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Messages - Hedge

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League / Tournament Play / Re: Possible new way for Tie Breakers
« on: May 29, 2014, 01:03:21 AM »
using your thinking, if neither can finish off the other I think the King, Emperor, Ceaser, or the defaocto leader should have them both killed, that is unless one of them  decides to fall on thier "sword," so to speak.   :P

League / Tournament Play / Re: Fort Worth / Tarrant County
« on: May 25, 2014, 11:21:15 PM »
really when do you meet. I might be able to bring one other, maybe two. who I am kidding it will just be me.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Looking for Players in Plano TX
« on: May 25, 2014, 11:19:36 PM »
I live in fort worth and can't find anyone relatively close by. one problem with DFW, it is  a large metroplex.

It appears i spoke to Soon,


Great news guys, it seems we have found our solution to the tie break problem.


Do you mean by seeing which player has a larger portion of victorious final game states that are possible? Or are you being sarcastic?

I'm Being Sarcastic as it would take too long to input the data as you have already mentioned. I thought it was quite funny. I understand the point of the equation and how one would use it once the end values have meaning.


Great news guys, it seems we have found our solution to the tie break problem.


Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: booster suggestion
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:38:44 PM »
I have sold cards for several different cards games that came is large combined sets. I split the sets up into smaller units and sold them seperately through Ebay and then through a Yahoo e-commerce site. I tried selling Mage Wars in Single form and Sold a decent amount per month. However, It was not enough to pay the costs associaated with the site. I can look into the base set and the core set tomes to see if they will divide easily into schools packs. Then I may sell them if the financials prove beneficial, being that the revenue I recieve at least pays for all the cards and the fees associated with selling the cards. I am hesitant to use Ebay because the reason I moved off of ebay is the fees they were charging became too high. when I switched to the Yahoo e-commerce site hosting the cost was cut by over 70%.


General Discussion / Re: Name That Teleport
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:05:33 PM »
Nature- Dance of Leaves

Website Support and Feedback / Re: New BBCode
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:31:10 PM »
only if the sbb works on your browser

Website Support and Feedback / Re: New BBCode
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:55:13 AM »
I don't know call me crazy, but why couldn't the code just be the card's Name.
Something like:
Code: [Select]
Simialr code used Here

GRanted the current is just a mouse over and the other opens in another window, but the other is easier all the way around.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dice vs. Piercing
« on: January 23, 2014, 09:14:51 PM »
I am not going to continue with this topic until such a time as I can explain myself fully.  If someone wants to defend the premise I posted Have at it or if you have question I may answer them, but I am not going to argue the point any further at this time. I have read your rebuttal Aylin and agree with what you say on its own, but It just doesn't defeat my premise, in my mind. I don't know I may just be off on some tangental thinking or some such thing. My other Gamer Friends tell me I don't look at things the same as most other people. So it may be one of those things that I can't communicate  myself.

Also I have read many of your discussions with Sike and other and you always have good and sound logic behind your conclusions. Like I said I know it is  impossible that the piercing is better, but something just keeps nagging at me that there isn't as big of a gap as the statistic model dictates.

I just wish I had someone to play against so I can get so practical experience instead of theoretical. I have only played three games since Gencon.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dice vs. Piercing
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:39:25 AM »
I understand it just fine, but if the opportunity costs are the same, then why do I care if I might do too much damage to a target?  I understand the concept of distributing attacks in an efficient manner.

It isn't about any of that.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dice vs. Piercing
« on: January 23, 2014, 02:47:54 AM »
Does your meta operate under Trivial Pursuit rules?  (I'm joking with you, not mocking)

I suppose if I had both I could use the inferior 4D +2P on weaker targets and the much more powerful 6D attack on the mage.  OR I can just be more efficient and use both on the mage, wishing I had 2 Six dice attacks instead of one.

You still do not understand the initial premise. That the statistical model that tells us +x Dice is better than +x Piercing is Flawed. How much so is the question.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dice vs. Piercing
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:33:38 AM »
I will use the 4d6 +2 P(A) and 6d6(B) set against a 2 Armor 8 HP creature in explaining the hypothisis.

The first strike from  A will always  be at 100% efficiency. However, B's can be as low as 67%.  It is rare though to roll all Crits. On the second strike, if it is not killed by the first, B has a greater chance of producing significant damage that is wasted because of the low amount of HP. If we continue this out for a whole game would the difference be even quantifiable.


If the 4D +2 Piercing nets 2 piercing damage against a 2 armor 8 HP creature then it stands to reason that +2 dice added to that same roll will score damage whether there are critical or normal results.  Looks pretty efficient to me.

Yes it will add more, sometimes more than is required. Making it a less efficient use of the damage. The Current Dice/Armor  model, to be accurate, relies on all damage being 100% Efficient. Meaning no damage is ever inflicted beyond the creature's HP. This does not happen in the real world.


Spells / Re: Is arcane too important?
« on: January 22, 2014, 11:55:22 PM »
That's strange, I rarely teleport the opposing mage.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Dice vs. Piercing
« on: January 22, 2014, 11:22:15 PM »
I don't think that +x Piercing can be better than +X dice, But I believe that the difference between the two might not be as profound as the model describes. So much so that the difference is insignificant.
The Statistic model is correct, but for one small snafu. It does not take into account the HP of the targets or rather the lack there of. The model assumes that all damage is used at 100% efficiency. Once we think about it we know that this is not true. Piercing increases the efficiency of the dice on armored tagerts by increasing the amount of damage the target will suffer on the bottom end, but does not increase the chances of inflicting in excess of the creatures HP.

I will use the 4d6 +2 P(A) and 6d6(B) set against a 2 Armor 8 HP creature in explaining the hypothisis.

The first strike from  A will always  be at 100% efficiency. However, B's can be as low as 67%.  It is rare though to roll all Crits. On the second strike, if it is not killed by the first, B has a greater chance of producing significant damage that is wasted because of the low amount of HP. If we continue this out for a whole game would the difference be even quantifiable.

My Gut tells me that this should affect the model in some way and the problem might even need to be approached from a different angle. Something along the lines of  The Probability for 1, 2, 3.... Strikes to kill a set list of creatures with varying stats. As I said I don't think it is possible for  piercing to be better, but then again there might be some "magical" combination of dice, piercing, armor, and HP that does.

There almost always is Overkill Damage, but could some amount Piercing mitigate it to make a lower amount of attack dice just as good as adding the same amount of attack dice?


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