Spellbook Design and Construction / Harry Dresden Wizard
« on: November 12, 2014, 01:05:10 PM »
I am a huge fan of the Dresden Files and just made a wizard spell book based off of Harry Dresden the main character of the Dresden Filesnovels. I tried to make the deck as thematic as I could while still being competitive.
2 Mana Crystals
4 Wall of Fire
1 Battle Forge
1 Mordock's Obelsk
1 Suppression Orb
1 Defense Ring
1 Storm Drake Hide
1 Elemental Cloak (Harry's Duster)
1 Fireshaper Ring
1 Regrowth Belt
2 Elemental Wand (Harry's Blasting Rod)
2 Mage Wand (Harry's Staff)
1 Reflex Boots
1 Deflection Bracers (Harry's Shield Bracelet)
6 Flame Blast (FUEGO!)
4 Fire Ball
2 Devil's Trident (those times that Harry has used Hellfire)
2 Ring of Fire
2 Fire Storm
3 Jet Stream (FOZARE!)
1 Explode
1 Dissolve
2 Disarm
2 Seeking Dispel
3 Teleport (Harry crossing over into the never never)
2 Dispel
1 Repulse
4 Ignite
2 Combustion
2 Force Push
1 Nullify
1 Reverse Magic
1 Circle of Fire
2 Hellfire Trap
2 Rust
2 Brace Yourself (Since I cannot use Forcefield as a wizard I figured brace yourself could be Harry using is forcefield)
2 Mana Crystals
4 Wall of Fire
1 Battle Forge
1 Mordock's Obelsk
1 Suppression Orb
1 Defense Ring
1 Storm Drake Hide
1 Elemental Cloak (Harry's Duster)
1 Fireshaper Ring
1 Regrowth Belt
2 Elemental Wand (Harry's Blasting Rod)
2 Mage Wand (Harry's Staff)
1 Reflex Boots
1 Deflection Bracers (Harry's Shield Bracelet)
6 Flame Blast (FUEGO!)
4 Fire Ball
2 Devil's Trident (those times that Harry has used Hellfire)
2 Ring of Fire
2 Fire Storm
3 Jet Stream (FOZARE!)
1 Explode
1 Dissolve
2 Disarm
2 Seeking Dispel
3 Teleport (Harry crossing over into the never never)
2 Dispel
1 Repulse
4 Ignite
2 Combustion
2 Force Push
1 Nullify
1 Reverse Magic
1 Circle of Fire
2 Hellfire Trap
2 Rust
2 Brace Yourself (Since I cannot use Forcefield as a wizard I figured brace yourself could be Harry using is forcefield)