster
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:40:23 PM »
Try this to shorten the game.  Each upkeep phase, after the first, each mage loses 2 life.  Not health but 2 from max life value.

Rules Discussion / Re: How many creatures/spells in a zone?
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:37:20 AM »
Now I want Pepé Le Pew & Penelope Pussycat.

General Discussion / Re: Is the Warlock the weakest Mage?
« on: October 23, 2012, 08:34:56 PM »
I play in Rumsey's group.  It's true, the Warlock has never lost.  He is a beast in melee.  He has many good equipment options and the Lash of Hellfire just might be the best weapon in the game.  Never under estimate Burn conditions.  
  Fireshaper ring just makes it more potent and buffs all those lovely fire attack spells.  MMM, fireballs...
  Battle Forge is a warlocks best friend.  For zone conjurations try Idol of Pestilence and Deathlock.  Deathlock cripples the Priestess, it prevents healing...  Idol of Pestilence hurts any mob utilizing mage.
   My last Warlock spellbook had zero creatures.  I used Mordok's Obelisk, Deatlock, Idol of Pestilence & Suppression Orb.  I had no heals in my book.  My opponent had usless heals in his.  His creatures became liabilities instead of assetts.  
  Curses are nastier than they seem at first glance.  Especially when they start piling up.
  There are some things that I agree are weak.  Like the demon armor and the sacrificial altar.
  Most important thing to remember:  Do NOT limit yourself to warlock spells.  Mix in other complimentary spells and surprises.

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: October 23, 2012, 08:10:27 PM »
Chain lightning with a range of zero.  Only hits targets in the caster's zone.  It will not leap to another zone.  We could call it... Force Lightning.   :)    Either cheaper to cast than regular chain lightning or does more damage.

Instead of the daza/stun condition die of lightning, give it a Push/daze like Jet Stream.  
Ranged, 6 dice, 4-10 = Push, 11+ = Push and Daze.  Cost of 12 mana to cast.

Custom Cards / Honey Badger
« on: October 17, 2012, 01:50:52 PM »
Fast - Elusive - Pest
a modest defense value, maybe 8+ infinite
2 attack dice, 0 armor, 5 health
and immune to all conditions and condition damage
He would be a fun little critter great for harrasing or triggering traps.

A cool ability could be "Sleep It Off"  Expend action to recover health, only usable in a square with no enemies.

Rules Discussion / Re: Seeking Dispel
« on: October 08, 2012, 10:52:58 AM »
Oh boy.  I'm the fellow thatwas playing against Jon when this issue came up.
I intended to stay out of this, but things seem to have clouded up.
The situtation was my mage was casting an enchantment.  I announced I was going to just play it revealed and pay the full cost.  There were no enemy spells on me of any kind.  I knew it couldn't be disrupted so I intended to just speed things up a bit.  Jon  really wanted to stick to the letter of the law.
   Jon had a wand with seeking dispel bound.  He attempted to use seeking dispel then realized he was 3 spaces away and canceled the attempt.
   He told Rumsey and me that if an opposing Mage has an unused quick action he may attempt to use a spell (even one in his hand!) to intercept the enchantment before it is revealed.  He didn't at this time becuase he was 3 spaces away.
   This intervention by use of a quick action during the other player's turn is where the dispute arrises.
Jon did NOT have two identical wands when we played. He did mention that  a strategy he likes to use is equiping a wand with seaking dispel and a wand with dispel.    
   There was another poor error but I will not get that one started publicly.
Summary: Can a Mage during the other Mage's turn use a quick action to cast seeking dispel before the Mage (who is the active player) can reveal his enchantment.  Answer NO.  
    You use your quick action during your turn.
    Jon wasn't trying to reveal an enchantment he had previously cast.  In the middle of my turn he wanted to use his quick cast action.
    A card bound to your wand is equal to a card in your hand.  Under what circumstance can you cast a card from your hand during the other player's turn?   None I can think of.

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