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Messages - RedEye

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Re: Various Rules questions after playing
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:05:04 AM »
1) are spells on equipment (wands, etc) 'cast' when used. IE does magebane trigger?
2) Forcefield says it works on attacks, does that include attack spells or just combat attacks?
3) Are you allowed to look through your opponent's deck and/or discard pile? Are you allowed to look through your own deck/discard pile (other than planning phase)?
4) Harmonize has magebind +2, does that count oh his/her equipment? The actual target is the equipment but the extra channel goes to the mage.

Rules Discussion / Re: Various Rules questions after playing
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:52:25 AM »
More/followup questions:

1) "When you cast a spell with the SPELLBIND trait, you may immediately bind a spell to it..."
'May' indicates that you don't have to. My previous question was for this instance. Can I just bind whenever I want. I assume I can do so whenever I can perform an action (as in not an opponent's turn), but as I read it, that might be allowed to. That makes this VERY powerful. I can have an open unbound item and bind it to bind the perfect spell to counter whatever the opponent is doing on his turn

2) I read somewhere that you cannot have more than one dancing scimitar at once. Why? Where is it stated? I can't find it.

3) Has anyone tried playing with 3 spell choices? The whole picking two spells seems... constraining. Having a third choice even if you don't cast it feels more tactical as opposed to just worrying about timing the two you have in hand.

Rules Discussion / Various Rules questions after playing
« on: July 06, 2013, 11:01:50 AM »
1) If the mage gains flying, does his dancing scimitar benefit from flying too?

2) Dancing Scimitar is a flying sword with an attack called "flying slash", so shouldn't it have flying as a trait?

3) Do you HAVE to pay the blind cost for enchantments? Can you not just pay the reveal cost and forgo having to have it hidden?

4) Spellbind states that you may bind a spell when the spell with the spellbind trait. If you do not bind a spell at this point, can you no longer bind spells to it? If you are allowed to bind new spells, do you have to pay the re-binding cost when there is no spell currently bound to the object?

5) If the bound spell is removed from an object with spellbind can you bind a new spell to it? Will this incur re-binding cost if the object has such a cost?

6) Does paying the activation cost of an enchantment (turning it over) count as the spell being cast?

7) does the mage have to be in the same zone as battle forge to get the equipment.

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