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Topics - Skra

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General Questions / Cassiel, Shield of Bim-Shella and Eye for an Eye
« on: January 17, 2018, 02:48:28 AM »
Can the familiar, Cassiel, Shield of Bim-Shella, cast the Eye for an Eye Enchantment?

The Eye for an Eye Enchantment has the text, "Holy Mage Only" written on it, but I'm not sure if that means only Holy mages may have it in their spellbook or if that means only Holy Mages may cast it.

General Questions / Blind Enchantment and Daze makers
« on: January 16, 2018, 07:01:49 PM »
Suppose an enemy creature that has a faced up Blind Enchantment and two Daze Markers attached to it melee attacks one of your creatures.

In order to succeed in the attack, the attacking enemy creature has to roll a 7 or better on the effect die, - 4 to the roll for the two daze markers, to overcome the penalty of being Dazed and continue its attack. This roll required by the Daze Markers occurs during the Declare Attack step.

But the Blind Enchantment states, "during the Roll to Miss, step, roll the effect die. If the roll is 6 or less, the attack misses."

Considering the two effect die rolls are required to occur during two different steps of the attack, does the attacking creature have to role the effect die twice in order to successfully attack? (once for the two Daze Markers and once for the Blind Enchantment)
If so, do the two Daze Markers on the attacking enemy creature penalize the effect die roll required by the Blindness Enchantment?

General Questions / About the Paladin...
« on: January 16, 2018, 02:05:26 AM »

I have a few questions about the Paladin.

1. Is the Paladin considered a Knight? For example, can my Paladin target himself and cast the Knights Courage enchantment, which has a target of "Living Knight Creature"?

2. Chivalrous Challenge
  • Presume that my Paladin has put a Challenge Marker on an enemy Mage. While Challenged, the enemy Mage attempts to melee attack my Paladin. But one of my guards intervenes, forcing the enemy Mage to melee attack it rather than me. The Paladin's Ability Card says, "if the Challenged enemy attacks any other object, gain one valor". It doesn't say anything about the intentions of the challenged enemy. Do I still get a valor if the enemy mage tried to attack me but couldn't because of a guard forcing that enemy mage to attack it rather than me?
  • If I place my Challenge Marker on an enemy creature that doesn't have a ranged attack, what is to prevent my opponent from electing to simply not attack anything with the challenged creature, effectively holding my Challenge Marker hostage as a method of denying my Paladin a source of valor/forcing my Paladin to spend valor to reclaim it?

Please forgive me if these questions have already been answered.

Rules Discussion / Joseph Trublood - Healing
« on: January 14, 2018, 10:41:07 PM »
I have a question about Joseph Trublood's Healing Light ranged attack.

If I put him in a zone that has a Steep Hill conjuration attached to it (Ranged+1), and if he has a Hawkeye enchantment attached to him (Ranged+1), would that mean that I can roll 4 dice to heal a target living creature the amount rolled?

Rules Discussion / Multiplayer Rules for Channeling
« on: June 12, 2017, 08:05:01 PM »
A friend of mine and I are about to play our first multiplayer game. It will be two players and four mages, two mages for each player in a team game. 

A question regarding the rules for channeling +1 conjurations has come up. In the Arena Core Set it states, "When  playing  a  team  game,  all  players  on  one  side  are treated  as  a  single  player  controlling  multiple  Mages." But on channeling conjuration spells like [mwcard=MW1J12]Mana Crystal[/mwcard] the texts says, "Controller gains Channeling +1". Considering that in a team game both mages have one controller, wouldn't that mean that every time a mage on one team casts a channeling +1 conjuration, BOTH mages on that team gain increased channeling from it? I mean, isn't that what the card says?

Example: (assume the quickcast phase is skipped and movements are legal for hypothetical brevity)

Round 1:
Druid (Team A) quickcasts [mwcard=MW1J13]Mana Flower[/mwcard] and casts [mwcard=MW1J13]Mana Flower[/mwcard]
Necromancer (Team B) quickcasts [mwcard=DNJ04]Graveyard[/mwcard] and casts [mwcard=MW1J12]Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
Priestess (Team A) casts [mwcard=MW1J23]Temple of Asyra[/mwcard] and quickcasts [mwcard=MW1E20]Harmonize[/mwcard], attaching it to the temple
Forcemaster(Team B) quickcasts [mwcard=MW1J12]Mana Crystal[/mwcard] and casts [mwcard=MW1J12]Mana Crystal[/mwcard]

Round 2: (Channeling Phase)
Druid adds 11 mana to her mana supply (9 base, +2 from team mana flowers)
Necromancer adds 13 to his mana supply (10 base + 3 from team mana crystals)
Priestess adds 12 mana to her mana supply (10 base + 2 from team mana flowers)
Forcemaster adds 13 to her mana supply (10 base and +3 from team mana crystals)

Is this right? If not, why? How am I reading "all  players  on  one  side  are treated  as  a  single  player  controlling  multiple  Mages" wrong?

If I'm right, I'm conflicted about this. On one hand, I think it will make both mages on each team incredibly overpowered. On the other hand, I think it might speed the game up significantly and prevent a 2-3 hour slog.

The attack bar on the [mwcard=DNJ06]Nightshade Lotus[/mwcard] spell has the poison symbol on it. Does that mean that this conjuration cannot attack a non-living object, a zombie or the Necromancer?

I'm not talking about the mist token that causes the sleep condition. I'm talking about its three dice, 0-0 ranged unavoidable attack. For example, a druid cannot use a Nightshade Lotus to roll a three dice attack against a [mwcard=MW1J16]Mordok's Obelisk[/mwcard] because the attack is poisonous and because that conjuration is immune to poison due to it's non-living trait, correct?

Spells / Poll: Spitting Raptor vs Flaming Hellion
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:20:30 PM »
For the sake of argument, please pretend that both of these spells are out of your school but not in an opposing school and that whichever one of these creatures you pick will cost 6 spell points.

Which would you rather have, a [mwcard=DNC16]Spitting Raptor[/mwcard] or a [mwcard=MW1C16]Flaming Hellion[/mwcard]? If you had to pick one of these creatures, which would you pick?

Spells / Poll: Cheetah Speed vs Mongoose Agility
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:07:48 AM »
For the sake of argument, please pretend that you are satisfied with the rest of your Spellbook and that you are certain that what your Spellbook needs most is either a [mwcard=MW1E05]Cheetah Speed[/mwcard] or a [mwcard=MW1E28]Mongoose Agility[/mwcard]. Also, for the sake of argument, please pretend that you only have enough spell points for one of the two, not both.

Yes, we all know that it depends on the Mage and the Spellbook, but for the sake of argument let's pretend it doesn't. Generally speaking, which of these two cards is better? If you had to choose between these two cards, which of the two would you pick and why?

General Questions / The Daze Condition, Blindness and Line of Sight (LOS)
« on: November 13, 2015, 11:10:54 AM »

My name is Skra and I've been lurking this forum for over two years now. I am currently creating a new spellbook and I have stumbled upon a conundrum that has me stumped. I have searched for a ruling about my conundrum in the forums and I have failed to find it. I offer my apologies in advance if this subject has already been discussed.

According to the Codex, a dazed creature can be temporarily blind.

Daze (Condition Marker) - "Creature is disoriented and/or blinded."

According to the Mage Wars Official Rules and Codex Supplement, you must be able to see in order to target.

Targeting - "1) You must be able to “see” the object – trace LoS (Line of Sight) to the object.

My Questions:
If the Daze condition can cause blindness, when is the blindness trait of the Daze condition triggered?

There are some spells that cause the Daze condition by using Light. Can the Light subtype trigger the blind condition as defined by Daze in the Codex? For example, if I cast Pillar of Light on the enemy Mage and score a Daze/Stun when I roll, would not that Mage now be blind in accordance with the "and/or blind" segment of the the Daze condition definition? If it was light that caused my opponent's Mage to become dazed, how could he then target me if he theoretically can't see?

Why was the "and/or blind" phrase of the Daze condition included in the codex if a blindness mechanic was not intended?

I love this game. It is by far the best board game I have ever played. If no ruling has been made regarding this matter, I believe an opportunity exists to add a new level of complexity to the game. All it would take to implement a blindness mechanic would be a simple ruling: "The Light subtype causes blindness when a Daze/Stun is successfully rolled while using it", or something like that. Being able to use the Light sub-type to blind your opponent and prevent them from targeting would be HUGE and a lot of fun. All of the components for implementing this mechanic are already in place. You already have the Line of Sight mechanic, the Light subtype and the word blind is already written in the Daze definition.

All that's left to implement this mechanic is a ruling.

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