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Topics - Morachidi

Pages: [1]
World and Lore / Druid vs Necro background
« on: May 01, 2013, 12:55:46 PM »
So watching the background of the art of D vs N

I see cool things on the side of the druid:
flesh eating plants  :cheer:
Gaint Ent
Swarming beas

Also cool things on the Necromancer side
I think the tombs are spawnpoints
More undead  :silly:

But what is the thing in the background right above (it looks so evil and big) hope this is included in the expansion  :evil:

Anybody any thoughts?
You can find the picture in Etherian Chronicles, the Official Mage Wars® Newsletter.

Rules Discussion / Dancing Scimitar vs flying
« on: April 02, 2013, 03:12:54 PM »
Had a little discussion (last play)  with the Force Master equiped with Dancing Scimitar vs Flying creatures.

Although the attack name of the Dancing Scimitar is Flying Slash
It can not attack flying creatures, because its "just" a Melee attack. No reach.

So the Flying Slash can not attack Flying Creatures
Any comments?

General Discussion / Mind Control & Gray Angel
« on: March 20, 2013, 02:48:21 PM »
Cards: Mind Control  and Gray Angel

Q: Can the Mindcontroler do a Redeeming Sacrifice and then destroy Gray Angel (edit: 12 mana and level 3)?  :evil:

A: I would think YES, that's 8 (edit 11 forgot upkeep) mana to destroy an oppenents creature (Gray Angel) and Heal any living creature (probably Mage) with 6 dice...

Mind Shield (2 mana), Reverse Magic (7 mana), Divine Intervention (expensive 12 mana), Nullify (4 mana), Jinx (3 mana)under the caster would work and Dispel with enough time.

Any thoughts, strategys?

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