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Messages - Drefan

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Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: August 04, 2018, 12:14:59 PM »
Due to unforseen circumstances I shall be withdrawing from this tournament. Good luck to everyone and thanks for the matches.

That sucks! Really enjoyed your games in this tournament, especially your warlord with fast Grimson was a treat :)

As for the tournament, wouldn't it ideal to have Farkas advance and take Silver's spot in the LB round 2?

General Discussion / Re: Mage wars 2.0
« on: June 23, 2018, 12:49:02 PM »
I think Mage Wars 2.0 would be great if it solved some issues the current version has, perhaps a new and improved rules section, trimming down on condition markers and printing cards that have been changed.
A 2.0 version doesn't make sense to me if it doesn't "improve" the game in some aspect.

New artwork or whatever can just be any other card expansion. I think Mage Wars as it stands right now is a great game where the meta is always developing and it's definitely not in dire need of new expansion(s).

Sure, new expansions are always fun but since there are so many ways to build decks with multiple mages there's no "lack" in new decks to try out.

Rules Discussion / Re: Tsunami, can we change how its push works?
« on: June 15, 2018, 02:47:15 AM »
"When Tsunami is cast, choose a direction. After the attack resolves, repeat the attack one zone farther..."
I believe most of us on Octagon, even in tournaments play it like that. Choose zone, then the direction is also where the push is towards. So you can attack + push from point a to b.

I do not believe its overpowered, it's a good card for sure but it costs a lot.
+ tons of small attacks and pushes
- if the target(s) have armor, the dmg will be significantly reduced.

I do not think it's overpowered, it's a good card but pretty situational.

Creative / Re: Mage Wars Meme-day
« on: June 14, 2018, 03:06:48 AM »
that grumpy cat is so me :D

Isn’t this rules and tricks thing much like the existing supplement?

Yeah, it already exists, but it would be nice to see if some few are chosen to be able to edit or add clarifications to it. Making the games more advanced and hard to get elements more transparent.

I think generally the rules are pretty straightforward, there are a few exceptions the most obvious one to me being enchantment transfusion and how tricky it can be to understand.
I do not know how the translated versions of MW are since I only played the English version, perhaps that plays a big part in rule-uncertainty?

If there's something tricky, generally there's already a thread about it. Perhaps adding more explanations to certain cards/traits could be needed and just added to a rule- & tricks book online? Would solve most of the confusion and also give new players an insight into "more advanced mechanics" of play.

Events / Re: Gen Con 2018
« on: May 13, 2018, 09:09:44 AM »
Will AD cover Gen Con this year?

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: May 12, 2018, 12:59:36 PM »
I'm a bit confused regarding group B.
Originally it states Grimmbart, Drefan, Jeffman, Reddicediaries, Jbuzzsaw79.

On mages used by player and challengeone it states: Drefan, Jeffman, Reddicediaries and Jbuzzsaw79 and LuckiestLuke.

I'm however getting mesages from Grimmbart trying to setup a game and since I've already played 3 matches and only have Reddicediaries left to play against I'm a bit confused. Is luckiestluke grimmbart or did he get replaced and both me and grimmbart missed it?

If they needed extra funding and went to Kickstarter I'd help ofc.

I don't see a miniature game happening, however, maybe a figurine mage of your choice could be worth it, not to play with but more like a collectible.
I would also be happy with just limited edition artwork, high-quality playmat, and a magnetic chan/mana/hp tracker.
Keeping the game the same but just nice accessories and cool artwork.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: February 16, 2018, 01:38:22 PM »
revealing the starting field is my guess.  ;D

Back to the point..

I have a question to the Gardener:

How does your plants respond to that loud death music your playing?

When I was playing Mozart they would turn out weak, but ever since I switched to death metal I've seen a higher amount of crit die than I did before, so overall it's been a good change.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: February 16, 2018, 09:14:15 AM »
What do you think of Drefan?

The man is a gardener, not a warrior. Could you hand me the bottle to your left?

This actually made me laugh out loud. Fun idea, keep it going!

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars on OCTGN
« on: February 06, 2018, 09:06:35 PM »
Where can i find the last packs? new forcemaster, paladyn etc
the post above you :)

Off topic / Drefan's Corner - A Mage Wars VoD Channel
« on: January 08, 2018, 10:20:34 PM »
Hello everyone. The recent burst of online games on Octagon got my MW fire coming back more and more and due to that, I've started to record games again.

If anyone is interested in watching games from a different viewpoint feel free to drop by my channel :)

If you want to play me and have it recorded send me a pm or contact me on discord!

I agree that making a game out of the card game would be the best way. I do not think it should be tied to another "board-game" platform but instead a standalone game in the steam market.

To make sure a game like this would be successful you'd need it to be at least 100 times more polished than the version of MW on Octagon. MW works on Octagon because us players already know the game well and can correct mistakes that happen.

General Discussion / Re: How to get started
« on: January 05, 2018, 06:43:03 PM »
So two questions:

What are some general book building guidelines? (I'm guessing there are some posts about this but I'm not sure where)


How do you connect with players in your area?

When it comes to building books my advice would be to try and come up with an overall gameplan on how you're supposed to beat your opponent. Also some sort of counter vs other types of decks: Aggro - Greed - Mass Creatures - Buddy builds - Beefy mage.

Try and think of how you can get answers to these different playstyles within your main school and try and go as little as possible outside your own school if it's not for something of great importance. Think of weaknesses with your deck and how you can work around it in different scenarios.

Another tip would be to look at a bunch of games on Arcane Duels youtube channel, here you can see a ton of games from different players and get an overlook on what people like to play and how they deal with different situations.

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