« on: July 25, 2014, 04:38:56 PM »
Hi All,
I have seen many posts regarding the number of certain cards included in the core sets and expansions that have come out since. I am one of those players who keeps multiple spellbooks prepared because I am usually the one supplying the game and introducing new players. It can therefore become annoying facing the lack of certain core cards (I'm looking in your direction dispel and disolve).
My comment is this. When a new expansion comes out and the rulesheet has a listing of the suggested cards to use as a basic spellbook utilizing a new mage, would it not be possible to include a copy of all the necessary cards? It would be a huge help, especially for new players wanting to get into the game. Rather than immediately investing in the core box, they could purchase an expansion and could get right into the game. For those of us who have been playing for a long time and have all the expansions, I know there are plenty of us out there who would not say no to having more copies of certain basic cards. I mean lets face it, I have 12 spellbooks, why would I not want to have them all loaded and ready to go!
I have seen arguments about how you can put a place holder in the spellbook and then swap out the cards you require from another spellbook, but I find that a bit of an annoyance when you are trying to do it on the fly with limited time to play. I would even love to see another "Core Spells" set that offers up another collection of previously printed (but universal and incredibly handy) spells. Things like, dispel, disolve, block, regrowth belt, minor heal, retaliate, just to name a few.
Has anyone from Arcane Wonders commented on this possibility yet?