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Messages - dexmark

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General Discussion / Re: Arena vs. Academy
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:57:11 AM »
I have been Mage Wars since the very beginning. I have multi-core sets, multi-copies of expansions and others.

From my experience, Arena rocks more than Academy as you have positioning and you can toss creatures all around the place.  It does run a little long and this is why we sometimes reduce the life of mages by 10 health points.

When you play more and you got a hold of Battlegrounds, you would not go back to Arena as the concept of terrain + board control + getting victory points token on capture and hold (can't remember the name of the token - V'tarr orb?) for each turn speeds up game play. 

The terrain factor is very fun. It changes your style of play. Would you let your opponent control that tile next turn that can produce those creatures or would you go for the creature guarding the tower? That tile that produces creatures can get annoying and you will get swarm immediately if you do not contest it. Battlegrounds will change your game play as you will have to split your army sometimes to accomplish different task. 

It's either you win by victory points or KO.  This battlegrounds also can support multi-play game play.  So me and my playmates always play Battleground map from now on.  Also due to the tile map, you can always change the look of the map at any given time.

How did the starting life reduction affect the balance and diversity of your local metagame?

Reduction of the life didn't really affect too much of the competition. It just helped speed up the game a little from 3 hours to 2 hours (Arena). We normally play and we used up all the cards in the book (so much counters and walls).  Our game normally last 4 hours or so.  This is why Battlegrounds was better due to the victory points. We only try to reduce the life by 10 in Arena if we want to speed up the game. If we have all night we just play it out.  But sometimes it last in the early hours of the morning.

General Discussion / Re: Arena vs. Academy
« on: June 10, 2017, 09:37:19 AM »
I have been Mage Wars since the very beginning. I have multi-core sets, multi-copies of expansions and others.

From my experience, Arena rocks more than Academy as you have positioning and you can toss creatures all around the place.  It does run a little long and this is why we sometimes reduce the life of mages by 10 health points.

When you play more and you got a hold of Battlegrounds, you would not go back to Arena as the concept of terrain + board control + getting victory points token on capture and hold (can't remember the name of the token - V'tarr orb?) for each turn speeds up game play. 

The terrain factor is very fun. It changes your style of play. Would you let your opponent control that tile next turn that can produce those creatures or would you go for the creature guarding the tower? That tile that produces creatures can get annoying and you will get swarm immediately if you do not contest it. Battlegrounds will change your game play as you will have to split your army sometimes to accomplish different task. 

It's either you win by victory points or KO.  This battlegrounds also can support multi-play game play.  So me and my playmates always play Battleground map from now on.  Also due to the tile map, you can always change the look of the map at any given time.

General Discussion / Re: Necromancer Collectors Set
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:30:04 PM »
For a pure mage collector set like the Necromancer I agree on the following:

- necro card sleeves
- 2 new custom necro spell book - one for skeletal army
and one for zombie army or make only 1 but each back will cater for the chosen army
- necro 3d miniature for:
1. Necromancer
2. Graveyard.
3. Reanimate - creature coming out of the ground. This should cover the alternate art for all reanimated creature.
4. Libro Mortous
- necro life counter or magnetic life/mana/channel counter
- 4 same level 2 necro incantation
- 6 same level 1 undead enchantment
- 1 level 4 or level 6 epic legendary creature kinda like the Game of Thrones White Walker on undead horses or headless horseman
- 4 same level 2 undead flyers
And other cards




This dragon looks very strong.

1st Turn:

Death Ring (2 mana)

Move two spaces closer to opponent.

2nd Turn (with 28 mana):

Full action: Summon Sardonyx (-23 mana)
Quick Action at end of turn: put nullify on Sardonyx

3rd turn (13 mana)

Full Action: Summon the Zombie Brute (11 mana)
Move Sardonyx closer

4th turn: (12 Mana)

- depending who goes first
- If the opposing mage uses his full action to move or teleport or banish Sardonyx (your Nullify will fire)

-Full action Bring Teleport (then teleport the mage between your Sardonyx and Zombie Brute).
-Attack with Sardonyx and follow up with Zombie Brute.
- Quick Action at end of turn: bring some attack spell

That is 11 ~15 dice at the end of fourth to the mage.

Not sure if he is in panic mode after that...

I will play my Warlord deck against him.

With the new Armory all your Friendly soldiers gain piercing +1 and melee +1 (that is just a bonus if it comes out).

But I don't really need the Armory yet.

These are the cards you needed:

1) Brogan (natural piercing +3). That makes his added armor -3.
2) If you have the armory available or if it is released this will make Brogan attack with -4 armor.
3) Take a few dissolves and dispels + mage wand.
4) Take Piercing strike (+3 to piercing) incantation.

If he does not have enough creature then he will lose with Brogan.  Or a well supported Brogan (Healed).

Hope this helps you.

My Beastmaster technique where the Necromancer gave up and surrender..

1) Bring the Panther out (1st turn).
2) Bring lots of move spell (Push or TK) - if the Necro is hiding behind guarding mobs then pull the Necro out just next zone to your charging animals.
3) bring the conjuration that gives your animals charge (Can't remember the name)
4) Then eventually add wings to your Panther and enchantment
5) Bring some birds

That's it.  Goal is to always hit the opposing mage with a lot of charging birds and a very elusive panther.

Mr. Pope,

First of all me and my friends and family (my son) love this game. We went all the way to Gen Con to compete plus get the new expansion (Druid/Necromancer).

I would like to thank you in the forums for the nice Christmas gift (I was suprise what I got in the mail when I opened it) you gave us from Arcane Wonders for pre-ordering the Necro/Druid expansion. I am sure other people who pre-ordered got the same or people who went to GenCon got something.. We will definitely use it in all our spellbooks.  Now my son's zombie deck just got more powerful with some of these cards that we didn't have initially.


General Discussion / Re: Not Impressed with Druid
« on: December 12, 2013, 05:06:12 PM »
I am not sure what this thread is about.

I am so OP with the Druid.  Okay, I lost once and won twice and did not look back. The opposing mages cannot handle the mass vines.. It just keeps coming and coming and more plants coming each turn.

Druid is so strong..

Just Vine like Crazy and have your big Trent do the beating while you other plants mass swarmed the Necromancer or other mages.

The basic idea:
This thread is not about Temple of Light + Hand of Bim-Shalla being a strong combo – it is about how to enhance this combo to become even stronger. Many temple builds rely on a solo-mage or a single strong creature, which is buffed with HoBS and Battle Fury for burst damage. The weakness of this type of builds is that you can prevent the damage quite mana efficient with different ways of crowd control (e.g. tanglevine, teleport, walls, daze, stun, restraint, defence rolls etc). So the idea of this build is to find a way which makes it very hard for your opponent to prevent the damage or in other words: We are looking for reliable damage sources.

Success rate:
To catch your interest, let me emphasize that from over 40 games I played with this build it had a 100% success rate (and in the majority of these games I never had more than 15 damage)! I know, it sounds unbelievable, but still its true. This is not because I played against morons – me and my strongest rival played over 70 games against each other and if I don’t use this build my success rate against him is roughly 50%. So we are quite at the same level and we both played against many different builds and more than 15 different human players via OCTGN with a good success rate even without this special build.
Considering all this, the reason for the outstanding performance of this build has to come from somewhere else than player skill ;).

The core cards of the build are:
-   6 Hand of Bim-Shalla
-   2 Temple of Light
-   3 Gremlins (if you can afford them, take 4)
-   2 Battle Fury
These cards work with every mage (although I have my favourites) and even if you add some important meta cards (e.g. seeking dispel, dispel, teleport, maybe a couple ballistae in the future) you still have enough spellpoints to combine this strategy with a second for flexibility.

The Opening:
The following example assumes that you have a Channeling of 10, but the first three rounds work also with channeling 9.

Round 1 (20 Mana):
HoBS + Gremlin = 12 Mana

Round 2 (18 Mana):
HoBS + Gremlin = 12 Mana

Round 3 (16 Mana):
HoBS + Temple of Light = 14 Mana

Round 4 (12 Mana):
HoBS + Battle Fury

In round 4, this build has the potential to generate a total of 22 damage dices divided into 4 rolls from which 3 have piercing 1 and one has a high chance to daze/stun (5 dices from ToL, 3 from the Gremlin without buffs, 14 from gremlin buffed with HoBS and Battle Fury). BTW in round 4 this build has 2 mana left, which can be used to give the gremlins fast (assuming channeling 10).
This damage output is quite high, but other builds achieve this as well. The important point is that it is really difficult for the opponent to prevent the damage. Walls don’t work against Gremlins. Tanglevine and other forms of crowd control are very inefficient against this build as well, because you need to control both gremlins and the mage at the same time! If you don’t, the free creature is buffed with 4 HoBS and a quick casted Battle Fury without you having the chance to interrupt this (to tell the truth, if the mage wants to attack with Battle Fury in Round 4, he can’t cast the fourth HoBS).
On the other side, it is quite difficult to lower the damage outcome of this build by focusing on either the conjurations or the gremlins. HoBS and ToL both absorb good amounts of damage in respect to their mana cost. Attacking gremlins is really horrible since they are cheap but have a nice defence and enough life and armor to survive a hit from a level 2-3 creature. And if the gremlin survives the HoBS is a really efficient way to heal them up (contrary to other forms of healing, there is no randomness involved in using HoBS).

To hopefully start a nice discussion, let me end with this:
My friend and I played many games via OCTGN and in RL against each other and against other players. We played against all common types of builds (e.g. solo-mage, swarm deck, curse deck, solo-mage temple deck, mana denial etc.), but we never came across a build that is a real threat for the one I discussed here. If you don’t believe me, try the opening I posted above and let me know how it worked ;).

I thought the temple of light is an epic card. Can't have more than 1..

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Kumanjaro Tactical Review
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:44:45 AM »
I like this release.

Played the Beast Mistress. Cool abilities. That Wound Marker is really cool. All small creatures hit hard with the Wound Marker. Her range +1 with the Hawkeye rocks.  Best strategy with her - mass swarm. The Dire wolf is so solid.

Haven't played the priest yet. But soon.

All the cards that came in the release - rocks..

The cards that I may not use much is the Makunda card and transfusion enchantment yet because they are very pricey to use. Overall I like the release a lot - too many good cards to use.

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:04:15 PM »

Adding life. Wow..

We already have a long game play with the normal life. We even cut our game life by half to speed the game up. This item will add more game time. Can't believe I will have to bring more dissolves or steal item. We may ban this item locally to speed up the game. If both mages play this, the game will not end in time.

At round 3 you have 3 more life. Normally aggressive play does start til round 2~3 so the opponent already has 2 to 3 additional life you have to worry about.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Warlord deck
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:57:34 AM »
Actually, Mind Control is Mind Mage only, so the Forcemaster is the only mage allowed to use MC so far.

I agree that 2 Knights of Westlock and Brogan are quite expensive to include. I'd probably include 1 Knight of Westlock, but I wouldn't run the Barracks and swarm option, so I'd have more room for other stuff anyway.

My win rate with Knights of Westlock for the Warlord is higher than without them with the current Warlord + Forcemaster + core set cards.

I can't wait til the promo of the light solider (mana cost of 8) comes out to improve my Warlord spellbook.
The troll will also be good because of all the defensive enchantment of the warlord.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Mana Curve
« on: May 20, 2013, 09:19:16 PM »
you may not be in range to cast jinx on turn one but that is one good strategy to do.  you could also throw down cards like force hold and tanglevine to keep them from moving as well.

Jinx is situational and I've used it successfully. Just note that it refunds the mana + it does not work on full cast. At turn 2 they can cast their biggest creature out or cast the most expensive spell to remove all magic or Mass sleep or something to that regards.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Warlord deck
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:41:41 AM »
In all my battles using the Warlord, the warlords deck is weak against sleep, mass sleep and mind control spells. I see in your deck a few characters I want to mind control :)

First thing who gets mind control is your sniper or gets puts to sleep.

The charge ability is really good with Warlord, normally used with Iron Golem put that with your helm of command.
For the cost of the Iron Golem, I normally swap him with a Knight of Westlock due to the slow ability really hurts the Iron Golem. He is very strong but normally he is teleported away. Now if you do charge + Knights of Westlock then you are hitting big. Also the Knights of Westlock are soldiers who benefits from your command spells.

MY Warlord spell book comes with  light soldiers (2 Knights of Westlock) + the legendary knight (3 piercing). I have more successes with the 3 knights combo above and I try to fit the others as long as I can afford the 3 knights above. Need to have counter spells to mind control and sleep.

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:17:42 AM »
Drain Soul pretty cool end game magic. Automatic 6 shift of life on end game.

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