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Messages - saradjen

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Re: # of spells allowed in spellbook / in game play?
« on: January 10, 2013, 07:38:06 AM »
Thanks PixelGeek!  I appreciate it.

Rules Discussion / # of spells allowed in spellbook / in game play?
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:47:27 PM »
On page 36 the rulebook states:

"Since each spell can be used only once during the game, you may want to include additional copies of key spells. You may include up to 6 copies of each Level 1 spell in your spellbook, and up to 4 copies of all higher-level spells."

Question - does "...can be used only once during the game..." mean until it is destroyed and then you can bring out another copy or does it mean only once played during the entire duration of the game?


On page 36 it also states that you can have up to 6 copies of 1st level spells in your spellbook and up to 4 for 2nd level and higher.  A little farther down it also says that you can only have 1 copy of Epic spells in your spellbook.  In the Codex area it states that you can only have 1 Legendary in play between the two players and only 1 Unique in play per person.

I don't have the cards in front of me at the moment as I am at work so I ask...

Question - How many Legendary and Unique cards can you have in your spellbook?  


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