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Messages - Zombie@Heart

Pages: [1]
Alternative Play / Epic Mage Wars
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:40:09 PM »
I've been playing with the idea of doing an epic Mage Wars Arena game. Where you treat all cards in a spell book as if they had the epic trait. i.e. only one copy of any one spell in a single spell book. I imagine it would really open up player strategies and get people away from only relying on one or two strategies and at the very least make for a fun game. It would also make spells with cantrip and spellbind invaluable.
This obviously presents problems for some mages, the druid specifically comes to mind. As well as any mage that focuses on swarm tactics like necromancer or beast master. But overall i could see spell books with multiple varying strategies over a single game.
Has anyone ever tried a game like this? Would love thoughts, feedback suggestions? Or any other house rules players have implemented into this kind of game

I always include a mordok's Obelisk with my forcemaster. I play mine more focused heavily on attack dice, and manna control. Usually with a couple thoughtspores with cheap incantations like battle furry or power strike. I also include manna vampirism on my forcemaster to add insult to injury. Working The Invisible Stalker into my spell book would help increase the damage and overall board control my forcemaster would have. Biggest weakness being the long set up time it would take. Between the battle forge, manna siphon, obelisk, thoughtspores, and stalker, it wont start turning out damage till about turn 4 or 5. Granted i am still a relatively new player, but the forcemaster and her focused strategies and creatures are some of the coolest in the game. IMO

I would like to see a better way to heal plant OBJECTS. Renewing rain is great for hitting the entire arena, but its a full action and only heals 2 damage. With plants severally lacking in armor, Id like to see something that will more reliably heal plant objects.
Maybe eretta healing wand so that it can target all living objects, not just creatures. Or come out with a specific equipment or incantation to single target plant objects. Something that wont let plants get burned down so quickly

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Familiar tactics?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:26:20 PM »
I am a big fan of thoughtspores with the Forcemaster. Essentially,  I treat them as floating mage wands.  instead of attack spells, i prefer to put incantations on them because they tend to be much cheaper on average. Especially battle fury.  This helps the creature poor Forcemaster deal with swarms much easier when combined with her Galvitar full attack action.

I am also a fan of the more poorly received goblin builder. While one of a few familiars that DON'T possess channeling, I feel they are essential for anyone who relies on three or more conjurations, such as either beastmaster, wizard, temple focus priest/priestess, necromancer, or druid(although for the later they are a bit more costly to add to your spell book). They allow your mage to continue to attack and put pressure onto your opponent while also allowing you to build up your resources. Combined with the construction yard, and your mage becomes all about conquering the enemy mages conjurations.
However I can understand the argument that you have two cards doing the job of one (goblin builder + construction yard = any other familiar with channeling), but overall I think it can make for a fun spell book build.
Also not legendary so having two out can really provide a nice advantage(although good luck trying to make up for the manna deficit) 

League / Tournament Play / Re: Organized Play Los Angeles
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:20:01 PM »
Looking for MW OP in the SoCal area! Love the game and would love to get involved in the community!

Rules Discussion / Re: Druid's Vine Tree clarification
« on: October 11, 2016, 09:19:04 PM »
lol Thanks folks! I love the druid and wanna make sure I am playing her correctly

Rules Discussion / Druid's Vine Tree clarification
« on: October 10, 2016, 11:10:15 PM »
Question about the Vine Tree conjuration. It has two abilities that activate during the deployment phase. One that allows you to place a second vine token using the Druids spreading vines ability, and the second that allows you to cast a vine creature.

Do you get to use both of these abilities during a single deployment phase? Or do you have to choose only one?

They way I understood it is you can only activate a single card once per round; this would appear to me to be activating a single card twice in one round, but I could see how the argument could be made for them activating either simultaneously or at the very least consecutively.

Second question! In the case you do get go activate both, can you spend the vine token just placed to summon a vine creature there? i.e. do they have to be resolved in a particular order or can you alternate it? I don't imagine it will make a difference 99% of the time but just in case of that 1%, it might help to know. Thanks for the help!

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