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Messages - Dunnagh

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Mages / Re: Beastmaster - help me understand him
« on: January 29, 2015, 11:11:44 PM »
Thanks for all your advice.

I probably should have mentioned I´m currently only possessing the base game, thus some of the spells mentioned here I dont know ;)

Still, some good stuff!

My biggest problem in that one game was mana drain. He played that Mana Siphon, +2 upkeep for a valuable pet AND sucked 8 mana from me (with that spell that cost 16 and drains 8 dice of mana from your opponent). That VERY soon left me with next to no mana AND nearly no mana generation (9-2-2=5). I gave up at that point because he was at 12 Mana + generated 12 per turn. He also had the staff that drains mana :-/

Mages / Beastmaster - help me understand him
« on: January 29, 2015, 08:21:50 AM »
In its Basic concept, the beastmaster *seems* to be easy:
Swarm Opponent, win.

But I somehow dont seem to be able to make him work.

Deck Type A:
I cast a Ring of Beast and start casting as many small creatures as I can. then as I come nearer, I enhance them with Bears Strength (making my Pet Falcon hit with 7 dice).
The Problem: One Ring of Fire / Chain Lightning and all my pets are gone

Deck Type B:
Big bad meanie:
I cast a big hitter and enhance him even further. Didnt work for me, either.

My Basic Problem with him is the lack of mana:
The "Lair" is obviously useful somehow: but how? turn 1 starts with 19 mana. casting a lair for 15 leaves me at 4. Next turn I am at 11 (12 with lair) and could cast 2 small creatures. the Bonus the lair gives me is being able to cast a third creature. But how do I do that without the mana?

Against the Wizard, I was facing another mana Problem.
He already has 1 more than me. He started with Mana Crystal and the Manaring, giving him 12 mana per turn. He then cast a Forge, some small armor items and Mana Siphon, targeting me (7 mana per turn). My pet got hit with +2 upkeep (5 mana per turn). With 7 more mana per turn than I have, how am I even supposed to beat him? The obvious strategy here is just doing nothing, casting mana flowers and a mana ring myself and staying out of range to not be a target for Mana Siphon. But still he has at least 1 mana more than me, which Kind of puts me on a countdown. In 8 turns, he has 8 more mana than me, which is 1 decent creature or a cool armour.

So what am I doing wrong? What SHOULD I be doing instead of complaining here? ;)


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