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Messages - Shortbeard

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Finishing the opponent?
« on: July 22, 2014, 12:52:24 AM »
The OCTGN community has provided some custom advanced apprentice (wanted to call it journeyman) mode books that you could start with.....

Link please!

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: Finishing the opponent?
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:15:42 AM »
Thanks everyone!

To give the example the priest had a three critter advantage over my dwarf and was within a dozen hit points of finishing me.  Between my battle forge and barracks I managed to place a defence on the dwarf and some good guarding critters.  Added a regen belt and proceeded to stand off as the priest could do nothing to the dwarf.

Now as I have 1 of everything and a second core set I guess I need to tear down all the pre builds to make them effective.  I wonder if the community would be interested in creating new starting books for the different mages that are more effective so games don't get paralyzed for lack of options.

Not looking for advanced strategy builds just straight forward ones.

General Discussion / Finishing the opponent?
« on: July 20, 2014, 08:31:26 PM »

So I have now completed a couple of full games of MW and noticed that the prebuilt spellbooks do not seem to have a way of pressing an advantage to win the game.  ie no finisher.

I recently had an Anvil Lord Warlock come back to grind out a win against the Priest.  The priest had taken a big lead and pressing but because the prebuilt had no big damage output to finish the Dwarf the game lasted 3 hours.

Question what is the best finishers for each of the mages in the game.

General Discussion / Re: General Spellbook Rules
« on: May 06, 2014, 06:36:16 PM »
Thanks everyone,

So, I went a tad overboard and picked up one of everything and an extra base set.  The reason is games are held at my place and I know we will get into Mage customization with 4 people but most likely 6 quickly and wanted enough that we could have fun with it.

I am hoping we will develop our own meta that is not everyone playing a few spell variant of what is best of the online builds.  What I gather so far is to include the basic anti opponent spells ie dissolve, dispel, etc. 

Then really se what appeals and create a book.  After a few plays tweak to address weaknesses.

I have high hopes that this game will provide a deep back and forth struggle with a bunch of surprises and dirty tricks.

I am already looking through the card list an coming up with thematic deck choices.  Can you effectively build a Dark Priest.  I was thinking of using Vampires with the priestess support abilities and light spells.  I think it sounds fun.

Now to start tinkering...

General Discussion / General Spellbook Rules
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:46:47 PM »
Hello Artisans of the Arcane,

I just made the foolish decision to load up on Mage Wars supplies to bring this game to my play group.  My group is full of reformed Magic players and several Pathfinder/Second addition D&D players.  I got some great advice about introducing the game first in the apprentice format.  So that is the plan but everyone is excited and looked over the online walk through so I am certain we will be onto full games by the end of our first game day.

Long winded background to ask what are the general rules to building a spellbook.  My group is very good about net net "booking" prebuilds.  I have seen posts about auto include spells and that is not what I mean.  I what to know what is a general breakdown of spell types to make a good book.  As an example you need 4 armours, 3 - 5 creatures, 6 attack spells, etc. 

I'd like a general rule set so we can pit our own wits against each other if that makes any sense.  But some general rules so everyone ends up with a functional book until we learn enough to really specialize.  The fun of this is going to be growing with the group in skills and figuring out what wild combos work or don't.

If the rules differ per Mage is fine, but again I want to emphasize I am not looking for spell lists but general formatting rules. 

Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

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