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Messages - Adoryc

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: The Mage Cast
« on: November 24, 2015, 07:00:56 AM »
Nicley done SharkBait, keep it up!

Just a reminder: Promos are a nogo in this tournament. Only officially tournament playable cards will be legal for play.
I think its best that you send this information by mail to all the people in the league as well. Otherwise i think this will be overlooked.

General Discussion / Re: New to the game.
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:40:38 PM »
I have the same nick there, adoryc :)

Events / Re: OCTGN Tournament: Thunderdome II
« on: September 27, 2015, 05:06:42 AM »
I dont understand that much German, but the matches are great. Good work Schwenkgott. Looking forward to the US parts as well.

Events / Re: OCTGN Tournament: Thunderdome II
« on: September 19, 2015, 06:02:01 AM »
Im looking forward to watch this!  :P
Me too, will try to enter the next one :)

General Discussion / Re: New to the game.
« on: September 19, 2015, 06:00:51 AM »
Welcome! Sounds like you enjoy a slew of good games. Hop on OCTGN and we can play sometime! Or I'll see you at gencon hopefully! :)
Yep a game on OCTGN will be challenging, but i think GenCon have to way even though it would be really nice. Im from Sweden so it quite the trip :)

General Discussion / New to the game.
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:00:23 AM »
Hello all,

I played my first Mage Wars game 3 weeks ago. Ive just joined a new boardgaming group, and one there really loved Mage Wars and thought we should play. I borrowed one of his prebuild spellbooks, it was the Warlock, and I crushed his wizard. I guess he was nice in the way he played :) Now 3 weeks later i own everything there is to buy around Mage Wars, it really is an fantastic game. One of my favorite games is Twilight Struggle, but i also love the deckbuilding aspect of a game coming from Magic in the early 90'ties. Ive tried most of the other card games out there, all the Fantasy Flight LCG and so on. And I must say Mage Wars really hit the sweetspot of random, strategic and tactical game. Ive tought my son the game a few days ago and he loved it as much as i do, right after our first match he immediately went to his computer and started the Spellbook Builder and constructed a Necromancer he want to try today :)

So looking forward to join this great community and play many games, live and on OCTGN where ive have been lurking a few days so I can learn the ropes.

Pages: [1]