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Messages - mythaphel

Pages: [1]
Mage Wars Academy / Re: New expansion
« on: November 22, 2016, 10:32:57 PM »
Necromancer would be great, my personal fav is Forcemaster. Please lets get both ported to Academy!

Mage Wars Academy / New expansion
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:46:03 PM »
I currently own the Academy base set as well as the Warlock and Priestess. Love Academy (I also own Arena but it takes hours to play, so it never comes out). Any of you guys know what other Academy expansions are planned and approx when they'll be released?

Mage Wars Academy / Re: Major Design Flaw(?)
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:40:08 PM »
Thanks guys,

Points taken. Maybe I need to change up the way I play and get a few more games under my belt.

Mage Wars Academy / Major Design Flaw(?)
« on: November 21, 2016, 02:31:53 AM »
I love this game but I've seen a major flaw in it. It would be great if some staff can pitch in and give me their opinion on this.

The problem
85% of the time you know who's going to win from the 1st regular round! (I am discounting the previous 2 rounds as they are just for setup.) The reason is simple. A game becomes very unbalanced, very quickly. Let's consider two players who's luck in dice-rolling and IQ are equal. By the end of the setup rounds both players will have roughly equally powerful cards in play. However, if during the 1st regular round, Player 1 happens to kill one of Player 2's creatures, Player 2 will be at a significant unrecoverable disadvantage for the rest of the game. And the gap will just keep growing exponentially. Main reason behind this is that if you have even one less creature out than the opponent, you are at a great disadvantage and must immediately go into the defensive - which then quickly takes you down a rabbit hole of defeat.

*This is also the reason why you don't see a lot of close games. Most games I've seen and played usually end up with a huge dmg difference between mages.*

Possible solution(?)
A rule that says something like "each of your creatures in play reduces your Channeling by 1" (almost like an upkeep cost). So, for example, someone with multiple creatures out channels less mana than someone with no creatures out, allowing the player with no creatures the chance to get back into balance with his opponent and at least giving him hope to continue playing.

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