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Messages - Nitz

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Custom Cards / Re: Dresden
« on: April 08, 2013, 11:54:20 AM »
Wouldn't that just be a fire based Wizard?  I think you could build one that sorta felt like Dresden, and I"m not sure how one based on him (IP's aside) would be much different that that.  He could use the Alpha Wolf as Mouse, get a staff, hurl fire, etc.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How to use Goblin Builders
« on: March 27, 2013, 02:50:51 PM »
It would seem to me that having at least one in your book would be worth it.  It's one more mana than a grunt, and the attack isn't that much worse.  If you are spamming grunts, he'll do almost as well.  Further, if you are boosting  your grunts, your boosts will help him as well.   To me, he's worth the inclusion for those rare times you might need him.  If you've got excess mana, or if you don't want/or can't  venture your mage to an area of the board, he can go and cast those caltrops, walls, or garrisons.  If you don't need him for, he's a card that stays in your spellbook or gets used in a pinch if you need more weenies.  1 extra mana for a cast and 1 less dice on attack seem worth his potential utility.  

would I include more than one... doubtful.  As others have said, multiple builders only seem good for their healing ability, which isn't that good.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord vs. Flying
« on: March 27, 2013, 12:28:47 PM »

care to elaborate with an example? I think you raise an interesting point about the Warlord's potential play style.  His named characters seem to have different functions based on the situation.  I'd be very interested on how you see him adjust to one mage versus another.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord vs. Flying
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:12:06 PM »
Great discussion guys.  Thanks, and keep it up if you want!

A couple things:

I've seen quicksand on offer, and while I like that card, it does not work against flying.  That is my understanding, unless I am wrong.

I've thought about binding teleport to a wand, which seems really good b/c it costs so much to go in the deck.  The issue seems to me though that your opponent can simply dissolve the wand, and the teleport is gone.  I can't see carrying two of those for 18 points, so isn't it better to keep teleport in your book?  You only get one use, but at least you have it when that one use is really necessary.

I need to do some more thinking about the bow vs. the staff.  I'm shocked the warhammer is two handed WITHOUT reach.  

I want to give some more thoughts to the knights of westlock.  I've been mulling them over.  THey are pricey but sure do have a lot more beef than the gobbos.

Strategy and Tactics / Warlord vs. Flying
« on: March 25, 2013, 02:48:08 PM »
Hey guys,

Got my first game with the warlord yesterday.  Had a rough time fighting the Warlock.  Admittedly, it was my first game with the Warlord, which presented 2 problems.  The first being the obvious problem of not having any experience with him, the second being that my "starter" spell book didn't have a lot of spells I was accustom to having at my disposal.

That being said, I felt very underwhelmed with the warlord.  I have no doubt this is 99.9% user error, an this is not a post to suggest the warlord is underpowered nor broken.  I just thought I'd relay my thughts and see if you guys had some tips on how to fix my strategy and tactics.  

I felt very mana starved.  Again, a big issue was no harmonize in my deck.  My firs turn i put out a barracks and a archer's tower.  After that, i went for a slinger and a enchantment, but I felt very strapped from that point on.  It didn't help that the warlock used fire to smoke my archer's tower earlier, and thus hurt my mana draw.  So fire was tough on my structures, and perhaps might make me change that strategy against the warlock or a fire wizard.  Another tough issue for me was once my opponent deployed the big beastie demon.  Other than Hurl Boulder, i didn't have many answers for him.  My warlord was powerless against him.  I did make a huge mistake and move out of the zone with my goblin slingers.  he then did a sweeping attack and smoked them.  I'm not sure if fortified position would have helped, but leaving them alone was a mistake.  at that point, he had a big beasty, a fully kitted warlock, and I had a warlord and barracks, and low levels of mana.  From there, he just ground me down.  

In the future, I think tweeking the deck will help for sure, as will expeirence to avoid my mistakes.  A harmonize, teleport, and bow would help I think.  I also wonder if bringing a couple flying troops might help the warlord.  I know they aren't soliders, but the ability to get over his stone walls, pikes, and caltrops seems to be decent, as well as providing some anti flying tech.  I also know the sniper can help, but he's a lot of mana.

Any ideas from you guys on what works, or how  you'd tweek the spellbook?  I know there are other threads, so let me be more specific

does a fire build from your oppoent change your structure strategy?
Is flying a problem for your warlord?  How do you deal with it?
Which of the special charaters are worth taking? Surely all four is too many for a deck right?
any new discoveries on playing a better warlord?

I have no doubt he's pretty good.  I just think his win conitions are not as obvious, which I like.  I'd like to poke around with my old Nintendo Ice Hockey strategy of only taking skinny (cheap) and Fat (expensive) guys and leave all the medium (orcs, dwarves) at home.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Using Attack Spells as the Warlord
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:22:25 PM »
How do  you deal with Flying Nasty's (big angels and Demons) without the boulder?  I played the Warlock the other day, and the Boulder's where my only chance once he got that big dawg demon on the table.

I would think boulders would be crucial just for that.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sacrificed on the Altar of Awesomeness
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:56:53 PM »
Also, is this a good way to get rid of creatures if you're paying a having mana tax on them from Wizard Shennanigans?  Seems like a legit way to drop the tax and get some benefit from it.

General Discussion / Re: Online
« on: March 22, 2013, 11:45:48 AM »
thanks guys!

General Discussion / Online
« on: March 20, 2013, 02:19:59 PM »
Am I correct in my assumption that this currently no way to play Mage Wars Online?

If not, I know there are a myriad of reasons why this would be tough for the company and not a priority.  I just wanted to make it known that were this to become a reality, I would gladly pay for it.  Nothing fancy, just a way to play the game as is.  My main opponent, my brother, is a missionary Priest in Russia, and if we had a way to play this game together, it'd be amazing.

I'm not suggesting that it's worth it so I can battle my brother, but I am curious if the community as a whole feels they would play this game online or if it they wouldn't be that keen to play it that way.  Don't get me wrong, I'd rather play it in person, but...

General Discussion / Re: What do I need?
« on: March 18, 2013, 02:40:52 PM »

if you are both pulling from the same pool of cards, then it will make it fair as well.  My brother and I are very competative, especially with each other.  With each of us building different mages, it wasn't an issue.  The few cards we both wanted, we simply split up and since we both had the same limits placed on us, it worked out just fine.

Strategy and Tactics / Warlord
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:59:29 PM »
Have seen some posts on the Forcemaster, but nothing really on the Warlord.

Anybody have any insight or tactics they've liked with this guy so far?  I know it's early days, but I'm hoping to live vicariously through some of you.

General Discussion / Re: Is the Warlock the weakest Mage?
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:29:51 AM »
I think the issue with the Warlock is when you compare him to the three mages at the same time, he seems inferior.  Everyone does something he does better, or at least more effeciently.  As you've said, his spell list of dark and fire is really good, but not as good as the Wizard who can take Fire and Arcane, or Lightning and Arcane (if you believe that is better).  He can buff a pet, but not as well as the Beastmaster, who can buff and get pets out faster.  He has a high starting life and some ability to do damage for heal, but nowhere near as effeciently as the priestess can heal.  These are all true, and certainly make him feel a little under loved at first blush.  However, if you compare him to each mage individually, in my mind you start to see where he shines.

For example, the beastmaster does some really nice stuff with his creatures, but the Warlock can buff a creature too, just not as well.  On the other hand, his ability to take fire spells for 1/3 of the cost of a beastmaster is huge, and goes a long way towards dealing with the beastmasters weenie rush as well.  Against the mage, Arcane may be more useful than Dark, but I would suggest he get's more use out of arcane spells too.  I'd rather teleport my 9 dice rolling Warlock into combat with your mage than my slow hydra who cost me a full cast and 16 mana, at that point paying 4 to put it in my deck holds a value at least equal to the mages deck cost of 2.  Same could be said for a spell like nullify that can protect the Lash of Hellfire, which to me is way more valuable than any Wizard equipment i put out, even the elemental wand.  Further, volteric shield and +1 mana channel are really nice, but I really enjoy +1 innate melee die as well and think it is on par with the shield when you consider the wizard is trying to move around and not get hit and the warlock is usually trying to get in people's faces.  Plus, the shield is 3 mana and can be avoided, or even under utilized if he's plinked by a small attack.  It's great, but I don't think it's leagues above the innate _+1 melee dice.  Versus the priestess, the warlock has mulitiple ways to shut down her healing, which can negate one of her best assets.  She has no way to reciprecate and shut down his primary asset of damage dealt, other than to cast healing, which as I've said, can be shut down.  He has the extra life (equal to a minor heal +) so he can shut down healing early and win an attrition battle, or heal right before shutting heals off for the game as a late game move.  Could a priestess also shut off healing, yes, would that be stupid on her part, unless it was the extreme end game, yes.  

So from my limited perspective, what i see is this.  the Warlock when compared to the rest of the game seems to be second fiddle to other mages, however, I would suggest he is the second best at what the other mages are best at.  Therefore, while his innate abilities might be lacking when you look at certain aspects across the whole game, when you compare mages one to one, he is very strong becuase he's good at that mages strength, but also better than them at those other areas to.  Also, I would suggest this is true without having to change his build up much.  

on a quick aside, I love the imagery of lighting, and I think your point to the effects is a good one.  however, I would point out it's a lot easier to get  a burn effect to go off than it is stun, and in my mind the effects would rank thus  daze < Burn 1 < burn 2 < Stun.  So for me, that balances out, but if you put daze above burn 1, then fair enough.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Wizard vs. Priestess...
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:08:23 AM »
Replayed this match-up again, with some slightly retooled decks.   I also tried to follow some of the tips on here, as well as some of my observations from the last game.

He turtled up again in his corner.  I added the 1 cost falcons, and this was a really nice addition.  I stole a bear strength enchanment and went after his clerics.  It still took me a few turns to get there, but getting that Temple/Cleric combo shut down was key.  I didn't kill the Temple, but it only getting one Mana a turn was much better than three.  I also dropped my spawnpoint much closer to him.  We went back and forth with a little damage, and he was still getting some good creatures out.  Eventually, the threw up a wall to keep my Gorgon and Hydra from getting to him.  I had picked a teleport for just such an occasion, and teleported him into the kill zone.  There, my Gorgon and Hydra pounded him.  I also dropped a poisen blood (with Nullify) to prevent healing.  He fled, but not far enough away from the mighty Thunderbolt.  Game over, win for the Wizard.  Good thing too, b/c I was almost dead.  

what I learned from this battle:

The kill zone idea is great.  Set up your creatures, then teleport him into the kill zone so your slow creatures can get him

Poisen blood is crucial on the priestess.  So is a nullify to protect it.  I waited until late game, on a turn he activiated her first and had no hidden enchantments on her.  I then dropped both on her.  From then on, I made sure to have another nullify in hand incase he tried to clear her poisened blood off, and thus used up my nullify.  He did, so I reapplied nullify to keep her health down

Don't underestimate Essence Drain.  making him pay 2 mana didn't seem like much to me at first, but consider dropping 2 mana crystals costs 10 mana, and only provides an additional 2 mana a turn.  That's a nice investment going forward, and if he clears it off, that's less clearance for the debuffs you want to put on his priestess or big angels

General Discussion / Re: Lower Starting Life: Tried it?
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:24:26 AM »
You guys are right.

My brother and I played a second "Full" game last night and it clocked in at 90 minutes, and that was with totally reworked decks that we were somewhat unfamiliar with.  Man, what a great game you guys have produced.  Sorry for gushing, but It really is a blast to play.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Wizard vs. Priestess...
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:16:05 AM »
I played this match-up last night and got smoked.  Reading over piousflea's advice, this seems like some really good ideas that I wish I had seen prior to the game.  I think the biggest issue, as others have said, is that the Wizard takes a more skilled and suavy approach, and I lack both right now.

I felt like I was constantly behind on mana the whole game.  His temple was able to pump out creatures at will, and he always seemed to have a large chunk of mana to bring out what he wanted.  I got the bird shot down early as I couldn't make a defense roll at all.  This was careless, but I really didn't know how to play him I guess as using him to cast incantations usually means putting him in harms way.  I think I was too aggressive.  He camped in his starting corner while I moved up diangnol to him, putting myself two spaces away.   I had hoped to direct damage him, put he kept rolling well on his effect dice, and I felt like my wizard spent most the game stunned or at least dazed.  My best move of the game was teleporting his legendary angel 2 spaces away so he couldnt' attack me that round, but that was a small reprieve.  I had hopes to teleport my hydra into his grill, but that didn't work out well.  I'm guess my big issue was not moving around enough.  I kind of set up shop and tried to take him out.  Like I said, it felt like each turn I started with 15 mana and he had upper 20's  Not sure why, though he was casting very few spells with his priestess.

things I did learn though:

* I need to get in and blow up his creature factory (temple/clerics)
* teleport is really good, really, really good for a lot of things
* "Slow" creatures combined with the beef of the Gate of Voltari (sp?) means that should be cast much closer to the enemy mage
* I dont' understand how to use my creatures very well.  I felt very outclassed, an not just by his angels.  
* I think the wizard is probably best sticking and moving, instead of just setting up shop.
* One big heal would go a long way to helping my out if I do get in a jam.

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