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Messages - JCD

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / A few questions...
« on: June 01, 2013, 01:00:46 PM »
I recently played through my first couple of games of Mage Wars. During our play, a few rule issues came up that we didn’t quite know for sure if we got it right. We’re pretty sure we got them mostly right and think I've clarified through some of the posts, but I wanted to clarify anyway. The issues are as follows:

1. If a creature has counterstrike ability and during the initial attack the creature takes enough damage to die, do they still get to counterstrike? I think I read that it does NOT occur, but I’ve read some conflicting posts.

2. If I have a burn token on a creature, I have the ability to either roll a die (to see if the creature can remove the token for free or if they take additional damage) OR I can pay 2 mana to remove the token before taking damage. This scenario would be true for any of the tokens/conditions with a stated removal cost.

3. Using the Beast Master as an example, if he attacks unaided, he uses 4 die – the stated 3d on his mage card and +1 for his melee attack bonus. If he were to use the Staff of Beasts, he would get 5d (4d + 1d). The Warlock would have a similar bonus as the other mage with the melee attack bonus.

4. If a flying creature attacks a ground based creature, that same ground based creature can counter strike during that same action, but later cannot attack the flying creature when they take their action. Similarly, none of the other opponent creatures can attack that flying creature, assuming they don’t have the flying creature.

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