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Messages - vlad3theimpaler

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Mages / Re: Rise of the Necromancer.
« on: June 22, 2017, 03:12:18 AM »
I can't speak to tournament appearances, but I can tell you why I love the Necromancer.  For me, style is a big part of it.  I've always thought black had some of the coolest cards in M:tg, and in dnd, my favorite enemies were liches, vampires, and other undead.  (And some demons, too.)

So when I tried mage wars, I immediately gravitated towards the dark mages.  Warlocks immediately caught my eye with their demons, and a few undead here and there.  And then the Druid vs. Necromacer expansion came out, and I still think it's the coolest expansion in the game.  There's so much style! You've got shambling zombie hordes, you've got an altar that powers up by placing skulls on it, you've got the book of the dead as an equipment!  (And if you have the sweet cardsleeves with the Libro Mortuos art, you can have your spellbook card in the spellbook sleeve, inside your spellbook.  It's like a Russian doll of evil!)

Mechanically, the Necromancer does awesome things, too, that tie into the flavor.  The poison immunity to me implies that the Necromancer is on the way to undeath himself, and the ability to use it as a weapon with impunity is pretty useful.  Having a graveyard and an evil book as spawnpoints are awesome flavor, and it also allows a cool strategic option of using both to just flood the board with creatures.  And having skeleton objects that can't be "healed," but can be "reconstructed" with an ample supply of bones is also pretty cool, and useful.  I actually prefer the skeletons to the zombies, both because I think they're cool, and because I'm a contrarian like that.   :)  They actually also work a little better against other necromancers, imo, because you're not paying for bloodthirsty effects that won't matter.  And with the dark conjurations that sap the other player's life, there's also an option to effectively set a "clock" and dare the opponent to try to kill you before that.

In short, Necromancers are both extremely cool from a flavor perspective, and have some unique strategic options open to them that separate them from the other mages.  That's why I like playing them, and I expect that's true for other people as well.

General Discussion / Re: Forcemaster Academy Spoilers!
« on: June 12, 2017, 11:15:07 PM »
Very good write up Puddinhead!

I've made some phone calls and checked with some distributors. As of right now the scheduled street release date for Academy: Force Master is July 15th. That means the plan for now, barring unforseen delays, makes this set LEGAL for the 2017 Gen Con Arena, Academy, and Domination Championships!

I was just coming here to ask about that.  Good to know.

General Discussion / Re: Forcemaster Academy Spoilers!
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:21:47 AM »
I think the mummy might have a home in my Necromancer book for domination.  Could make a good guard for an orb.

General Discussion / Re: Forcemaster Academy Spoilers!
« on: June 01, 2017, 01:39:14 AM »
I'm holding all opinions on these until I see if & how to extend Dissipate because otherwise, I'm not a huge fan of that being used so much here.

I think the creatures with dissipate are going to be fantastic in academy, but more niche in arena.

Are you kidding me? They're quickcast creatures. QUICK. CAST. CREATURES. Arena forcemaster will love them. They will not be merely niche.

No, I am not kidding you.  I think they will be more niche in arena than they will in academy.  That doesn't mean I think they will be BAD in arena.  You seem to be replying as if I made a much stronger statement than I actually did.

General Discussion / Re: Forcemaster Academy Spoilers!
« on: May 30, 2017, 11:41:21 PM »
I'm holding all opinions on these until I see if & how to extend Dissipate because otherwise, I'm not a huge fan of that being used so much here.

I think the creatures with dissipate are going to be fantastic in academy, but more niche in arena.

I believe the answer to all of your questions is no, since activating a creature lets you either a) take a move action and then a quick action, or b) take a full action.

Since moving into this zone would require a full action, you wouldn't be able to do anything else with that activation.

Events / Re: Gen Con 2017 Events
« on: May 28, 2017, 12:14:58 PM »
For the domination tournament, are we supposed to have a partner, or find one when we get there?

'cause my other Thursday event sold out, so I just added this one.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Too Cool for Skulls
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:34:17 AM »
Would it be worth it to add another cleric in case the one gets taken out so you can keep adding skulls that way?
I prefer having a Rise Again or Animate Dead to reanimate the cleric instead.  It's more versatile than another copy of the cleric if you're only going to have one in play at a time anyway, and bringing it back as a zombie means that the alter of skull won't kill your cleric once it's active.

[mwcard=DNE02]Rise Again[/mwcard] - 3 sbp; 5 mana; quick action while the Acolyte is alive; gives you a Zombie Acolyte with 6 hp remaining.
[mwcard=DNI01]Animate Dead[/mwcard] - 3 sbp; 3 mana; full action after the Acolyte is dead; gives you a Zombie Acolyte with 6 hp remaining.
[mwcard=DNC01]Acolyte of the Bog Queen[/mwcard] - 1 sbp, 5 mana; full action whenever; gives you a fully functional Acolyte with 7 hp remaining.
 (e.g. nothing stops you from having 2 Acolytes in play if you suspect your first might die soon, and you don't have to save mana for Rise Again "just in case", then why not plan a fresh Acolyte?).

Also, a Zombie Acolyte gains Bloodthirsty +0 (and Slow), so it's often forced to attack with 2 dice rather than performing its other possible actions.  I'd rather have another Acolyte in my book than waste the sbp on Rise/Animate - or conversely, I'd prefer to spend a valuable Rise/Animate on a better target than an Acolyte.

That's a good poitn aobut the spellbook points, which I had forgotten about.  (It's been a while since I actually got to play.)  But I still think that bringing the acolyte back as an undead so that the Altar doesn't damage it is pretty useful.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Too Cool for Skulls
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:45:10 AM »
Would it be worth it to add another cleric in case the one gets taken out so you can keep adding skulls that way?
I prefer having a Rise Again or Animate Dead to reanimate the cleric instead.  It's more versatile than another copy of the cleric if you're only going to have one in play at a time anyway, and bringing it back as a zombie means that the alter of skull won't kill your cleric once it's active.

General Discussion / Re: Community Card Contstruction
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:08:49 PM »
I vote for zombie fungus.  (or some other mind-controlling parasite.)

Infected by the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, a common denizen of the world's tropical forests, individuals of a certain species of tree-dwelling carpenter ant behave in a most peculiar manner. Wandering as if drunk, they leave their nest high in the canopy and stagger or fall to the understory below. There they mill about aimlessly until, at the appointed hour, they bite down hard with their mandibles onto the main vein on the underside of a leaf about 10 inches above the ground. Those jaws remain locked even as the ant dies, its body still clinging to the leaf. A few days later, the victorious fungus pushes a stalk through a hole in the dead ant's head, and the stalk drops spores to infect more unsuspecting ants.

Mages / Re: The Wizard discussion
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:52:26 PM »
If we take a large sample of players of roughly equal skill and find that those playing wizards win sginificantly more often than any other mages, then we can conclude that the wizard is overpowered.  (Not necessarily broken, but overpowered.)
If we find that the wizard's win percentage is so high that the metagame becomes "how do I beat a wizard," then I would be willing to call it broken.

I don't think we're at the point of brokenness, but I do think the evidence supports the claim that the wizard IS overpowered.

Is the sample size players or tournaments? It seems to me we would need solid tournament-level data over multiple tournaments and geographies to really understand this using statistical methods. I don't think we have this type of data but perhaps some of the community have seen it. If it exists then let's publish it for review by all.

I find it interesting when last year's GEN CON winner was a Beastmaster. There wasn't a large discussion on the forum about the Beastmaster being overpowered. Credit was given to the player for designing a spellbook that no one was able to counter effectively IN THAT specific tournament. This year with the wizard dominating player choices for spellbook designs and winning overall we don't seem to be having the same conversation with credit given to the player.

Perhaps public discussion of an overpowered Wizard is creating group think in the tournament community so that more Wizard's enter tournament play and therefore are more likely to win tournament play. Is there any data available to test this idea?
Of course there wasn't a discussion about the Beastmaster being overpowered.  That was a list that won ONE major event.
That's not what we're talking about here.  This is a wizard thread, not a gencon thread.  We're talking about the CONTINUOUS dominance (or at least, perceived dominance) of wizards across a large number of events since nearly the inception of the game.  Not even close to the same thing.

Mages / Re: The Wizard discussion
« on: August 11, 2015, 01:28:17 AM »
In my old World of Warcraft times, there was a saying:

It's the player, not the class.

Same in Mage Wars. With a good deck building skill you can always prevail against wizard whatsoever.
That's a terrible saying.
It's BOTH.

If we take a large sample of players of roughly equal skill and find that those playing wizards win sginificantly more often than any other mages, then we can conclude that the wizard is overpowered.  (Not necessarily broken, but overpowered.)
If we find that the wizard's win percentage is so high that the metagame becomes "how do I beat a wizard," then I would be willing to call it broken.

I don't think we're at the point of brokenness, but I do think the evidence supports the claim that the wizard IS overpowered.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on Domination having now played it.
« on: August 10, 2015, 08:00:31 PM »
I think making Galaxxus War only would be rather unbalancing, considering how powerful the spell is.

Events / Re: The 2015 Gen Con World Championship Report!!!!
« on: August 04, 2015, 08:11:42 AM »
You have me (Tyler Howsare) listed as 0-4, but I was 1-3.  Lost to forcemaster and beastmaster, beat a wizard, then lost to a johktari beastmaster.

I was the necromancer.

Events / Re: GENCON 2015 Tournament
« on: July 22, 2015, 12:28:23 AM »
How did the GenCon thread turn into a debate about using OCTGN?   :o

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