Thanks echephron and ACG for your criticisms, I really appreciate it!!
-I use Druid's Leaf Ring for a slow "turtling" and defensive start (Ring + Tree, Flower + Flower, ecc. if the opponent makes my own strategy) and then I usually try to be more aggressive with plants spam advancing and supporting my creatures.
-I like the addition of a pair of Knokdown vs flyers, really useful!!
-Two weeks ago I tried a version with Samara Tree and Seedling Pods and then only with Seedling Pods but they were too slow and fragile......
-I'll try Guardian Angel in future, she's my first candidate for a mixed build with Galador.
-This week I'll try a solo match vs a Female Warlock and Adramelech (I usually play against Fire Wizard, Air Wizard, Beastmaster, Pristiess and Male Warlock).