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Messages - Thessial

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General Discussion / Re: MW arena update 2020
« on: March 07, 2020, 08:38:33 PM »
Hello again folks,

So I am excited that I can finally share a little bit more. More importantly, I want to hear from you. We are in the initial stages of developing a new version. Certainly it is true that we want to broaden the player base with this, but we also want to have a game that gives that Mage Wars "feel". This means some things will be new, but backwards compatibility is a significant part of our discussions. Certainly we want to create some extended utility of the products that you already own, but as some have noted, excessive backwards compatibility can create design constraints that lead to unintended consequences and limitations.

On another front, the design stage of this project is being turned over to a committee of knowledgeable individuals with extensive experience in both Mage Wars and game design. This is different from previous Mage Wars as there was only ever one person driving the primary energy. The expectation is that this will lead to a better stream of products produced more regularly.

I hope all of this reaches you as positive information. Everything design-wise is still a possibility and we want to narrow much of this down in the next few months. All of this being said we are still looking at the master time tables and as we have better estimates, we will share them. It all depends how quickly we find that design that leads to the best version of Mage Wars that we can possibly make.

Finally, I said I wanted to hear from you and I am serious. Attached is a survey link from the design committee that met for the first time last week. Please be open minded. Nothing in it is written in stone, but we do want to make sure that we hear from those of you that have been around the Mage Wars block for a while. Please feel free to share the link with others that you know would be interested.


Thank you again for reading this. I hope we can bring something amazing to you.



General Discussion / Re: MW arena update 2020
« on: December 27, 2019, 09:26:56 AM »

I know it has been a while and I am grateful that you are still here. I hope we can post an official announcement soon, but we are turning over a new leaf and not making promises we can't keep. We have some new blood helping with all our projects and Mage Wars is a part of this. I can't make any concrete statements other than to say what we are looking at is definitely bigger than another Lost Grimoire. I genuinely hope our plans will warrant your excitement as much mine. I won't ask for more patience, because we have already taken more than we should have, but just know that real things are happening.

Thank you very much.


General Discussion / Re: So it's the 20th...
« on: November 25, 2013, 11:58:27 AM »

I wanted to let you know that I just heard back from our Distributor in your area. He said that the product is going out to Benelux today.

Hope this helps,


General Discussion / Re: So it's the 20th...
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:21:43 PM »

I will try to speak as far as I can on this issue. Unfortunately, once items reach Freight Forwarders in the US, that is the last point at which I can track things.

Product for Belgium left our warehouse on 11/9. After that it took 3 days to arrive at the Freight Forwarder. From this point the Freight Forwarder waits for approval to ship from the Belgium Distributor. Once approval is given and transit method is determined, the product then ships overseas by air or sea depending on the Belgium Distributors instructions. That can take between 1 and 3 weeks. I am afraid that is all I can offer at the moment. I am asking the Distributor when they expect to have the product and if I get an answer, I will let you know.

Thank you,


General Discussion / Re: Regarding the expansion pre-order
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:21:32 PM »
As long as the online retailers purchase their copies from our distributors, then they should receive the promo cards.



General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necromancer UK Pre-Order
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:19:03 PM »
Esdevium is receiving promo cards from us for the Druid Vs Necromancer expansion. As to when it ships in the UK, I can't speak for Esdevium. If you ordered direct from us, then yes you will get it sooner. Hope this helps.


General Discussion / Re: Preorder date
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:14:36 PM »
All those who preordered the Druid Vs Necromancer expansion will be receiving an emailing outlining when they can expect their copies. Without going into too much detail, I can say we will be keeping our Gencon promises.

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necromancer UK Pre-Order
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:39:19 PM »
Greetings Gents,

I have contacted our man at Esdevium in the UK. He is going to look into this for us. As soon as I have an answer, I will post that here.

Thank you,


General Discussion / Re: Index and Organized Spell Document
« on: August 05, 2013, 01:24:52 PM »

Requests are fine, just so long as you don't throw stones at us if we can't fulfill them.  :D

However in your case, I am trying to get more details on yours. Web-capable can also be thought of as Website embedded. So in theory if you can access these forums, you should have access to the database (when its ready).

Does that resolve your concern? If not please give me more details.

Thank you,


General Discussion / Re: Index and Organized Spell Document
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:35:48 PM »
To all,

Greetings and salutations. My apologies for not updating you fine folks sooner. You are correct in that we are working with Pixelgeek to create a web capable card database. In fact as I type this, the database is being populated right behind me. (Kumanjaro is done. Core and FvW are in process.) I don't have an expected date of completion yet, but we are putting a lot of pressure on getting this done as soon as possible. As soon as I have an ETA, I will be sure to post it! Thank you all for your patience. And Wiz-Pig, thank you very much for your enthusiasm and hard work. We appreciate it so much. You helped us see the importance of this project and getting it off the ground.



General Discussion / Re: The Eratta.
« on: July 19, 2013, 06:01:36 PM »
Is there some way in which loyal and stalwart existing owners of the game can get updated cards? I can see ALL SORTS of chaos occurring here, and I don't want marker pen on my cards...

That would be nice.

Greetings to all!

To answer the question, producing cards as a small single print run is beyond the budget. We are gamers after all and our salaries don't yet equal that of sports stars. However, we feel your pain. So here are our solutions to get accurate reprints out to you the dedicated many.

We have decided to make sure that reprints of the cards will appear in the next Expansion that has a Mage capable of benefiting from them. To be a little more clear, not Druid Vs. Necromancer, but an Expansion that we are looking at for the 2014 season. Now I have less patience than most and that just doesn't satisfy me fully. So...

We are going to post printable PDFs of the 3 modified cards in the Downloads section of our website later tonight. This will at least keep people from having to mark up their existing cards.

Hope this helps and thank you very much for supporting Mage Wars!


General Discussion / Re: Story points?
« on: July 16, 2013, 04:49:10 PM »
Story award points are part of the Organized Play Program. In order to play with them you need to have your local gaming store or local MW Ambassador order a kit. The kits come with promos as well.

Hope this helps,



I hear you. I was torn between an effective beginner book and keeping the cards so that you could make all the books at the same time. I will lean more towards the latter for Druid Vs Necro. Also I see and agree with your comments about the Tanglevines.

We look forward to seeing you in a month! If you are in the Indiana area, let me know and I will point you to the play groups I know of so you can get some games in.



It's on the boat! Hopefully it will get through the UK hurdles quickly and, with a little luck it should only be two weeks out for you.

Good Luck!


Greetings to all,

This was a mistake that got by me. There should be 3 Feral Bobcats (instead of 4) and 3 Thunderift Falcons (instead of 2). This will be corrected in the online rulebook (which should be up soon.)

Thank you for catching this!


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