« on: June 22, 2018, 09:01:41 AM »
I think the big this would consistentsy with FFG. One thing I really like about the company is the hype that ty can make for their products, how they do the previews, interviews with the designers/playtesters and articles discussing the meta. All of these show that the company has interest in their own product. As for the quality I have always thought there products were very nice and high quality, you can tell a lot of work went into it. I think FFG has learned not to throw expansions at a game in a short amount of time. X-wing was damaged beyond repair because they came out with expansions to fast, they ended up breaking the game and are now making a 2.0. I really like the idea of how they do Arkham horror the card game. They have a big box release and then every month have a small pack of cards come out. Big box is about $30 and small ones are $15. I usually find them cheaper through amazon, but that’s MSRP. Imagine if AW did something like that but the big box didn’t have to be mages. Each cycle could be themed and then smaller packs deepen that theme you introduced with the big box. Maybe introduce a mage every other cycle. So now you would get nice steady amount of new content it won’t be as much at one time, but it’s constant.
One con would be that the consumer would pay more over the long term. This does turn into a pro as well since AW would possibly make more that the game would be supported more. Anyways this is how I would expect FFG to handle MW, based off their other games. I would expect expansions to be slower then games like x-wing just because there isn’t as big of a player base.