[spoiler]Thank you DarthDadaD20.
Mage Wars is truly a labor of love. We made the game to satisfy our own need/desire to play a realistic Mage combat game. I have 3 older sons and we worked on it together. After we had about 20 college age guys hooked and playing regularly, we knew we had something we should bring to market.
Understood Sausageman! Trust me, all the playtesters, like Heatstryke above, are always pushing to remove excess mechanics, and keep the game streamlined.
We've been working on Mage Wars for over 5 years, and we have a lot of great stuff planned. We will be careful to not overwhelm too much at once, keeping new mechanics to a minimum. Here are a few tidbits of things to come:
We will have SWARM creatures (like swarms of bees, ants, and plague rats), which are interesting because when you attack them it only kills one creature in the swarm. SO they are very tough, except vs. zone attacks which are devastating.
The Illusionist uses face-down markers to track his creatures. Are they real or Illusionary? Her stronger illusions can fight and behave like a real creature. Should you waste a turn disbelieving the illusion? Her weaker Illusions just disappear the instant they take damage, but still provide a great decoy.
Some of the Necromancer's creatures feed off the dead, hatching new creatures inside the corpse, or turning them into Undead as well.
The upcoming Paladin has a suit of armor. The individual pieces are great, but it gains extra powers once he has the full suit in place. And yes, it is extra hard to destroy once its in place. He is an amazing front line fighter.
An Archmage may make it in time for Christmas this year - we'll see. He is powerful enough to take on 3 other Mages at one time.
A dungeon adventure mode where 3-4 Mages work together against the game, with multiple scenarios.
Thanks again for the wonderful support![/spoiler]
Holy crap, Info dump overload...
Many thanks for the insight, this is the kind of stuff to get excited over! =)