« on: March 02, 2013, 02:52:22 PM »
knowing the rule book p.12 -Action Phase, knowing the Advantage granted to have the initiative, and knowing the advantage to have more creature than the other player,my question is:
do, not having the Initiative grants you the LAST ACTION in the turn?
i am a solo mage(no creature in play, d'uh) vs. a beastmaster with 3 creatures in play. the beastmaster have the Initiative.
action 1, ini player BM uses his QC spell and activates a wolf
action 1, Warlock passes
action 2, ini player BM activates a grizzly
**regarding the ruling, NOW the Warlock could NO LONGER PASSES the turn due to the fact that the BM and the Warlock have the same number of creature active...**
Action 2, Do the Warlock CAN benifit the "advantage" to pass and have the last word in the last action step
**note that at the start of the 2nd action step the BM have more creatures to activate**
then it would bw, Action 3, ini player BM activates himself....
AND, action 3 Warlock MUST close the round actions by activating himself and using the QC
in my point of view, it is only LOGIC, but in the rulebook it is written otherwise REGARDLESS of the ini player.
CAN I ASK to a moderator if the advantage of a solo mage without the initiative of closing the round action is legit or NOT?