Resources and Downloads / Re: Wizard and Wizard's Tower Errata
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:31:19 AM »Quote from: Halewijn
If you play with only the core box, or a few expansions, you should simply enjoy yourself and play with a fire mage. The problems initiated with the release of more expansions. With each new expansion, the Wizard gained more tools and became more overpowered. Especially with the release of the Siren, things would have gone out of control. The Siren is a water based mage and the wizard would have been able to use all her tricks. The Wizard was perfectly balanced IN the core box itself.
Only if you want to play competitive with the entire cardpool you should really consider the errata. I for one am VERY happy they did these changes.
Agree with all. Really. And thanks for your words, amigo Halewijn. I hope we will get many new players in Spain (languaje is a big deal here) after the spanish edition, and I will have no problem to teach / play against all them with my Core Box. But dunno, for me MW was perfect beacuse the concept of a 'Closed Game'. Well balanced, and with no the obligation to "subscribe" all months to get the last powerful cards... Definitely has been the biggest change I've seen in the game.
Quote from: Laddinfance
I'm sorry that you disagree with our approach to this issue.
Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts on this matter.
No. Thanks to you for your kind answer and sorry for my reaction.
Simply I don't understand why all the other people is so happy with this change, but maybe I have to think twice about the good things that will come in the future thanks to this radical errata...
About my feelings with MW:
Rated with a 10 in BoardGameGeek. No discussion about this; simply a masterpiece in my opinion.
I bought the Core Box in 2014. And start learning to master only 2 mages:
(because I'm not collector, neither completist)
Priestess was for me the 1st option. Holy School, angels, the Light... nice! Was a "kind mage" to play vs newbie players, using Guard Angels, defending myself. Lot of Epic games (vs Necromancer) were made with my little princess.
Fire Wizard was my Top One. My strong mage to deal vs Forcemasters, Warlocks & Wizards in really hard battles with agressive strategies.
I left playing MW for some months awaiting the spanish edition. Some days ago, I noticed about the inminent release of DEVIR Edition in November and cheering up to "card players" (Magic, Netrunner, AgoT) to give it a chance playing it vs me.
After posting my feelings about the future of MW in Spain in a spaniard dedicated forum, another user warned to me about the "nerf of the Wizard"... Came back to AW Forum and discover that was true... and everybody happy!
And now?
Have to discard the Fire Wizard. A well thought Spellbook, now is useless, cause lot of spells/equipments are now so expensive. Obviously trained in Wind School has no chance against a FM.
The Priestess, - at least one year ago -, definitely was not an opponent vs Forcemaster or Not-Wind-Wizard, so need another TOP mage. And not very sure if in the future not will see another big "errata" with those TOPs. So atm, I feel sad, and unmotivated with one of my all time favourites games.
Thats all. Sorry if I'm not so happy as most of the users. But Wizard was the versatile option, and now I feel a little bit "forced" to learn to play at least 2-3 more mages.
P.D. Sorry for my english.