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Topics - Super Sorcerer

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Rules Discussion / Tsunami pushes when things happen to the caster
« on: February 01, 2017, 02:01:41 PM »
Pushes are supposed to be directed away from the caster, but with tsunami the caster could be pushed or die during the casting so I wonder - What happens when the caster is pushed by his own spell?
Does the "Resolve phase" end immediately just like what happens it the caster teleports?
If not, for the purpose of pushes, is the source defined by the current zone or by the zone he was when cast the spell?
What happen if the caster dies during casting? [in cases it doesn't end the game, such as casting the spell from a wizard tower/naiya or in a multiplayer domination game]

Strategy and Tactics / Armory for skeleton necromancers?
« on: January 17, 2017, 03:33:11 PM »
Hello :)
I've seen that most skeleton Necromancer books posted in this forum don't include an armory. In my local meta an armory is an auto-include for skeleton necromancers. So I ask, Why not an armory?
yes, it is 6 spellbook points, but getting armor +1 (and piercing +1) for all skeleton minions, skeleton sentries, skeleton archers, skeleton knights and Mort is just awesome because they are high health low armor creatures. 
Is it the spellbook point cost?
Or do think that an armory isn't even worth casting?

I know that the meta changes from area to area, but this is a specific change I just don't understand.

Rules Discussion / Magma Golem
« on: January 07, 2017, 07:26:59 PM »
The description of a Magma Golem is really confusing.
Let say that it the same zone of the Magma Golem there is a Flaming Hellion (flame immune), an Invisible Stalker (burnproof) and a Knight of Westlock.
The only clear thing is that the knight of westlock take damage from the burn.
It say "Magma Golem's Burn conditions damage all other creatures in its zone.".
1) It doesn't say that the magma golem itself doesn't take the damage, just like any other creature with burn. so should the golem take the damage as well?
2) It does't say anything about the golem's special rule being a flame effect, or that burns deal flame damage, so are the invisible stalker and the flaming hellion take the damage?

If there is anywhere in the rules something that imply that flame conditions deal flame damage, it would make sense the most (and that would mean that the golem and hellion don't take damage while the stalker and the knight do take damage).

Rules Discussion / Siren call and elusive/flying
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:29:32 AM »
We have a Siren that used it's Siren call against Crevere while it was in her zone. Naiya is in an adjacent zone. Now Crevere activates. Since in the beginning of it's activation he cannot move closer to the siren, he don't have to do so. Let say he moved to Naiya's zone. He isn't hindered by anything (in this situation there were no shallow sea in either zone), so now he can move closer to the Siren.
Must Crevere now return to the Siren's zone because now he can, or could Crevere now attack Naiya since he couldn't move toward the siren at the start of the turn so he no longer required to do so?

[the same question could be asked about a flying creature as well, since they are not hindered in this case as well, but the answer should be the same.]

Spellbook Design and Construction / How should I build the siren book?
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:46:13 PM »
While the post service in my country is really really slow, it is almost two weeks after my PvS copy arrived to my country (according to USPS tracker), so there is a fair chance I will get it next week. I already decided what my first Paladin book is going to look like (pretty similar to a melee priest), but I don't know yet how to start with the Siren.
Since I have other spellbooks, I have some limitations on some popular spells. I could take one or two acid balls and one or two rusts (but not more), and probably not more than one teleport or bear strength (possibly none, as even with my core spell tomes there is still some limit even on core spells). There is absolutely no chance of getting earth attack spells. Fortunately, I think I can get it a second elemental wand (and Naiya could cast them on the mage).

I am going to invest about 22 points on attack spells. I am thinking about-
1 Tsunami (I have to try it)
1 Fireball (as anti conjurations)
1 Lightning bolt (as anti ethereal)
4 Swell
6 Geyser (as anti Huginn/Fellella, ad generally fliers)
1 Acid ball

Conjurations will get very little space. About-
4 Shallow Sea
2 Mana crystals/flowers
1 Whirlpool (because I have to try it)
1 Tanglevine (That is what I found)
1 Coral Barrier
(About 15 points)

Equipment is going to be interesting. I am taking something like-
2 Elemental Wands
2 Leviathan Scales
1 Ring of Tides
1 Ring of Ocean's Depths
1 Voice of The Sea
1 meditation amulet
1 leather piece (I'll see what I have available)
1 Echo of The Depths
2 Shoalsdeep Trident
(I counted 20 spellbook points).
Other than the leather piece and meditation amulet, Naiya could be my battleforge. But then you will ask what would I do with 4 hand slot Items, I would probably want to stay in the corner and meditate for like 4-8 rounds (until either the enemy came to me and dissolved the echo of the depths or I think I have enough creatures) and then go offensive with the trident and possibly the wand (so it is a 2 phase strategy).

1 Minor Heal
1 Heal
3 Dissolve (I will have to find which book could give up one of theirs).
1 Crumble (to bypass nullify).
2 Lesser Teleport
So 12 points here.

That leaves me 51 points for enchantments (most of which will be songs) and creatures.
My non-song enchantments will include 1 rust, 1 regrowth and 1 hawkeye.
I have a general Idea of which songs I would like to try (some of each, more of those that buff my creature since enemy might be psychic immune).
Other than Naiya and Water Elemental, which creatures should I try first?

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Question about the design of PvS
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:47:56 PM »
I wondered about 2 things in PvS design that couldn't understand -

1) Ring of Tides is "Siren only". Neither "Gale Force Ring" nor "Lightning Ring" are "Wizard only". "Fireshaper Ring" isn't "Warlock only". "Dawnbreaker ring" isn't "Priestess only". So why did "Ring of Tides" get such a different design from all similar spells?
I mean, you have some design pattern for that type of equipment, but I just can't find a logical explanation why could every mage take the ring that buffs all other attack types, but the ring that buff hydro attack is "mage only".

2) Since fire is pretty useless undersea, I thought the siren would pay triple for fire spells. I mean, fire is sort of anti-thematic to what a siren is supposed to do. I also can't really see too many sirens using too much fire spells, since all of their "in school" attack spells remove burns. How come sirens don't pay triple for fire even though it fits thematically?

Strategy and Tactics / Damage Economy
« on: November 15, 2016, 04:06:59 PM »
People post a lot of strategy about "action economy" and "mana economy", but having tons of actions and mana isn't the goal of the game, killing the enemy mage is the goal of the game (of course, a lot on actions and mana could help you kill the enemy mage).
While there are direct attacks on enemy mage, usually mages do use some damage economy (and it is the main economy in rush builds).
There are three main types of damage economy-
1) Things that make attacks (usually creatures, but also conjurations). Examples - Timber Wolf, Grimson Deadeye and wizard's tower.
2) Things that enhance attacks. Examples - Hawkeye, Fireshaper Ring and Armory.
3) Things that deal damage over time. Examples - Magebane, Rot and Idol Of Pestilence.

In rush openings, often the only economy you use is damage economy, and usually most of it is of type 2 (hawkeye, akiro's favor) with sometimes one of type 1 (a creature or a wizard's tower). In long games you usually combine all three (or at least the first two). Necromancers almost always use a lot of type 3 damage economy (and they even have plague master as a mage ability).
Note that you having damage economy doesn't necessarily means you are focusing only the enemy mage, but they could also be used to target enemy damage economy (like when you attack an enemy creature with your own creature).

1) Things that attack. Many mages bring things that attack to the game. When you have a creature, that creature could attack once per round, and that could inflict damage. The more creatures you have, the more attacks you make. The stronger your creatures are, the more damage they make and the longer they stay to keep attacking. One downside of this type of damage economy is that it usually have limited range, so the enemy mage could try to run away from your creatures, or stay in a corner 3 zones away from the wizard's tower. Another downside is that your opponent could use guards to prevent you from attacking the enemy mage. Nonetheless, creatures on the board could also serve as guards, and if you have a lot more creatures on the board than your opponent then you could probably deal more damage each turn than your opponent. There are creatures like the Devouring Jelly, that even after they are on the board, you need to make effort for them to be capable of attacking the enemy mage (or generally the most desirable target), so you need to spend more mana and actions on positioning. There are also creatures like Crevere or Grimson, that could almost always target the enemy mage (or whatever target you want them to attack) unless effort is spent in avoiding them.

2) Things that buff attacks are usually handy. The way you try to damage the enemy determine the type of attacks you should buff.  Almost every strategy heavy on attack spells should use hawkeye (and probably some other attack buffs on the mage such as akiro's favor). If you use many Thunderift Falcons then Rajan's Fury should be a usefull buff. If you use a book that makes plenty of melee attack, then you should consider using Bear Strength. If you have plenty of canine creatures, then the Redclaw alpha might be useful. If you are going to use mostly one way of attacking, then you should probably buff that way of attacking if possible.

3) Things that damage over time are great. Except for bleed ant rot, most of the methods to deal damage over time are in the dark school. Magebane is even seen sometimes with non-dark mages, since it is just a quick action,  5 mana and 2 spellbook points, and it usually deal a vast amout of damage unless dispelled early (and if dispelled, it mean that the opponent just spent the same amount of resources you just used to cast it, and took damage on the way). Rot condition is one of the best conditions, and by itself it gives a good reason to take things that remove conditions (such as a wand of healing). Necromancers many times decide to meditate in the corner and play defensively and use Idol of Pestilence to force the opponent into attacking them. Generally, Necromancer is the best mage in using this type of damage economy.

General Discussion / Mages election
« on: November 07, 2016, 02:34:21 PM »
Well, there are elections, and since I don't wan't to get into politics in a gaming forum, we will assume the  the presidential Candidates were the mages from the game :)

Strategy and Tactics / Trying to rush with the siren.
« on: October 24, 2016, 04:24:17 PM »

I know that sirens are usually supposed to try to go for the long game, but when facing mages that are better at long games (such as a necromancer), I need at least some rush contingencies in a siren book. I believe the worst opponent a siren could face is a necromancer, since all of his creatures are psychic immune and he is just better at meditating in his corner with an Idol of pestilence. You don't have to be in his face on 2nd turn, but in order to defeat the necromancer you should at least move quickly towards him.

First option (the quicker one)-
1) mana crystal + double move.
2) Water Elemental + face down enchantment (probably a ballad of courage on the elemental).

3) Lesser teleport on water elemental + hawkeye (+ reveal ballad of courage). So I get to my opponent's corner by turn 3 (and possibly attack with 7 dice, and with some luck 3 more dice from pushing into a wall or pushing him away from his creatures if they are not pests).

4) Marked for death on enemy mage + hurl rock

Obviously, there are other alternatives on turn 3 and on, depending on the opponents reaction, but I think you could get the Idea of the opening (the first 2 turns are the important ones)

Second option (the slower one, which is sort of solo)-
1) Naiya + mana crystal.
2) Ring of tides (by naiya) + mana crystal + hawkeye.

Basically it is supposed to act like a battleforge opening, except that you can't move on your first turn, and Naiya only bring the water equipment (especially the ring, armor, weapon and elemental wand) but not leather pieces or things like that. Otherwise, after bringing the equipment you need, Naiya could stop being your battle forge, and become your wizard tower (casting acid balls and swells and surging waves). Of course, The possibility of casting rust is well remembered (and lullaby in case you try this opening against a non-necromancer). I must try this opening before I could know how terrible is it to miss your move on first turn.

What do you think is the best way to use the siren in a fast or middle strategy?
[I rate strategies as "Fast", "Middle" or "Long". With Long not really being an option against a necromancer (and some would say that against the druid as well).]

Spells / Creature Spells
« on: October 13, 2016, 02:16:48 PM »
Some schools have specific types of creatures because of the flavor of the school, and here I would like to examine the types of creatures most school have. I also include a summery of what new creatures could be useful in that school.
While categories of creatures are numerous, I will categorize only 4 specific categories - flying, fast, archers, and intercepting. I am sort of skipping elemental schools, because most of them don't have many creatures.
***For the purpose of this examination, a "good creature" is a creature that is often taken by mages even if it is out of school.***

Mind - Have a flier, but usually forcemasters don't depend too much on mind creatures anyway. Don't have any good creatures. Instead of a dragon, I wish mind school had as a 6th level creature a "Knight of the old republic" :)

Arcane - Have archers, fast creatures, and a flier who can also intercept. Gorgon archer and devouring jelly are good creatures. Overall, have a lot of powerful slow creatures the combine well with having both mage wand and teleport in school for arcane mages.

Nature - I will look at 2 sub categories, animals and plants:
Animals - Have fast and flying creatures, no intercept (since such defensive tactics are not inherent to animals), and archers are limited to range 1 (Galador and spitting raptor). Steelclaw Grizzly is a good creature, and some might say crevere as well (though not nearly as often as most other creatures labeled "good"). With no slow creatures and several fast creatures, animals make up for the short range of it's archer by moving quickly to the enemy. I wonder how slow animal could combine with the game, since after all both tanglevine and stranglevine are nature spells that exist to keep the enemy is the same zone. Perhaps a mighty turtle or a huge snail?
Plants - No flying nor fast, technically have intercept but one that cost a lot and isn't very mobile, it's archer have snatch, which is totally essential to these immobile creatures. No good creatures, and even beastmasters that have these creatures in school almost never take any plant creature other than kralathor. All are hydro immune, flame +2 and not very mobile (the only non-rooted creature here is kralathor). Since there is almost no variety, most druids also take some animals to compensate for the total lack of mobility, lack of armor and the vulnerability to fire. A plant that spit acid to range 2, or a fast plant with a low uproot cost could be interesting options for the druid (though mobility problems are somewhat compensated by having animal in school). Now with lesser teleport out the druid will be countered more easily (with the vinewhip staff becoming far less mighty), so the druid should probably have longer range archers (a plant that spit acid to a range of 2), or at least an incantation that let all plants uproot for until the end of the round.

Holy - Have archers, fliers, intercept, but only now in PvS there is the first fast holy creature. Guardian angel is a good creature. Most holy creature tend to have low health compared to creatures that cost the same in other schools, but they have aegis, high armor or a defense to compensate (which is why Holy Avenger is so awesome for giving +5 life). With so many new holy creatures in PvS and priestess academy, I can't really say anything about a need for a new type of holy creatures.

Dark - I will have 3 sub-categories: Demons, Skeletons and Zombies. No dark creature have intercept, and it should definitely stay that way (otherwise necromancer are going to be way too powerful, now that they have to go out of school for intercept they usually wouldn't bring 4 of these). Thematicaly I can't imagine a dark creature whose main purpose is intercepting.
Demons - Have fliers, archers with range 1 and no fast demon. In some ways, the wildfire imp sort of a fast creature, so it isn't that a big of a problem. If a warlock really want a range 2 archer, then he could take a skeleton archer.
Zombies - Don't have any fliers, archers or fast zombies. Zombies are just extremely durable and deal tons of damage, and their purpose is to fool noobs into believing they outmaneuvered the zombies, just in time to be devastated by "Zombie Frenzy" (as happened to me once when I was a noob). You can't kill them, and you can't outmaneuver them, so your best hope is just killing the enemy mage first (most of them are pests, and those who are not are still bloodthirsty, so they are not the best guards). This game definitely doesn't need any new zombies, but ways to counter zombies (I mean, other than killing the mage, so you could actually have a chance of defeating these creatures). Warlocks sometime use zombie brutes (some of them even 4 zombie brutes).
Skeletons - Don't have fliers, but have archers and fast creatures. The fast creatures don't benefit from the armory, but you just cant have it all. Skeleton knight are good creatures. New skeletons should probably be mixed schools like these pirate skeletons in PvS, more of these would be nice. Perhaps a skeleton soldier with a strong full attack and lesser quick attack would also be a nice strategic addition to the skeletons arsenal.
War - No fast, No fliers, have intercept and a lot of archers (including the only range 3 archer in the game). If not flying soldiers, there could at least be some fast ones. I know that with Horn of Gothos the anvil throne could just make all soldiers fast, but that just means that fast soldiers will also close the gap between the warlords a bit. Dwarf Panzergarde is a good creature, and some would say Grimson Deadeye as well (or at least I used one in a priest book).

What do you think about the creatures in different schools?
And which new creature spells do you hope to see in the future?

Rules Discussion / Afflicted Demon And Poison Immunity
« on: September 25, 2016, 03:10:20 PM »
If an Afflicted demon attacks and damages a living creature with poison immunity (such as a necromancer), obviously the poison immune creature doesn't become weak (since it is a poison condition), but is a weak condition marker still removed from the demon?

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