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Messages - Cereal Killer

Pages: [1]
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid Lover :D
« on: April 16, 2016, 08:15:31 AM »
Hi! I'm recently testing this old version of my spellbook with some little changes...... Do you think there are some new cards to add or something to modify with the new meta??

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Druid Lover :D
« on: March 06, 2015, 09:46:10 AM »
Thanks echephron and ACG for your criticisms, I really appreciate it!! ;)
-I use Druid's Leaf Ring for a slow "turtling" and defensive start (Ring + Tree, Flower + Flower, ecc. if the opponent makes my own strategy) and then I usually try to be more aggressive with plants spam advancing and supporting my creatures.
-I like the addition of a pair of Knokdown vs flyers, really useful!! :)
-Two weeks ago I tried a version with Samara Tree and Seedling Pods and then only with Seedling Pods but they were too slow and fragile...... :(
-I'll try Guardian Angel in future, she's my first candidate for a mixed build with Galador.
-This week I'll try a solo match vs a Female Warlock and Adramelech (I usually play against Fire Wizard, Air Wizard, Beastmaster, Pristiess and Male Warlock).

Spellbook Design and Construction / Druid Lover :D
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:10:42 PM »
Hi!! I'm a italian player and I recently started to play Mage Wars with 7-8 friends...... We have all the expansions and the Druid is my favourite mage: I think she's a very tactical and difficult mage but, at the same time, one of the strongest mage if she's in good hands (near the OP Wizard). I've tried Galador and Tarok but I usually use a plant build with Togorah to protect my Vine Tree with vigilance/intercept (21 points true but my Treebonded Tree must survive in the early rounds). :D
This is my build...... Ah, sorry for my english!!  :-\

3x Acid Ball (1)
2x Surging Wave (1)
1x Geyser (1)

3x Tanglevine (1)
2x Bloodapine Wall (1)
2x Wall of Thorns (1)
2x Corrosive Orchid (2)
2x Mana Flower (1)
1x Nightshade Lotus (3)
1x Vine Tree (2)
1x Etherian Lifetree (2)

4x Raptor Vine (3)
3x Thornlasher (2)
2x Vine Snapper (2)
1x Togorah, Forest Sentinel (6)
1x Kralathor, the Devourer (4)

3x Rhino Hide (1)
2x Bull Endurance (1)
2x Bear Strenght (1)
2x Nullify (2)
1x Barkskin (2)
1x Harmonize (2)
1x Falcon Precision (1)
1x Cheetah Speed (1)

1x Eagleclaw Boots (1)
1x Bearskin (1)
1x Mage Wand (4)
1x Vinewhip Staff (2)
1x Wand of Healing (2)
1x Enchanter's Ring (1)
1x Druid's Leaf Ring (1)
1x Moonglow Amulet (2)
1x Leather Gloves (1)
1x Elemental Cloack (2)

3x Dissolve (1)
2x Dispel (2)
2x Teleport (4)
2x Force Push (2)
2x Rouse the Beast (1)
2x Burst of Thorns (1)
1x Seeking Dispel (2)
1x Renewing Rain (2+1)

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