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Messages - rodriguekhalil

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General Discussion / Re: Anyone at origins today?
« on: June 04, 2015, 08:34:27 PM »
You guys are lucky! Up here, in Montreal, Canada, I have to wait until it actually gets delivered... Can't wait to try it! Already read the rules from cover to cover and thinking about my first domination spellbook.

General Discussion / Re: Dominate the Arena: Skeelax
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:37:16 PM »

(1) "During the Upkeep Phase, while Skeelax is in the same zone as an object with a Burn Condition, he gains the Regenerate 2 trait."

(2) "During the Upkeep Phase, if Skeelax is in the same zone as an object with a Burn Condition, he gains the Regenerate 2 trait until the end of the Phase."

Since the actual wording (1) is a "while" condition, it only applies as long as there is an object "burning."  As soon as it stops burning (e.g. the burning object is destroyed or the burn rolls a blank in absence of [mwcard=MWSTX2FFE01]Adramelech's Touch[/mwcard]), he no longer has Regenerate 2.  On the other hand, if the wording were an "if" condition (as in (2)), then one could argue that it applies as long as an object was burning at some point during the Upkeep Phase, even after any existing burn tokens are removed, regardless of who has initiative. That is, you check to see if the condition is satisfied; if it is, he has Regenerate, regardless of whether or not the condition changes during the Phase.

(The extra bit I appended to the end of (2) just makes sure his Regenerate 2 goes away if Skeelax leaves the zone or there are no burn tokens in his zone in future game rounds; otherwise it might stay "on" for the rest of the game!)

Then again, it depends on when you check this condition. If you do not have initiative, you have to wait for the other player to upkeep his effects and then check if your condition is met. That is not different from you first sentence's wording.

If we look at the big picture here, I don't see how this situation is different from any of the following:
- Creature with regenerate and a burn token
- Creature enchanted with Ghoul Rot and has regenerate
- Cursed Creature with regenerate and Necromancer uses his ability to pay one mana and deal extra damage (forgot the ability's name)
- Cursed creature with regenerate and Warlock uses [mwcard=MW1Q21]Moloch's Torment[/mwcard] to deal one damage.
-Druid using his Treebond Ability and regenerating and taking direct poison damage from Ghoul and from [mwcard=MW1Q21]Moloch's Torment[/mwcard]
- Mage wearing a [mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ01]Sunfire Amulet[/mwcard] and receiving any kind of direct damage during the upkeep.

If I'm not mistaken, all these situations are dealt with initiative: for instance, if a player without initative loses his creature by direct damage, it just can't regenerate.

It seems to me that, for consistency issues, we have to play it that way because this can resolve a lot of issues that can arise as new spells keep coming in.

Thematically, it also makes sens that initiative rules effects during the upkeep as it is the controlling mage who decides when to burn or poison damage a creature.

Spells / Re: Moonglow Faerie
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:10:03 PM »
Two spellbook points and eight mana casting cost? There aren't a lot of incorporeal items out there, I don't think. I suppose you could try to use her as a Wizard's curse transfuser, but I don't know the she really is worth it otherwise.

Well, she is still one of the cheapest Arcane Creature, right after the Blue Gremlin (one less mana).

So, 8 mana is not that much, relatively speaking. So, for the mana/level ratio, you are still winning.


  Just watched the episode!  Great ideas there. Thanks for the credit and yes, you did pronounce my name correctly  :)

As I wrote in the first topic about this deck I think it could be a good option to put in Altar of skull's and one more queen. In this way you can also pray at the altar within your combo (and get some use of the queens action). At the end you summon one more queen who could keep praying for the altar to start. This will make the combo one turn slower so you can only do this if you see you opponent slow playing as well (but then is also when the altar shines at most).

Tried it… It's just too slow. You really need to not be rushed at all.

General Discussion / Re: Dominate the Arena: Skeelax
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:46:02 PM »
It's interesting that, unlike [mwcard=MW1C33]Sosruko, Ferret Companion[/mwcard], Skeelax isn't a Pest.  While [mwcard=FWC15]Thorg, Chief Bodyguard[/mwcard] is also a "non-pest," Thorg's conditions for placing a Taunt marker are a bit more restrictive (e.g. full action; has to Guard, and thus can't attack normally and hand out a Taunt).  Skeelax could move and Guard (or double-move and Guard if you enchant him with [mwcard=MW1E05]Cheetah Speed[/mwcard]), then counterattack with a chance to Taunt.  And he has enough health + defense to stick around for a while (whereas Sosruko tends to die the first time his defense fails or facing an unavoidable attack).

I agree and, as such, it makes sens that the regenerate 2 trait might not trigger if the player doesn't have initiative. But now, [mwcard=MWSTX2FFE01]Adramelech's Touch[/mwcard] just became all the more useful!

General Discussion / Re: MW Battlegrounds What We Know So Far
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:33:07 PM »
mmmh, so, first FAQ on Skeelax:

Does his regenerate 2 trait come before or after the roll for the burn condition?

I clearly get the synergy here with the Adramalech Warlock.

I'm wondering if he would make a good Bloodreaper with the old Warlock.

He would make it all the more difficult for the opponent to melee attack the Warlock when they are taunted.
Just a thought..

EDIT: Just answered my question by reading another thread on Skeelax.

Events / Re: First Mage Wars Tournament on OCTGN
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:23:09 AM »
Were these games recorded? Any way we can watch them online if we weren't available over the week-end?


Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Charlotte area Necromancer
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:27:47 PM »

   I always wondered if a double spawnpoint system worked.

Do you actually deploy a creature from both spawnpoints every turn?  If not, is it worth playing both spawnpoints?

Also, how often do you get to play four full turns of mana saving? It seems to me that very few mages will allow you to do so. An intermediate to advanced player would get to you and start heavy damage well before you are ready to get out any creature.

I would love to be proved wrong though... I've only ever theorized on such a book.

Spells / Re: Elemental Wand
« on: May 25, 2015, 12:15:24 PM »
wands are good if you have a spare battleforge lying around, use armor ward, and/or are the anvil dwarf.
I have yet to find someone who will pay 5+2+2+4 mana to dissolve my wand.

Wait, I don't get it:

5 (mana cost)
2 (Rune)
2 (???)
4 (Armor Ward)

How does the BattleForge increase the dissolving cost?

EDIT: Oh wait, I get it. You meant Harshforge Plate, right?

Although, in this case, I would dissolve the Armor ward first and then Dissolve your pieces of equipment.
But you're right, you're still getting out ahead because I have to make choices: dispel or dissolve? Dissolve what? And I'm spending actions not damaging you.

Spells / Re: Elemental Wand
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:56:18 AM »
This is why I stopped using wands (Mage Wand or Elemental Wand).

I found that, action wise and spb-wise, it wasn't always as efficient as I'd like it to be. I'd rather just add one more of that attack spell you're intending to bind .

 Unless you can really pressure well the opponent into making tough choices, the wand is probably going to get dissolved soon enough, so you do not really get the benefit out of it completely and still lose your attack spell.

Spells / Re: Crown of Protection
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:51:31 AM »
My intention was to make sure that only critical damage could affect my creatures in an attack.

As such, CoP did wonders.

Action intensive? I agree. But it's also a great way to spend a cheap QC when you want to save mana to summon one of your Angels next turn. By using CoP, I could summon a big creature every 2-3 turns and still have mana to reveal any of my FD enchantments.

It's like having a Mage Wand or Elemental Wand. It gives you the flexibility of not using your planned spell and still not lose your QC.

Spells / Crown of Protection
« on: May 24, 2015, 08:24:44 PM »
Is it just me or is [mwcard=MW1Q03]Crown of Protection[/mwcard] just awesome?

I never seriously considered it. When I was making a Priestess or Priest spellbook, this piece of equipment would usually be the spell the would go out when I needed one or 2 spb to get to 120.

However, I used it yesterday and, when not dispelled , can make virtually any creature unstoppable! Use it  enough times on either an already strong creature like [mwcard=MW1C06]Brogan Bloodstone[/mwcard] or [mwcard=MW1C22]Knight of Westlock[/mwcard] or a weaker creature like an [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC01]Asyran Defender[/mwcard] or an [mwcard=MW1C02]Asyran Cleric[/mwcard] and you are basically giving them the resilient trait.

Granted, Rhino is cheaper but can be dispelled. Once the +1 armor tokens are on a creature, only corrode tokens can take them out.

I got the Idea after an opponent won but stacking armor on a Wall with [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC09]Otto Kronig, Master Engineer[/mwcard]. There was nothing a could do... No LoS and no way to destroy the wall, I was fried.

I did the same: stacking armor on my creatures and they served me very well!

It takes some time to set up, but isn't the priestess one of the best in survival mode?

Worst case scenario: the crown gets dissolve. So what, your opponent just lost a level one spell on your level one spell. I'm okay with that. Plus, that's one less dissolved for more dangerous equipment.

General Discussion / Re: OP Kit achievement condition
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:11:27 PM »
How about that:

Points awarded to the player who's last spell was a level 1 spell at the moment of death of a Mage.

Changes the whole meaning, but you still have the kill and the level 1 spell.


Points awarded to the player who kills a Mage or Legendary creature with a Level 1 attack or non-enchanted creature spell.

So you left fewer options but took out any unambiguous case.

Spells / Re: Moonglow Faerie
« on: May 20, 2015, 07:37:02 PM »
Actually, correct if I'm wrong but Moonglow Faerie has the pest trait and, as such, can't be used as a guard. Well, technically, it could, but it doesn't do anything more than giving her attack the counterstrike trait.


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