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Messages - jacksmack

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 72
Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:39:23 AM »
How do you guys place a wall of stone to block LOS if the ToL is placed like this:




Placing a single wall blocks a maximum of 2 Zones, and it does not block ANY zone that holds other temples (asyra or Hands)

Also to those who wants to spend 6 mana on teleport (getting priest to enemy side of wall) and 7 mana on (a single i assume) wall of stone which totals 13 mana.... how do you after spending 2 actions get that BIG attack off that is supposedly going to punish the priestess for her temple build?

Getting both wall and teleport off in 1 turn requires QC and action marker from mage which in returns give the priestess the option to move (hindered i guess) 1 zone away so a possible grizzly wont get a full action attack off. Plus She will have saved her Hands to buff her with 3 armor most likely so a quick attack will average 3-4 damage depending on what big creature ur using.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The best defense is a good offense
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:35:42 AM »
Harmonize cannot be used on Crystals.
Not that was not my intention with the sentence - its missing something

When you summon a mana crystal, use harmonize "or cast a spawnpoint" you get the mana increase so its ready to USE the turn after.
Big difference imo.

General Questions / Re: Charm and Passage Attacks
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:40:05 AM »
Reading the Forums, I've ascertained that "Controller" on charm means your mage. This means that the creature can still attack your creatures and vice versa without breaking the Charm. However, would having your mage Push the creature through a Wall with a Passage Attack break the Charm? The Push isn't actually an attack and isn't what does the damage, the Wall is what attacks and damages the creature....So I'm assuming its safe to do this without breaking your charm, but I'd like to be sure.

Add bashing to this.

There might be a difference. I would consider the damage from bashing breaking the charm whereas damage from a wall with attack trait not so.

Rules Discussion / Re: Drain Life and surplus damage
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:39:29 AM »
search for
can "death link" heal for more then target has.

In the last post they mention that death link let's you heal for more then targets health and because of that it does not have the "vampiric" type.
Cool, thanks a lot! Thought I had searched already, but here's the thread:


So how does Death Link work together with Death Lock?

The warlock heals 2 damage because Death link acts as a transfer of damage and thus doesnt count as a regular heal, then target creature recieves 2 damage

The warlock heals 2 damage, but because of Death Lock its 0 damage healed.  Then target creature recieves 2 damage.

Death link doesnt work when death lock is in play because the warlock cannot heal and no heal = no damage.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:48:55 PM »
OK I understand the wording if the rule now. so the only way to get piercing on multiple attacks is to use tooth and nail and use whirling strike on an animal. that will get piercing on every attack. since t&n is only persistent piercing and only effects animals.(a serpent isn't an animal apparently)

thats how i understand the reply in that threat as well.
Tbh im disapointed that piercing strike didnt Work better,

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 23, 2013, 09:04:10 PM »

So, the Piercing applies to the very next attack, not a full attack action of multiple attacks.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 23, 2013, 08:25:31 PM »
Piercing Strike:

Target's NeXT melee attack gains the Piercing +3 trait.

It is only the first hit that gains this.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Reel 'em in!!!
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:33:36 PM »
try adding a piercing strike to the combo. unlike +melee, +piercing effects every double/triple strike. so you can reduce the armour by 3. best thing is they will likely leave an armoured creature next to hydra because they think its useless. reduce there armour by 3 then see who's useless now. and as a novice spell and 2 mana you can safely spam these on mage or bird. very few creatures have more then 3 armour. note do this combo once and hope you pack some dispel because an agony is coming.

piercing strike only Works for the first hit in tripple strike.

League / Tournament Play / Re: How expensive is competitive play?
« on: June 23, 2013, 05:39:21 PM »

I can't think of any card I would need 6 copies of. Heck, I can't even think of a time where I run 4 of one card.


Teleport is lvl 2 maximum 4 is allowed.

Get core, core tome 1, core tome 2 and Forcemaster vs beastmaster.
Now you are able to make ATLEAST 2 spellbooks in whatever way you like. The only exception is Hand of Trololol. If both books need that, use another Card like Archer Tower to replace HoB.

The current direction future expansions seems to be taking atm is that you only have to buy one to get proper amount of copies. (This seems right to me i might add).

I actually think Mage wars is rather cheap compared to what other new games cost - and here im not even considering the replayability, the unlimited custimization and the genereal awesomeness of the game.
I even played with one of my non-gamer friends recently and when he asked about the Price he was surprised of how cheap it was because he could see how well balanced the game was and the endless possibilities.

Rules Discussion / Re: Fireshaper Ring and Explode // Hellfire Trap
« on: June 22, 2013, 05:57:31 PM »
Well... it doesnt make sense that forcefield stops damage from your armor when it explodes... Forcefield Works before defense so it stops attacks before they get close to u... explode is in your face.

Rules Discussion / Re: Fireshaper Ring and Explode // Hellfire Trap
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:11:11 PM »
Maybe im confusing it with drain life.

Rules Discussion / Re: Fireshaper Ring and Explode // Hellfire Trap
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:45:42 AM »
@Jacksmacks I really really doubt that the pronoun he in that instance was meant to imply that only male mages can gain that benefit.

ofc not. dawnbreaker ring says he as well.

Rules Discussion / Re: Fireshaper Ring and Explode // Hellfire Trap
« on: June 21, 2013, 05:30:46 AM »
also stuff like forcefield and defenses cannot stop explode and Hellfire trap. (iirc)

Strategy and Tactics / Re: The best defense is a good offense
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:25:38 AM »
"if you summon creatures" that's what I ment by ideal case.

temple 10 mana 1 channel. now each cleric is 5 mana and can add channel by 1. so they are effectively a mana crystal.
 the clerics psy them selves of in 5 turns and a temple and 2 clerics take 8 turns total to pay off (clerics pay themselves off before boosting temple).

the most efficient (reliable) spawn point booster is archers tower and garrison post. at 4 mana for 1 channel they pay off in 4 turns while still granting other buffs (quite possibly his trade for no arcane Chanel abilities).

 of course in the most ideal scenario gate of voltari and pentagram are the best but you can't control the mana you get.

man I should print a thesis on the amount of excel info I got

I consider Clerics to have repaid themselves in 6 turns simply because they put mana in the action phase rather than the upkeep. While the temple summons in the ready stage.

Turn 1:
QC Temple and FC cleric.
Turn 2:
only 1 mana on temple during ready stage - temple cannot summon anything as min 2 is required.
cleric puts mana on temple that can be used in ready stage round 3.

When you summon a mana crystal, use harmonize you get the mana increase so its ready to USE the turn after.
Big difference imo.

Rules Discussion / Re: Fireshaper Ring and Explode // Hellfire Trap
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:35:13 AM »
Fireshaper ring says:
"Mage gains the Melee +1 and Ranged +1 traits for all attacks he makes that deal flame damage."

From this we can see that the priestess and the forcemaster and a possible future warlock lady will not benefit from this ring.

Oh... and both explode and hellfire trap are not attacks so they dont get the bonus.
Also they specificly say that they themselves do the attack - not the mage. Ring says "when mage".
No bonus.

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