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Messages - Raidre

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Conquest of Kumanjaro release?
« on: June 21, 2013, 03:49:26 AM »
Is this supposed to be showing up at our retailers now, or was origins just an early release and our retailers still won't be getting it for a while?

General Discussion / Re: Life span for mage wars
« on: June 01, 2013, 04:23:56 AM »
I do not know if is need to know yet?  :P

for some reason I feel like his language here is hinting  to the power of the next mage. Some type of confusion ability or mind twisting/ altering :p

General Discussion / Re: Life span for mage wars
« on: May 31, 2013, 04:25:31 AM »

As long as it keeps selling Bryan will keep coming up with new mages. In fact I know of 4 that are not on that list. :P

so just looking at the list of mages, I noticed its an odd number.  Being that it seems mages are released in pairs we need 1 more mage on that list-

just as an example

Paladin / ?????

who is it?

I think this is better. I think it will be another dark magic user to be pair with a Paladin.

I wasnt really trying to guess, I was just showing the fact that we need to know 1 more mage!

General Discussion / Re: Life span for mage wars
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:17:11 AM »

As long as it keeps selling Bryan will keep coming up with new mages. In fact I know of 4 that are not on that list. :P

so just looking at the list of mages, I noticed its an odd number.  Being that it seems mages are released in pairs we need 1 more mage on that list-

just as an example

Sorcerer / ?????

who is it!

General Discussion / Life span for mage wars
« on: May 26, 2013, 05:15:42 PM »
So do we know any details of the life span for Mage Wars?  What I mean is, do we already know of all the mages that are going to ever be released, or does Arcane Wonders have plans to keep making more mages as long as the game is popular.   


Will Mage Wars stop having new mages at some point and just have new cards/ Variants of the current mages?

Mages / Re: warlord
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:34:28 PM »
i think what im worried about is where his creatures come from. From what we know about the new creatures, they seem more like creatures that would just walk into the arena with him rather than monsters he is summoning.  And if this ends up being the case, it makes him feel less appropriate for an arena and more so for like a war or battlefield.  So thats wwhere i think the earth school comes in to make up for that,

World and Lore / Re: war school of magic.
« on: January 03, 2013, 11:23:08 PM »
Quote from: "paradox22" post=6119
I think if magic was real, war is the FIRST thing we humans would use it for.   ;)

haha I agree with this, and thats kind of my point, I can see War school on a battlefield cause it helps out soldiers but not able to see it much for an arena match.

World and Lore / Re: war school of magic.
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:14:59 AM »
maybe ill be more excited about the war school when i see some of the "war mage only" exclusive spells so i can see what they are really all about.  As it stands now, everyone can use it all so were all war mages plus the other schools.

World and Lore / Re: war school of magic.
« on: January 02, 2013, 01:32:57 PM »
Quote from: "BR3AKR" post=6078
I like to think of the war school as a sort of "Charm" magic. Basically it can be used to inspire units to greater heights than they could have accomplished without some kind of magical influence. I would agree with you if there weren't some supernatural feeling spells that fit in the war school but a spell like Battle Fury definitely gives me the feeling of what I'm talking about.

As to your bashing comment, it didn't sound like you're bashing to me :) - I think it's totally valid to call into question the 'vibe' of spells as the creators have obviously gone through so much effort to make sure everything FEELS right. So I'm sure they're interested in this kind of input.

i can see a mage doing what you describe and having it be done as magic, however, it seems more appropriate for a battlefield and less so for an arena match.

  When i imagine a mage using the war school as his main school, i dont picture that he is summoning or conjuring goblins or dwarves or what have you into the arena, rather they just walk in with him and he can make them stronger, which again doesnt seem fitting for an arena fight.

General Discussion / Re: Wizard Voltaric Shield and a few other ?
« on: January 02, 2013, 12:08:08 AM »
The number at the bottom of condition tokens is the removal cost. You must play a card or an ability that allows you to remove a condition, to be able to pay the removal cost on the token to remove the effect. As mentioned by others, some effects can fall off naturally or by other means and not just by paying the removal cost such as burn or stun.

  You can always check the codex for each condition and it will explain the ways a condition can be removed if it has other options besides just paying the removal cost.

World and Lore / war school of magic.
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:52:55 PM »
I just wanted to talk about the " War" school of magic and get opinions on how this fits in thematically for a mage.  As an example, if the Warlord didnt have earth as one of his schools, i couldnt really see him as a mage, more as just a General.

My thinking is like , if i were to ask someone to create a mage and to choose his school of magic that seems realistic for a mage, i just dont think war would be said.

A mage in my eyes isnt someone that just tells soldiers and what not what to do or someone that forges gear.

 I dont know, maybe im missing something, i would like to hear others thoughts on this school.

(as a side note, i love this game and this thread is not to bash the game. just for discussion.)

Mages / warlord
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:43:22 PM »
just a question im curious about on the warlord. will their be enough earth spells for him to use a earth spell heavy book rather than lots of creatures? Or do his abilities want you to use creatures more?  The reason i ask is i want him to feel more like a mage and not just a commander who sometimes does a spell.  

the beastmaster using lots of creatures still leaves him feeling like a mage because its through magic he has that connection with the animals and is able to take on the animal traits. so his magical ability makes sense to be in a mage arena. Someone that just controls an army would feel less like a mage.

maybe for me and what it comes down to is, how does "War" fit in as a school of magic.

Spells / water/frost spells
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:29:48 PM »
just a question to see if we know yet, is frost going to be its own school or is it just going to be classified as water.

i imagine water because frost isnt listed as a school. and probably similar to how lightning is classified as air

Rules Discussion / upkeep+ question
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:23:42 PM »
does upkeep trait stack. like the obelisk giving creatures +1 upkeep trait and the enchant that gives the creature +2 upkeep trait. would that. creatures controller with the enchant pay3 or 2?

reason im not sure is because it says it gives the trait and i didnt know if the higher trait replaces the lower or he has 2  traits

Spellbook Design and Construction / additional spell books and spells
« on: September 27, 2012, 10:09:44 PM »
when can we buy more spell books, and  is there a list anywhere that shows what u get if u buy the additional cards box

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