A logical mage, the tactician knows how to wage war like no other.Image is concept art for Swain from league of legends, I couldn't google anything I wanted so this is what we ended up with.The Tactician is a Mind/War mage, utilizing a wide array of abilities to set up defenses quickly while mobilizing a strike force with a lot of combat versatility, including enchantments from the tactician that allow for tactical surprises.
Flanking: The Tactician's special ability, if his creatures outnumber the creatures (only one mark per zone, maximum of 2) in a square they are marked as 'flanked'. Lowers their armor by 3 and they cannot take full actions or move while marked.
Outpost: [Structure] Prevents movement of enemy creatures into this zone while present. Can be activated (full action) by creature in zone to move up to 3 also in zone creatures to adjacent zone (over walls). Allows 0-1 line of sight over zone walls.
Ambush: [Enchantment; Friendly creature only] When an attack is made against this target, immediately move zone adjacent creature into targets zone. (Optional: Moved creature becomes target, and gains guard before attack is made.)