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Messages - ScaredyCat

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:46:38 PM »
I have to admit I too am surprised this discussion has gone on this long. 
To everyone's credit - kudos for your civility and thoughtful inputs.

Quote from: Wildhorn
First, the normal crystal is better than your made-up crystal because it gives you back some of you investment every turn instead to wait 5 turns.
Quote from: ACG
In your fictitious conjuration example, Mana Crystal is certainly better than that conjuration, ....
To Wildhorn and ACG - why did you decide the real Mana Crystal was better than the fictitious Mana Crystal?  Why is the round-by-round return better when your argument is no benefit in rounds 2-5?

I know it is a bit rhetorical but I think your answer is exactly why DaFurryFury, myself, and a few others see short term value with this card in addition to its long-term benefit.  My fictitious example returns the same value by turn 6 as the Mana Crystal and yet you both suggest it is worse than the real Mana Crystal.  Why if it costs the same and provides the exact same return by round 6?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:13:26 AM »
Quote from: zorro
We all agree than later than turn 6 having cast a crystal can provide more options. The discussion is about turns 1-6
Yes, rounds 1-6 but not solely.  The value is both.  Most argue that the benefit is solely turn 6+ and discount ANY value prior to turn 6.
Quote from: ACG
Just imagine a hypothetical scenario - any scenario; you could even posit a round limit enforced by a tournament - where the remaining time is limited to 5 rounds or fewer. What motivation do you have to cast a mana crystal rather than literally anything else?
NONE - In this very specific example I see no benefit.  The value comes when played earlier when the game is still likely to take a while.  As stated above, the value this spell brings is primarily 6 rounds out but the debate is whether value can be realized sooner.  Personally, I would never cast it unless I expected the game to go at least another 10+ rounds.

I agree that concrete examples would definitely put this discussion to rest.  I have been watching this conversation since it began struggling to find a simple viable example.  There are none.  The secondary benefit is mostly reactionary to the game tempo and there are too many possible scenarios to keep it simple.

Maybe another approach to this discussion would be whether anyone saw value is a fictitious Mana Crystal -like  conjuration that cost 5 mana, produced no benefit for rounds 1-4 after casting, but then produced +5 mana on 5th round and then +1 channeling for all rounds after that. 

If this non-existent conjuration were compared to the actual Mana Crystal then which is better and why?

Maybe that perspective will help illustrate the near-term benefit.  I am NOT trying to convince anyone that the Mana Crystal is good or bad but rather trying to contribute as to why there is potential benefit in the first 5 rounds post casting.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 14, 2014, 11:30:54 PM »
I think most respondents to DaFurryFury's argument are focused on the wrong thing.  It is not what you could do instead of playing the Mana Crystal but rather what you can do after playing it.  It is not whether the Mana Crystal is a better play than some other card, but rather the options it now affords you to respond to your opponents actions as well as the new options it opens for you in subsequent rounds.

I believe we all can agree that everyone has different styles, strategies, tactics, etc depending upon the mage your playing and the degree of experience you have against your opponent (i.e. their style, strategies, tactics, etc).  We all value one card over another as it works to achieve these ends.

My interpretation of "action potential" is what I can now do to respond to actions my opponent has taken or not taken while staying focused on my own strategy.  I know I cannot anticipate everything my opponent might do anymore than I can expect to do everything I would like to do when I want to do it.

The Mana Crystal gives me two key benefits:
  • Long-term channeling growth
  • Extra capability to respond to unforeseen actions on the part of my opponent

Am I sacrificing the play of some other spell so I can play the Mana Crystal?  Of course I am but that is a decision we make with every spell.  My opponent did so too with whatever they chose in the early game.  Maybe it was armor that they won't need until round 6 or maybe it was for a wand that I later dissolve before they ever use it; whatever it does not matter, we all make choices.

What I am wanting, is to be in a position as early as possible to respond to my opponent when necessary while keeping my eye on the end game when I can (hopefully) overwhelm them.   I want more mana and especially more than my opponent.  This may take several rounds but I know the game will last at least that long and I plan my strategy for it.

I assume we will both spend our starting mana quickly on things we want.  The subsequent rounds will be all about what we're willing to bank and our channeling.  This is where the "action potential" comes into play.  As the game unfolds we both will eventually find ourselves in a position where we need to respond to something our opponent has done.  If I can channel 11 vs. my opponents 10 then I am in a better position to not only respond but possibly doing so while still moving forward with my own strategy and tactics.  If I don't need to respond then I am in a better position to force my opponent to respond to my actions because I am spending more each individual round than they are.

Bottom line is that I see value in the 5-mana "sacrifice" that the Mana Crystal gives me on the rounds immediately after its cast.  It is an investment in the near and long-term future that I am after and worth whatever else I might play that needs that 5-mana. 

Is this true in all situations?  No . 
Could my opponent surprise me and attack aggressively at the start?  Sure, but I don't think 5-mana will put me at too much risk. 
Could I have banked the 5-mana and used that as my "action potential"?  Sure, but would I ... probably not (I'd likely spend it on something else).
Could my opponent play something that might prove, in hindsight, to be more valuable than my Mana Crystal?  Of course.  But will they?  We'll never know until we play.

BTW - while I often have this spell in my book I usually don't cast it until rounds 3 or 4.  I have more important spells to get out early (e.g. spawnpoints, large creature, or something else that my strategy requires be out early).  This also allows me to get a early read on my opponent's likely strategy and know whether it is "safe" to cast the Mana Crystal or if I need that 5-mana for some immediate response.  Baring an immediate need then I cast it and continue on with my own game tempo.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:46:22 PM »
Nice vid DaFurryFury - unfortunately be ready for those that will get hung up on the cards you chose to play in your examples and miss the message. 

BTW - I liked wtcannonjr two-cents worth, you are both spot on!
It seems like we are talking about concepts covered in Investment Theory. i.e. Present and Future Value of Mana (rather than cash) and Option Theory to understand the value of a potential decision at a future time.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 04, 2014, 10:42:02 PM »
DaFurryFury you are spot on with your math and your common sense. 

However, I think Gregstrom's comment earlier in this thread sums it up very concisely:
What I get if I put 5 of my initial mana into a mana crystal instead of some other asset is added ongoing flexibility

It is too simplistic to see value in the Mana Crystal/Mana Flower over a long game (i.e. more mana) just as it is to shut the idea down as a wasted turn vs. other options (i.e. 5 mana + 1 action wasted).  The real RoI of a small sacrifice in turn 1 for added capability from turn 2 onward is just not as apparent for some as it is for others. 

To myself, DaFurryFury, Gregstrom, and others the concept is easily grasped.  Wildhorn and others see lost opportunity and prefer more direct options.  Disagreements like these validate this game and help ensure a long life of enjoyment to its fans.  If all spells had obvious value, or lack of value, then the game would be boring and die a quick death. 

For me, I nearly always stock my spell book with 2 Mana Crystals/Mana Flowers depending upon my Mage.  I usually open playing 1 or 2 of these conjurations within the first 3 rounds.  Obviously an aggressive opening by my opponent will influence what I really do, but most players tend to spend the first few rounds "setting up" and the real action doesn't happen until rounds 4+.  My experience also shows that most games will last at least 14 rounds.  The advantage of the early mana conjuration gets realized early and continues as I am in a better position to control the game tempo.  "Early", as I have the potential of a better response to my opponent's opening, and "continues" as I have more mana = more options later when my opponent is stressed trying to manage the little mana he has.

BTW - If my overall strategy is to try to force a long game then I might have a third that gets played by round 6/7. 

Creative / Re: Large Hex Board
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:59:38 PM »
Congrats trying a hex board - does make the game more interesting.

We're still grooming a potential 6th player - Sooo stoked to try a 3v3 or 2v2v2.

Good Luck!

Alternative Play / Re: Team Play
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:23:57 PM »
After reading  this thread I am intrigued by Zubrei's suggestion to have joint-team turns. 

My group has played quite a few 2v2 games with team mates sitting across table.  We initially discussed joint-team play but elected not to go down this route.  We wanted to avoid changing the official rules. 

We did change the board though:

Regarding players sitting next to one another or collaborating in secret, while the two mages are acting as a single player, they are two mages and should act accordingly.  We permit cross-table talk.  The two mages can talk or yell in the arena.  Allowing the two mages to secretly collaborate during planning is not permitted; they can talk to each other but they must do so across the table in the presence of their opponents.  Again, these mages are in combat in an arena, not sitting next to each other in the stands operating robots.

The joint-life total was also discussed early in our team-play but was quickly discarded due to the rule challenges it poses (Regen, Finite Life, Blood-thirsty, condition markers, mage specific traits, and many more).  We have not experienced any problems with individual mages' life.  Each mage needs to look after one another - if one mage dies early then the other mage is likely doomed. 

I will revisit the joint-team play idea with my group.  This seems like a very doable idea and solves one pesky challenge we've had with "passing" because you have the fewest active creatures (do you have the fewest literally or fewer than your opponent).

Alternative Play / Re: Any suggestions for three player games?
« on: September 23, 2014, 04:18:54 PM »
I think there are a couple of other threads around recommending that each player wins if they kill the person on their left....

This could be ok.

What about starting positions?

And how many arenas? (the hexagonal might be better)

Our group contemplated ideas like player on left to avoid the ganging up when a 1v1v1 turns into 2v1.  However, often the best defense is a firm offense and the game turns into 2v1 regardless.

Despite this likely outcome we had great success with 1v1v1 and play this way quite often.  Our preference is 2v2 and we've even tried a few 1v1v1v1's.

Hexagonal board is the way to go - see this thread:

We're hopeful to get a sixth player in our group and try out a 3v3 or 2v2v2.

Truly an awesome game !

General Discussion / Re: Additional tokens
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:29:17 PM »
In free for alls, making the win condition be "last mage standing" biases the game in favor of control mages.
I agree - that is the natural tendency but aggro play has worked on occasion especially when the opponents were too focused on control/turtle-ling.

If the win condition were "first to kill an enemy mage", this biases in favor of aggro. In a 4 player free for all, having exactly two winners and two losers doesn't really work.
We've never tried this but I would agree it would definitely encourage aggro and discourage control.

If you're looking for balance, I would say play a game with two teams of even size, or a much larger free for all.
Agreed - We enjoy team-play the most.  Very interesting mage-combos and inter-player collaboration open a whole new aspect to the game.

We are in the process of training a 6th player into our group and looking forward to a 2v2v2 or 3v3 game.  Wish you [Imaginator] and others were close by; I'd like to introduce you to the group and the hex board. I've solicited for others in the San Antonio - Austin corridor but no takers yet  :-\ 

BTW - see the following topic regarding the "hex board" I was referring to.

General Discussion / Re: Additional tokens
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:57:09 PM »
I'm guessing you and your opponent are both extremely defensive players.

Actually the problem arises when we play 2v2, 1v1v1, or 1v1v1v1.  So many mages and their channeling objects we tend to start running out.  Aggressive players that make their move too early often find themselves ganged up and dead.  Tactics are very different in games other than 1v1.

General Discussion / Re: Additional tokens
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:39:35 PM »
I like the dice idea a lot - I'm surprised we never thought of this before  :-[

General Discussion / Re: Additional tokens
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:25:11 PM »
We can also use some extra mana token.  I'm glad they didn't include another iniative maker in fif. Got too many of those already.

I agree - more mana tokens are needed especially in multiplayer games.  We have three complete core sets through the current expansions and still run short on mana.

Creative / Re: Large Hex Board
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:18:57 PM »
That makes a lot of sense to me. Have you considered discounting walls by 1 mana to make up for the 20 or so degrees lost? Or do you think it's not really necessary?

No, we did not consider this.  Messing with mana cost was a Pandora's box that we did not want to open.

Any proposed change had to (1) solve a problem introduced by the hex map board, (2) be simple, (3) not create a new problem.  LoS determination on a hex map board was an obvious problem that had to be addressed.  Our solution was simple and easy to implement.  Our solution did not create a new problem rather it diminished an existing problem.

Creative / Re: Large Hex Board
« on: September 11, 2014, 03:49:22 PM »
I think it makes more sense, when you can place 2 wall sections to block 2 sides of one hex

We thought about using walls this way but this would greatly increase their affect in the game and was immediately discounted.     

With your proposal:
  • Summoning one wall would span two hex zone sides with a gross block of 118 degrees vs. one wall currently spans one square zone side with a gross block of 88 degrees.
  • Extending a wall would span four hex sides with a gross block of 238 degrees vs. two walls currently spans two square zone sides with a gross block of 178 degrees.
We did not want to give any component in the game more power because of the hex map board.

Our goal with the hex board was to provide more realistic movement and ranging.  Obviously changing the map board was a very big deal but we tried to do so while keeping to the spirit of the original design; this was very important to us.  We made every effort to leave the original game rules and errata untouched.  The affect of walls on LoS was one exception we had to address. The impact of walls has diminished slightly but they remain an effective component of the game.

The other mods (spell points) were a result of us play testing multiplayer games.  We scoured the forum for guidance but found little.  What we came up with has worked well and it appears others have adjusted spell points in an effort to speed up their games.  We've never been interested in speeding the games up (not yet) but rather to ensure good balance in a multiplayer environment.

We have a group of 5 in the San Antonio area that regularly plays Mage Wars and are looking to include others in the San Antonio to Austin corridor.

We regularly play multiplayer games (1v1v1, 2v2, 1v1v1v1) on a hex map board.  We are very interested in trying out a 2v2v2 or 3v3.

See topic about our hex map boards

If you are interested please reply to this post.  We can host or are willing to travel if you wish to host.

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