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Messages - psychojoe

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Re: Looking for clarifications
« on: November 07, 2012, 11:20:29 AM »
Thanks for the responses guys, looks like we were playing battle fury and poison gas cloud wrong! And sorry for not trying search Shadow, it was late and I totally didn't even think of checking.

General Questions / Looking for clarifications
« on: November 07, 2012, 12:59:06 AM »
I'm looking for clarification on a couple of things -

If a creature has something on it that gives it melee +X it only receives the bonus for the first attack it makes in a turn, correct? And that applies to both the extra attack from battle fury and the extra attacks from a double/triplestrike? And what about things that reduce the number of attack dice, such as aegis or weak counters? Do they only apply to the first attack or do they apply to each strike?

The codex states that flying creatures fly "above and out of reach of conjurations". I assume this applies to walls, but does it also apply to poison gas cloud? And would I be correct in assuming that conjurations that affect the entire arena (such as Deathlock or Tooth and Nail) do affect flyers?

I'm also unsure about how push works. The codex states a normal push has to be one zone away from the source of the push, unless the card states otherwise. Force Push states it is in the direction of the caster's choice, can this also be toward the caster (a pull)? I assume it really means any direction but would like clarification. So now let's say I'm casting jet stream and i hit the push on the D12. If I'm in the corner of the arena and the target is in the next zone along the wall do I have to push him farther away along the wall or can I push him into the middle of the arena (since this is technically one zone away from the source). Or could I push him into the wall, or would I need a force push for that?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm showing some people how to play tomorrow and I want to make sure I have everything right!

General Discussion / Re: Knockdown
« on: October 06, 2012, 10:57:32 AM »
Quote from: "Pearsecj" post=1807
As the target is incapacitated,only until the start of it's next action phase, does that mean it still gets to act normally. If so is the only effect ,to make the target unable to guard,etc. until it next activates?

I believe you are correct, or at least that's how I've been playing it. This card comes in handy if you want to make some attacks on Fellella or Huginn as they lose flying and their defense when incapacitated.

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